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Everything posted by ZippyDSMlee

  1. Please do just i case I can't find my way out of the paper sack LOL
  2. Arrow, spell,scroll whatever maybe tag on good karma what would be the script? Or is this something only doable via a very complicated script or the command console only? It seems easy enough then again will you have to add disable then enable too..... I wonder.
  3. Apocalypse or Magic Overhaul? Apocalypse dose alot but Magic Overhaul seems to hit the core issues I can't really choose....
  4. Are there any at all? Since Smash locks and lock doors is no more can you do scripts with Skyrim then if so could you apply a script that uses weapon skill via melee attack to open a lock? On the surface it seems simple enough....then again I know more about Fallout 3/NV.
  5. Since it dose not seem to work normally I guess you need a script, what would a sound script look like for idle and attack sounds? edit Still at a loss as to why I get no sounds at all no matter which I select for idle sound, pickup sounds work. edit Got the mesh done, http://zippydsmlee.deviantart.com/art/Zippylabs-JAES-Steam-Punk-Light-Saber-430219062 Still trying to figure out sounds. =========== It must be something in the nif because I changed the sounds for the vanilla sledgehammer and it worked ,dup'd the sledge hammer and I get no attack/idle sounds. http://www.zippyswild.net/zippylabs/public_html/Zippyfiles/ZIPPYLABS-LIGHTSABER-test.rar
  6. I been messing with glow rings to get a constistant glow effect over a core mesh, not having much luck when I get the colors set in nif then extrude them in blender they want to create sublet changes and theres line in the glow defect, I am not sure what the heck I am doing wrong.
  7. So I made a new tube shaped it followed on this video But the new texture is not in the nif when I check it with nif scope, what in the world am I doing wrong? 0-o
  8. AFAIK explosives are hard coded to remove their projectile object. I was thinking there was a flag or option I missed to get the gnomes to vanish but sheesh they pile up quick and I'd hate to think what ramifications that would cause, its funny to watch them fall around the place and stuff. Have half a thought to put a Santa's slay theme to a missile launcher since one version of the missiles fires 7 projectiles at once. Thanks, the Moujor is winding up have the HFC(Hellfire Cannon) Minigun in a basic form and tinkering with a steam punk Light Saber(using glow effects as a base and not getting very far with they look to liney 0-o). You should see the ammo types, simple explosive ammo types fire/explosion for 2 levels of HFC bullets, 2 levels of Cryo Frost with slow effect,2 levels of Poison(4poi/4damhealth for weak, double for strong for 200ish seconds) for all bullet type ammo. Then HFC and Cryo buckshot and Poison mist a large radius strong poison round for 308,45-70 and 50MG. Theres a poison mist slug and 2 levels of a higher grade explosive HFC and Cryo Frost slug. Not doing much with explosives just playing with frost gnomes LOL. I tried to put in at least 2 levels of damage and radius so people can chose which to use I might make a crazy WTF mod thingy but I like the idea of choice. If you do not know I have a mod for FO3 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20037/ Still need to polish it some then add a half damage version but its mostly there and working.
  9. So I made a gnome frost missile and want to place a gnome that times out when placed after the explosion. Tried to make it destructible and self damaging but no luck.
  10. Swap projectile on vats attack Have new projectile use 25MM grenade explosion on projectile hit hence use other projectile or Use 10 times the projectiles but that means you need a new ammo type And or Use more ammo in vasts attack mode, not in vasts but the special move vats attack offers. I know I can use something like an explosion via magic/base/actor effects but it lacks visual effects.
  11. Looking for Steam puffs, steam and animation help. I could have sworn the powerfist had a steam puff on it but It dose not look like it dose. Anyone know of anything else that has a small steam puff? And can anyone give me pointers or a link to how animation works or how to copy animation? I'm not having much luck with animations surviving blender.
  12. You can check who's in the player faction with the function GetInFaction. To check if NPCs are hostile to the player you'll need to use GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy and GetActorCrimeplayerEnemy I think you'll want to use the former, but I can't really give you any more help than that without seeing the script you're using to do this. I'll try a few of them. Thanks! Ah that worked well thank you so much! ------ Now on to make a steampunk light saber. Vertex colors how I hate you......
  13. You killed them when you shot them and the script killed them again. GetDead ought to have fixed that. Anyway, best of luck! Ah. Do you deal with functions/conditions in the object effect/enchantment much? I managed to make the player immune to the damage and knockback of the critical hit explosion. I am now trying to fig out how to make those in the player faction immune. Or is there a function that targets only hostile targets? Thanks again for all the help!
