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Everything posted by ZippyDSMlee

  1. Ya but I want them to be knocked back pretty far can you do that with the crit enchantment?
  2. I'm trying to make a missile that always knocks back a target (not based on radius damage). So far it seems to only work on unaware targets 0-o scn zippymissilefistKnockdownScript Begin ScriptEffectStart ref rTarget set rTarget to GetSelf Player.PushActorAway rTarget 104 End
  3. Is there any simple way to make a enchantment that reduces a targets speed(making frost bullets)? Need something that works with radius. I could make a impact script but need help with the code.
  4. Never hurts to put it away for a time and then tinker with thoughts then over haul it if you are up to it.
  5. I did some cutting and pasting in blender now I am trying to recall the steps it takes to import the mesh into the game. I recall cutting and pasting from 2 nifscope windows(new nif and original weapon nif)....but that's it.Theres also cleaning some strips I just barely recall. edit I am missing a step somewhere it works fine in nifscope but crashes geck 0-o ===================== edit Rebuilt it a couple times. I can edit it in geck but in game you can not pick it back up nor move it if you drop it 0-o http://www.zippyswild.net/zippylabs/public_html/Zippyfiles/zippylabs-plasmasniper-archive.rar
  6. THANK YOU!!!!! Got just about all the ammo in HFC, HFCH, EMP, EMPS,Poison Weak, Poison Strong, X4 variants have 357 and 22L left. One final question would damage reduction carry over to the explosion the projectile has?
  7. Why in why do they not show up in find/search? Okay a new question with the damage mod set to multiply would it not increase the damage or multiplying it by 0.90 gives you a resulting 10% drop in damage? I am a bit confused as to how it works. Oh could it be since its under 1.0 its acts as a negative instead a positive number? What I want to do is reduce the damage of the bullet to half or more. Thanks again for the help!!!
  8. Ack double post please delete this.
  9. Can you make a new ammo effect like lower damage,raise DT damage, lower condition,ect,ect. I can not find ammoeffects anywhere. 0_o
  10. How do you script in CauseOfDeath to a CIOS effect script? ScriptName zippy308strongpoisonScript Begin ScriptEffectStart CIOS zippyenchpoisonstrong End Trying to force CauseOfDeath since if you remain undetected you do not get EXP for the kill.
  11. So this tells me for sure if its from me or from the enchantment by itself? I have tested it in a few different ways. When the dummy enchantment is left on the weapons (hunting rifle and sniper rifles) enchantments placed via explosion will not process. I added the impact script and now the poison processes BUT I get no EXP for the kill. If My team helps I get EXP but not via poison alone. ======== Edit Okay its -1.0 like when you use the kill command, this is strange it only effects death claws it dose take some time to kill one but cazador's don't take that much time and they give EXP. edit Tested the weak poison on a few things it seems that if the target is unaware of you and they die you get no EXP. Thanks for the help!
  12. This effects the few weapons using the dummy object effect I used the impact script example and made my script from it but it seems if you kill something with a damage over time enchantment alone it dose not give you EXP but if you kill something using a weapon without the dummy script the damage over time enchantment will give you EXP for target death. My script ScriptName zippy308strongempScript Begin ScriptEffectStart CIOS zippyenchempstrong End
  13. So I found out that the 308 weapons use dummy enchantments which overrides enchantments used via explosion. So I figured I would try making a new impact script. Well I made one okay but it will not show in the impact script menu. Any thoughts? ========== edit NM I didn't select it as an effect ><
  14. I do not understand why but both Sniper rifles refuse to process damage over time and poison data, explosive bullets seem to work but I need to drop the sniper rifle and replace it with a ratslayer then up the ratslayer to the sniper rifle level and change its mesh and such. Long way around I know but sheesh I have tried changing every other thing in the sniper rifle to no avail its not the ammo it works fine in the battle rifle and and such so all I can do is change the darn sniper rifle.. I tried tessinp but when I got it to replace it it crashes in game so I need step by step help. =============== Edit After further inspection and a complete ratslayer overhaul to replace the sniper rifle I figured out that the dummy weapon object effect screws up damage over time. So I made a fix for the 308 rifles that use dummy object effects best patch I could figure out is to up limb damage by 50%. It dose not seem that the dummy object effects are used much.
  15. Not figured it out yet so I will rebuild a ratslayer as the sniperrifle and see where that gets me. =============== Edit After further inspection and a complete ratslayer overhaul to replace the sniper rifle I figured out that the dummy weapon object effect screws up damage over time. So I made a fix for the 308 rifles that use dummy object effects best patch I could figure out is to up limb damage by 50%. It dose not seem that the dummy object effects are used much.
  16. I've made 7 different ammo types for 556,5mm,10mm and 308 so far but it seems the 308 dose not want to poison the target while the rest work fine. What really confuses me is I am using the same enchantment for all poison bullets and have weak and strong poison bullets and neither work, the rest seem to work for the suppressed sniper rifle but even damage health over time dose not seem to process. Not even other projectile files seem to work. 0-o Tried other 308 weapons and they seem to work, could it be because of the suppressor?
  17. Yup that works well but the impact data set is still to darn large its the one scattering dirt. Thanks!
  18. Changing the effect trying to scale it down got the fire bit down but the derbies are not scaling even tho I changed a couple of them, what are all the derbies names and what are they under? Oh wait....its the impact data set I want right?
  19. Ah the container name dose not have the merchant part in it thus what got me so lost. LOL Thanks!
  20. 188NCRMerchant what vendor list dose it use? I can not figure it out.
  21. So far on new Vegas I have made a few new ammos types and managed to get vendors to sell them, going with using the merged patch to get the mod to work that way it will not harm your save file if you later remove the mod. The Ammo types I have made are EMP(strong/weak),Poison(strong/weak),Hellfire cannon(low and high explosive) and 4X (4 bullets from 1). Currently only in 10mm rounds going to do the rest of the ammo types with these variants. So far I am setting it up from lvl 10 at 50 chance, seems like a good starting point for normal ammo. Tho I think for slugs I will just offer high explosive/strong emp/strong poison at normal prices for them since they are pretty big and kinda rare. They all do homemade condition damage to weapons thinking of making another mod to have them all do normal condition damage that way you have a choice. What do you all think?
  22. Vendors are showing an old static listing of one of my ammo types. I checked the ESP in tesnip to see if there are any extra things I missed but everything seems to be correct. Might be a save game glitch??????
  23. I noticed a few use the generic vendorammo but some use the individual ammo list directly, thats annoying LOL Trying to apply it to the most people using the generic lists.
  24. The funny thing is its not 0_o Very odd it never failed to show up in FO3. [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] NevadaSkies.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm [X] MeleeHotkey.esm [X] FalloutNV_lang.esp [X] NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp [X] Project Nevada - All DLC.esp [ ] jsawyer.esp [X] zippypeopleandmonsterfixes.esp [X] zippythrowinginfinite.esp [X] Legion - Balanced Lists.esp [X] Assassin Freq14.esp [X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [X] NevadaSkies - Mod Override.esp [X] zippyfoodandstufffixes.esp [X] zippyarmor.esp [ ] zippyweapons.esp [X] ExtendedNVRadio.esp [X] zippylabsammo.esp [X] mymergedpatch.esp =============== Nothing of mine deals with rad other than add it to explosive bullets.
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