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Everything posted by ZippyDSMlee

  1. Mmmmm wouldn't that be referencing attack speed and not projectile speed?
  2. Anyway to setup a script that changes the speed of projectiles based on what is in a list? Or just changes any/all projectile speeds without having to be item specific? What I would like to do is run a script that looks at stuff in a list and applies a change of speed to it be it player or NPC. Tho I assume changing the the individual items would be more efficient. ><
  3. I know one has already been made but they are no longer trying to add to it thought I might dump some thoughts here,yes I have tried WAAD by tonycubed2 and its a bit glitchy. Okay have a 1000(for cheap low end stuff) 5000(for middle items such as steel/elven/orc) 10000(dwarf/deaderic/special) scale setup to detonate 1-9 condition on items to determine prices/armor and damage ratings, try to have it so you can hold up to 99 items of the same type so mabye item name, dash ,condition amount, dash number in the name of the weapon they do not stack persay as much as you can hold 20 daggers with the same name only they have 1-20 last on their names. For armor when you are attacked damage is done based on the rating of the armor. Damage is randomly applied to a piece of armor you are wearing unless you can script location damage. Weapons can incur 10% damage to self on attack/use or do things based off armor rating maybe 25% of the armor rating is used to calculate damage to the weapon. Repair items and options at merchants would be needed. Mabye setup a script that scans and tells a merchant just what you have for sell to ensure you can see all the crap you got when you ask what they have for sale. If you can not do stuff based off armor rating or HP numbers (not percentage) Then you would need to classify the items into categories and randomize damage based on their class, can you scan for critical hits in this one? ALl the critcal hit script stuff I tried in NV did not work it had to be random, if you can track critical hits then a critical hit dose double damage to armor and half damage for weapons. I wonder if you can script it to look for bow/sword/,steel,iron,leather,axe,ect in the item name and apply the sciprt then have a black list of items it skips(like ingots and such) . Now to remove the script you have a turn off function like wearing an item or you MCM option. But this might not save any equipment you have so make the chests at inns and such useable when you rent a room, the chest will activate and can be used to store stuff, or you could do a item that will save the equipment that's on you then disable the mod and it will remove all items it changed, unless you can make it so you do not need any of this and it just saves all equipped items into a list. If you can do all that then maybe you can do extras like slower degrade on fine items, have repair like items where you can add up to 50% condition that raises ratings up to 25% or do them at one of the crafting devices, this is based on skill/perks of course. Once working you can do a MCM script that lets you adjust things. Ya I know not going to happen not with my lackluster skill at least and most have moved on and something dose work kinda, still thought I'd share..
  4. Thanks that helped some, help'd me understand the new options in the skyrim editor. I managed to make a simple quest that runs a spell that works on sneak+moveemnt. BUT I’d like more, one is you can buy “preks” on sneak skill level of 30,75 and 100 that reduces the drain by 25,50 and 90%. Buying preks would probably be something like you find a sneak trainer and they have a purchase option where you can buy the prek for coin but only if you have the skill requirements. For the preks the only way I can think of is make a regen stamina spell that reduces/counter reacts the drain stamina spell. >< To start off how would I make a perk that can be bought? I’ve never added the ability to buy stuff to a person who has dialog options. So far I have 2 separate spells one for run+sneak and one for walk+sneak . It drains fine on run+sneak but if I strafe while walk+sneak it does not drain 0-o ============ edit Added a stamina bonus(fortify sneak constant) of 20 set to getstaminapercentage >= 1.0 Then added damage sneak(moded damage health constant) of 50 set to <= 1.0 That should do the bonsues I'll tweak it some more but how do I check sneak values in game? ====== How dose one make damage sneak? I'd like to do 50 points to sneak on stamina failure when sneaking For the magic effect acc item sneak(should this be sneak mod or sneak power mod?), recover,detrimental,constant effect, effect archetype value, casting type constant effect. For the spell in effect modifier is 0.50, duration 10, getstaminapercentage <=2 Something like that? I think this will have to be a script I'm not getting anywhere....uhg...