  14. I tweaked it a bit to allow for the exp gained to be based on the players level,ect. For some strange reason I was getting 2X the exp on kills that disintegrated. ref rTarget begin OnHit set rTarget to GetOwnerLastTarget if rTarget.GetHealthPercentage < 0.1 && rTarget.GetDead == 0 rTarget.DamageActorValue Health 900 rTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell endif end As a weapon script its working to a satisfactory level and all I can say is thank you!!!!!!! I'm glad I was not the only one having trouble with getlasthitcritcal ! thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!!thankyou!! LOL Now time for clean up I have a ton of dup's to get rid of >< LOL
  15. As rickerhk was kind enough to point out, I was completely wrong about GetHealthPercentage (honestly I didn't know that function existed, which made me think it was GetWeaponHealthPerc), so most of that script is redundant. (Just me being stupid.) None that I can think of, since all of the functions here would affect the deathclaws, and not the player. Have you tried the script I posted with my last reply? No luck, all I get is the aliendisintegrationfxspell sound on each hit. Even tried removing && rTarget.GetHealthPercentage < 0.1 and it did not change any. That might be something to think about once I get the script gods let me find a trigger function that works. LOL
  16. As I understand it, GetLastHitCritical will return true if the last shot fired (or blow landed in the case of a melee weapon) was a critical hit. According to the wiki, it can only be called in an OnHit block. For example: begin OnHit if GetLastHitCritical ; Do Stuff endif endIf the last hit was a critical, the condition will return true. However, you want to do stuff to the reference you hit, no? For that, you'll need to use GetOwnerLastTarget too. Something like: ref rTarget begin OnHit set rTarget to GetOwnerLastTarget if GetLastHitCritical && rTarget.GetHealthPercentage < 0.1 rTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell rTarget.Kill player endif endThis script ought to play the disintegration FX when your target is on 10% of their maximum HP and you get a critical hit off on them. I'm not sure if you're still trying to do it that way, but if you want it just to trigger on critical hits, just get rid of rTarget.GetHealthPercentage < 0.1, or vice versa if you want it to trigger on low health instead. I see that explains a few things. I tried placing an explosion at the player but it did not want to summon it. Probly using placeatme wrong >< ref rTarget begin OnHit set rTarget to GetOwnerLastTarget if GetLastHitCritical Player.PlaceAtMe zippynullGrenadePulseExplosionfake 1 endif end No I cut and pasted it only changing the spellfx on the aliendisintegration, and I cut and pasted its name to be sure I did not screw it up. ref rCombatTarget short iTotalHealth short iTargetHealth short iTargetHealthPerc short iDifference begin GameMode if player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat if rCombatTarget != player.GetCombatTarget set rCombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget set iTargetHealth to 0 endif if iTargetHealth < rCombatTarget.GetAV Health set iTargetHealth to rCombatTarget.GetAV Health rCombatTarget.RestoreAV Health 1000 set iDifference to rCombatTarget.GetAV Health - iTargetHealth set iTargetHealthPerc to iTargetHealth/rCombatTarget.GetAV Health set iTargetHealthPerc to iTargetHealthPerc*100 rCombatTarget.DamageAV Health iDifference endif if iTargetHealthPerc < 0.1 rCombatTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell rCombatTarget.Kill Player; This way the player gets the XP endif endif end Saves fine but in game its a tad screwy, disintegration is random and exp is 3 or 4 times what it should be. I have script extender and using godmode to test it on deathclaws, could that bring up any bugs? I can take a video put it on youtube and show you what I mean, just to be sure I double checked everything and it is calling to the right script and stuff and I tried it again through critical,weapon script and object effect still no luck. I'll keep trying to see what on my end could be messing with it maybe I should close geck for once LOL. I meant an older script I was trying to hobble together I had it set to combattargt.getdead and for a few seconds after a target died it reapplied the disintegration effect with each hit of the weapon on other targets with or without a radius or time set. I see. Thanks again for the information!
