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Everything posted by ZippyDSMlee

  1. I remember that much but I forget if it was more spread based(there are lines for spread) or time based(hell I might have done both it took me a week to toy with it but I forgot half of what I did), also burst is was very buggy if burst and refire is set right the weapons will be stuck endlessly fireing. It was an odd glitch LOL.
  2. thanks, I need to rebuild mine I dumped it by mistake LOL. Would know offhand how to make submachineguns spread the longer you hold the trigger down I recall I had that but forgot how I set it up.
  3. Can anyone make or walk me through how to make a simple Meeko summon mod? I can't seem to get Meeko to move via a spell and script, I think it be an object reference script but I can;t get anything to work right. I've looked at other mods but nothing seems to be clicking.
  4. Trying to make a simple summon spell equivalent to move to player my brain just has farted and I can't think of the correct process to start the effect , am I think I need something in object ref I am so lost here, HALP! Scriptname zipsumongoodboi10 extends activemagiceffect Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor Property dunPOITundraMarshDog Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) dunPOITundraMarshDog.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 10, 0, 10, true) EndEvent
  5. I suppose my base theme stems from first came darkness, then if so what is light, which then begged the question what is good and evil. The light or creation is life it wishes to live and spread life. It is inherently neither good nor evil it just wants to live and from the failed first conflicts to the current war of creation the light has become a ridged order to prevent darkness from infecting or withering life, so the forces of light both prune life and fend off darkness where they can find it. In a way the dark too wishes to live while they may seem rough and violent they mirror nature in nay ways but the writhing pounding drive of Darkness begs them to corrupt those not of the dark and make all part of Darkness once more. Mind you this is the top end of my armies/races whatnot their war is stalemated whatever one side gains the other side loses in such equal proportions its never ending. My main character like Doctor Who gets away from all that for the most part and adventures out to many worlds and universes. But I get stuck on some of theses base or core premises. I think I mostly have it but like most of my stuff I work on it when I can, moving from one thing to another part as needed. Both the armies of light and dark are rather ridged in their systems and thinking, my main character gets help from one of their great adjudicators, an a type f wandering admiral judge who has to answer to no one most of the time, he's hundreds of billions of years old and is basically a hard drinking cigar smoking perverted Yoda mentor type, he chafes the system alot but its mostly immune to his rambunctious nature, so he took the main character under his wing for a bit to see if anything changes or for shts and giggles. The Light is easy to paint as indifferent if not arrogant but they are long lived beings with million/billion+ year long views of things thy choose not to be outright cruel. The dark is going to be harder to portray since great indulgences can lead to chaos so while the dark is wild and direct they are more a force of absolute nature that casts off anything other than survival and following the will of Darkness than a force of chaos and destruction. Destruction is an element sure and there's alot they can do through it but that is only a part, after destruction comes unity then through togetherness more siblings are found through destruction. I really want to work the southern preacher vibe in parts of the army of darkness, their governing system is a lose confederacy of great dark generals who lead their nation armies in the name of Darkness, power grants you titles and control over soldiers and resources. The dark congress is made up by the great dark generals and their left and right hand personal. This system and their training in the void allows them to sharpen and strengthen all aspects of their being as even Darkness understands power is fragile without dexterity, and dexterity comes from understanding many tactics and ways of thinking. The further my train of thought on the dark their congregations(main personality group archetypes) are broken down in 4 or 5 , and before you ask the hive mind is not perfect, it allows an emphatic connection even one of information but it dose not over ride will or personally, if you have any will power after conversion you keep it until you give up or gain stronger will power. These are more nuance and flavor to the hive mind system where like minded beings can be classified, who it being needed int he final product..eh you never know LOL. Children of the void; are kinda minor undead, they are simple with a child like state of mind. Whispering mask; all thinking is done via the hive mind they a wide range of skills and work much like robots or automatons. Slumbering Tranquility; are highly intelligent a bit quirky even by dark standards calm at all times and can clearly hear specific voices in the hive mind they are kinda like the Adams family. Writhing mash; angry all the time, intense, violent, this would be 2nd to 3rd latest group of personalty types. Darkling; less a true congregation or group and more a lace for those that lack cognitive abilities. Singers of the deep is mainly made up of females or maidens who can tune themselves to Darkness and can interrupt his will more directly than waiting on an ageless being to say something, Darkness can speak but its like you yelling at a ant or molecule to do something most of the time. The priestess and oracles serve to steer the forces of darkness by giving directions to the great generals and those who will listen. The great generals use the information to benefit themselves. Pontiffs of end; Where the most religious wind up, those that worship darkness beyond the normal fear and excitement most feel. They reinforce the doctrines and tenants of Darkness and serve the priestess and oracles to spread the word. Exsponged one race split itself in two in the divide over light and dark that Lightness and Darkness both reached out to save them from leaving existence. The light spread the amungst the stars and they live in their own colonies never expanding much they telepathy of great power who can hear most voices in the universes they are in and so they are bees and eyes for Lightness and respected so much int he army of light they will help them move out of locations that need to be pruned since they have the least amount of multiverse parallels than any other race. The dark keeps them slumbers in a pocket dimension letting them out now and then to spread destruction. They are greedy hunters who devour physic energy, their psionic abilities are corrosive and corruptive. Out of all beings attached to Darkness they are the most vicious and chaotic even eating their own and other forces of darkness if they get in their way. Their blind rage and hatred is a comfort to Darkness so he keeps them close. Plus he knows out of sheer boredom they will fight and kill each other until none are left. Since they can eat most matter and energy to gain power or lay eyes in their waste product it would take awhile but tend to be a candle that burns at both ends. If anything the notes I make are interesting. Another thing I want to work in in being different in a standardized system can be I am learning disabled had a hell of a time in school I want to exemplify that when I get to writing my main characters adventure with his army of light training in book 2.