  5. Anyone make it? It would be a bit beyond me to make but it seems doable since someone scripted energy cells to slowly drain when using night vision/detect life. I do not think it would be as simple as applying a drain stamina enchantment during sneak as it might have to take less than 1 point per second.
  6. Thats the one I used and it glitched on me was not able to sell unknown items and when they were known you could have a couple of them. I do not know if that last part was a performance issue or not. One could make it so the scanned items stack via adding a number up to 99 should do the trick but something so simple should have already been thought of so I would assume its a performance issue or something. But that was least of the issues not being able to sell all the crap I get from bandits really killed me. And I ran it last on my load order to make sure it ran without issue.
  7. No I am saying it could have easily been better, there is a difference. Only to a point then it becomes to cumbersome to use had to start over since item degradation messed up and I could not sell all the extra equipment I found and when I turned it off to took my equipment with it. There is just no effective way to do it. As for the rest they kinda fix things kinda.
  8. Seems very interesting but I have sneak tools and lock overhaul I wonder if they will conflict with it.
  9. Like randomize the location of the sweet spot and make the sweet spot smaller and have skill play a role in how hard it is?
  10. Well I played a lot of new Vegas the last year so I have a love and hate thing with equipment conditions, like the hardcore mode in NV they could have left item conditions in Skyrim just had it off by defualt. I really hate they dumbed the game down so much its kinda silly since its so easy to turn stuff off by default. I still do not see why they dumped athletics and acrobatics just have them govern movement speed and jump height and nothing else. Even if I get hung on particulars I still think Bethseda could have done alot more but like with most AAA devs they won't because its not the standard of cocaine snorting corporate incompetence the whole industry follows... I know I am er... dim to bring what I know of other games into a game but it seems like a no brainer but AAA devs are bad about living in a vacuum and that just pisses me off when they screw things over or refuse to patch the damn bugs like on Batman AO. No wonder indie development is gaining ground. The more I play skyrim the more I can comment on it but I have not gotten to my 2nd dragon yet, there is alot to do at least but sheesh the game is to easy even on legendary. Had to cut the regen rate down by 85%, halved the rate at which skills grow and its still kinda going up too fast. They should know to add more options so people can adjust the game to their taste even if it breaks the game the game is practically broken anyway. I got mixed feelings on what to do with FO4 I waited a long time on skyrim but I like modding FO4 so I might get it early if Skyrim was better I would not have so many doubts about their next game >< Its rambling time! ><
  11. Okay since Skyrim is so oversimplified before I get any further in it recommend me the better Alchemy and enchanting mods.I want as lore friendly as you can get without being silly(ya says the guy who makes silly mods lulz). Whats the better arrow/bolt enchanting mod I hear Enchanted Arrows and Bolts is a tad buggered.
  12. Is there a mod that adds more randomly generated equipment like diablo??
  13. I have project nevada not WME. Everything worked fine till a few days ago. My modded stuff works fine that's a vanilla weapon or a PN weapon...