  17. It's a simply a form of notation, just something to make it clearer in longer scripts what everything is without checking what it's set as at the top each time. :smile: So, "rCombatTarget" is exactly the same as your "CombatTarget", I've just put a lower-case "r" in front to show that it's a reference. As I said, this is just a form of notation, so you don't need to do it, it just makes things clearer. The same goes for the lower case "i"s, they just show that the variable is a an integer.[/qoute] It doesn't go past the maximum, because RestoreAV will not surpass the maximum value of whatever actor value it's restoring. So essentially "RestoreAV Health 1000" is just a way to fully heal the target. Obviously this won't work if the target has more than 1000 health, but generally they don't. Anyway, since the target's fully healed this means that the target's maximum health is used as 100%, rather than 1000. You could use GetPermentantAV or GetBaseAV instead of restoring their health and doing everything that I'm suggesting, but that won't be quite as accurate, if they're wearing something that affects their health, for instance, then those two functions won't pick it up, whereas this method will. As for health falling below one point, no. It'll activate after it falls below 0.1%, which is what you set in your original script. Honestly, I think that's unlikely to ever be true, but since you used it originally, I'd guess that the weapon in question will be able to get it down to there or something? :smile: You're referring to "set iTargetHealth to 0"? This just sets the variable "iTargetHealth" to 0, it doesn't affect the target in any way. If you wanted to, you could replace each instance of "iTargetHealth" with something like; "SmallPlasticBag" (obviously you shouldn't do that since it would be incredibly confusing) and your script would still work in exactly the same way. Again, I've only copy-pasted it from the script you posted, it serves whatever purpose you had in mind for it when you posted it originally. Although, yes, when the target's health falls below 0.1 percent, then the target will play the alien disintegration effect and will be killed (in this case with the optional reference of the player specified so that they will get the XP). If you just copy-pasted, then it doesn't have a name, also "AlienDisintegrationSpell" doesn't exist, did you mean "AlienDisintegrationFXSpell"? If you change that it ought to work. :smile: Edit: That's not correct. GetHealthPercentage only applies to actors. Yes, I only just realised that, I was getting it mixed up with GetWeaponHealthPerc, I feel quite foolish indeed now! Thanks for pointing that out. I see. Just trying to figure it out in my head, thank you for your time and the explanation. Ggaaa spelling mistakes are my bane if they do not keep me busy the other half the time its simple scripting things. I was thinking that having it focus on combat target it would lock the gethealthpercentage to the combat targets. But I have learned you have to be very specific in order to pull off certain things otherwise it wants repeat the function calls more than once per target. I really wish they had more script examples. That way I would not be so lost. I got a question how dose getlastcritcal work? I tried using it set to combattarget but it did not work it would save but not work in game. One of my problems with this dumb weapon I am making is it dose an explosion on critical hit that's the easy part, getting disintegration to work with it is outside my pay grade. I have used random for it and put disintegration on critical but I would rather have the explosion set to critical so it can be more character build type specific. Of course I dunno why I bother its a bleeding novelty weapon like every other thing I make but still I guess I can a perfectionist LOL. Thank you all again ====================== And now to be a complete bother. If piped through the explosion via on critical it kicks in disintegration randomly even on un damaged targets. If piped though object effect its instant disintegration.If piped though weapon script after 2-3 seconds after a hit disintegration kicks in. I swear the game hates me LOL
  18. Darn it why didn't they say its weapon condition only, oy it makes no sense >< That's amazing! A shame its not saving uhg what did I do to it? LOL I can not seem to spot anything out of place it has the right number of endif never saw rcombattarget before hell never seen any of the Istuff before either. If I am reading this right sets target health to zero(wont that kill the target?) then raises(raises or heals?) it to 1000 and uses 1000 as basis for 100% and when health falls below 1 point applies the disintegration effect and then ensures the target will not become invisible by killing it.
  19. This should call out to the combat target if its health is below 10% but its seems to work in the opposite direction. I've tried >= but it dose not work at all. I am so confused. This is the last thing I can think of to use disintegration outside of on critical hit on death ref CombatTarget Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat set CombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget If CombatTarget.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.10 CombatTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell CombatTarget.kill Endif Endif End
  20. How about this one its not working on target below 10% > dose not seem to work at all. ref CombatTarget short rnd Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat set CombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget If CombatTarget.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.10 CombatTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell CombatTarget.kill Endif Endif End
  21. It kinda needs to be applied via a weapon script or enchantment since critical hit is occupied with disintegration. edit This is a melee weapon but I guess you could make an ammo type and apply zero to ammo used but dose not ammo need a projectile point of origin on the weapon to work? /edit Though know of a good way to apply disintegration via script? I keep getting glitches when I use getdead(it reapplies the disintegration with each hit when something is dead for a few seconds,have a video of this), it seems it starts the effect even if the effect itself calls to CriticalStage. I've tried the script below but it did not work in fact it caused the disintegration sound to apply with each hit but thats probably due to incorrect blocktype mixing. Then again I am a total script noob. I can't seem to get getlastcritcal to work though functions and I tried all the options to apply it to target and combattarget so it must work under very specific circumstances or simply dose not work. To be clear what I need is either a way to disintegrate a target or targets. And a way to call up an explosion on critical hit. I can use random but I been trying to research getlastcritcal and there's is scant info on it. ---------------------- ref CombatTarget Begin Gamemode If player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat set CombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget If CombatTarget.GetLastHitCritical Player.PlaceAtMe zippynullGrenadePulseExplosionfake 1 Endif Endif End I find it interesting it can compile but dose not work.
  22. Trying to get this to work but I am missing something. ScriptName zippymoujor222NEWCRITEFFECT222Script Begin OnHit begin OnHit GetOwnerLastTarget if GetLastHitCritical == true Player.PlaceAtMe zippynullGrenadePulseExplosionfake 1 Endif End
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