  14. I know I am way late on the game but meh LOL So far it’s a bit too simplified what really gets me is they could have made the degradation system from previous games shine by making an item go up to 500% normal condition. At 200+ it becomes fine , at 350+ it becomes very fine and degrades slower at 450%+ it becomes legendary doing double damage and degrades much much slower. Of course to get it up there you will need to dice roll against your skill level on the sharpening stone and that will only take it up to 150% beyond that you must temper to open percentage cap by 150% then sharpen it again for another 150 in order to get it up to 500% you have to forge it yourself. All the while on fail rolls for sharpening or tempering you degrade the item and its max percentage. Skill should be 10=5% so 100=500% Repair could be its own skill that you can do repairs on any item up to 200% 10=2% or something, you could have it so the consumables to repair stuff degrades so you do not need to carry half your weight in hammers. Heck enchanting could be done in the same way IE have a 2 or 3 step pass/fail process to make better items to enchant then a 2 or 3 step pass/fail process to increase the magic power and charge max. Once you learn whatever its added to your list and you can either do the pass/fail mini game(sharpening based on balancing the weapon that randomly becomes unbalanced the higher your skill level the easier it is to balance it, tempering is a color game or have a vertical temp bar with a line in the middle and when you heat the weapon it will go up and down and you want to quench it when it stabilizes near the middle line, skill level makes the process easier both can degrade the weapon instead of rising its condition) or just make it via the list with a general pass/fail roll that might break/degrade or raise condition . I do not care for having the list show me everything that’s assbackwards you should have a list of LEARNED stuff and what is not grayed out you can make. I kind like the lockpick minigame I just wish it was more random, IE sweet spots are more random from lock to lock and instant breaking is more random. Lockpicks had a pressure gauge so you could be more gentle with them. I wish skill played a much bigger role in picking forget the skill requirements you can pick anything at any time the trick is you have a 1-100% chance within 1-10 picks to pick a lock, so 1% chance on 10 lockpicks things will take awhile to unlock LOL Combat is a bit better love how bows work now tho maybe need to add location damage. The prek system is nice but I miss stats/atts and acrobatics ;_; I wonder how a perk system would work if you spent current skill points on the perk IE drain skill level to buy preks, if your skill level drops the less potent you are with that skill,ect.
  15. So you can't take an AI package/actor base from something else, edit them and have them use a deathclaw model, then add a couple shoulder mounted miniguns or replace the arm/hands with them on the model? Sure it might not animate right but it should be plausible.
  16. Anyone make death calls with dual mini guns? Maybe make them independent and shoot while the beast can move and strike at you or something I dunno its late and I can not sleep.... LOL
  17. Can someone check the EMP bullets (any weak emp bullet and any strong emp bullet since they all lead back to the same explosion files) and see if its working with a emp blast on mine it's stuck with a poison explosion and I am so confused since I changed it twice and it still doing a poison explosion 0-o You can buy most types at goodsprings or the gun runners. http://zippyswild.net/zippylabs/public_html/Zippyfiles/zippylabsallammobeta.rar Thanks for any and all help. ================= Found it, it was the 10MM projectile pointing to the wrong thing. ><
  18. Ah sorry it was so specific I didn't think it would need one. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/zippydsmlee/ScreenShot10_zps6f30a146.jpg
  19. So making this light saber thingy I found wearing certain helmets/visors it becomes pink. I changed the under layer to red and that did not seem to help. In third person its pure red. If I have to change the hue any I will have to rebuild the glow ring due to having to change each vector color or whatever so its not easy to change the glow ring hue ;_; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v632/zippydsmlee/ScreenShot8_zpsefa394dc.jpg ============= EDIT I figured it out alpha was to high........
  20. One of my custom weapons texture went wonky on me (picked up the texture around it,ect) so I relinked the DDS and its working now but the vanilla hunting rifle with scope is messed up I am unsure what to do, are the bsa damaged should I replace/reinstall? The rest of the weapons and my weapons are fine.
  21. Looks like I will need both. Default should not change anything thus skytweak should be left untouched. Thanks the only thing left(after locks overhual mod,skyrim birds mod,revamped magic perk mod,sky ui, bandoliero/bag mod ) is to make the disease debuffs twice as bad a shame you can't make people dislike you for being diseased but I guess thats asking to much LOL. I'm kinda crazy I want the game harder but not uber realistic, FONV hardcore mode drove me to drinking due to the eating/drinking every other day thing 0-o LOL
  22. Can you remove the caps and slow skill point gain with skytweak?
  23. Is there a mod that slows down skill point gain so you level more slowly?
  24. So has anyone tried unpacking the sound files applying gain or normalization then using them lose or repacked? The fixes I've used so far(Stereo Volume Fix Seperate or changing sound output to 5.1) just do not raise the volume enough.
  25. ZOMG THE SACK IT SPREADS!!!!! LOL Thanks I'll see what I can do on my end.
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