  6. Need some thoughts on some writing stuff, I have 2 main systems/armies i my war of creation. The forces of light merge multiverse alts and "adjusting/tuning" mortal/normal beings to handle the mental stress of eons and eons of life. But put them threw a few hundred years of basic training to teach them skills and stress test them slowing fitting them into roles their dilute individuality is best suited for. They chose that over full imprinting because imprinting generates to many errors and reduces multi skill capabilities. Most in the army of light are standardized to a wide range of high spec skills this however reduces uniqueness and quirks pushing them away from understanding mortals. This is slowed by the core worlds and much of the army light life living in emulated living mortal environments. IE they are aware its merely an emulation but respect it but also are rather arrogant about it. The army of the dark is a hive mind half connected to darkness itself, which is an ageless entity of rage and maddening conscious. They hear the voice of the void and join together as feeling/emotional individuals with a common driving goal. Darkness imprints first a calm rage and a maddening sorrow for the “living”(those not of the dark). They get some training but they are capable fighters and tacticians from the start due to the hive mind that’s shares information locally and across the meta-verse. Most become mindless automatons giving up everything to the hive mind or become simple animal like creatures. The rest work more off their individual personality via sheer force of will. Some are sorrow keepers who while destroy in the name of the dark are not needlessly cruel. Others lust for power. Darkness allows it and wills the individual to seek strength for itself to fight for Darkness or even gain so much power it can replace his essence. However one thing Darkness hates and loathes more than anything, even the light… and that is chaos. Those of the Dark see chaos as a light that never fades and they more than most are the most susceptible to it, after all Darkness wishes for all things to end so it may return to tis endless slumber…the light, the noise, the living. Life filled with love and sorrow and agitation…it all seeps into Darkness not allowing him to sleep or rest.. so Darkness writhes and plans for the end…so that everything can rest in ageless serenity…. within slumbering Darkness. My train of thought should not have to many holes in it, was wondering if they get too conflicted on their own themes.
  7. That question should be asked in the general forms, offtopic mabye. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/13-the-lounge-off-topic-forum/
  8. Mainly want to try to random fear/berserk on trolls but need to either have it come from the player or be casted as a radius from a troll on fire then be hit with it, I am unsure what would work best... a script to add spell maybe?
  9. So I have a simple meffect tied to spell via a starting quest that affects the player when they sneak. I can't seem to randomize the stamina drain, when the effect takes place is there a way to randomize each tick of the drain? This could make poison more interesting as well but I don't understand how getrandompercent would work in this scenario. At the spell level it just means when the spell is applied % is calculated then, if its on the meffect itself wouldn't it be per tick? Or would I need a script to do it per tick? Also getrandompercent works of 0.1 to 0.9 right? 1.0 is 100% so if you use greater than or equal to >= or lesser than or equal to <= it woud be the same as 1(on) or 0(off) correct?
  10. I managed to make a reverse cloak to give undead damage resistance to everything but silver,fire and magic dose some damage, physical attacks not much if any. It kinda works, its not without issues tho. Not sure if you can do arrow resist via effect/spells without adding keywords to arrows,ect.
  11. Trying to relearn wotgreal is there anything more idiot proof these days?
  12. I thought I had one in my notes but I can't find them. What I would like is a script that dose something like first spell random 1% if fail move to next spell at 10% if fail move to next spell at 30% if fail move to next spell 100% I forget if its if or else if...uhg...... if anyone wants to do it as an array that be fine. Doubt I could do it in conditionals just don't apply the spell if it has one of the spells on it.
  13. When you are not using auto cover and trying to fire behind stuf but the weapon takes an extra second to fire, whats it called and how can I kill it? LOL
  14. Well I still couldn't use my email. Your account has not yet been Closed. If it had been, you wouldn't have been able to post. (It takes our Community Manager a little while to get around to all the requests.) And until it is, you won't be able to register a new account using the same email address. NOTE: I just checked, and you have not yet submitted a request in the forum I linked above. So not sure why you expected anything to happen. :huh: To simplify on what Dante said, keep your posting to more of a PG13 level, try and not be crude, rude or vulgar. If you feel the need to cuss use $#%&! and such. It helps to keep threads becoming toxic wastelands of useless information. You can still rant and rave in the correct thread just keep it between the ditches.
  15. Can you change SFXGameContent_Inventory.SFXDamageType? I want to tweak shield, botic and armor damages......as regenerating armor makes praetorians a pain to kill. LOL EDIT It is a dumb question since you can LOL just changes type of bullets and hit reactions tho.
  16. Needs some customization options but holy heck its better than Bethsedas new site when DOOM launched.
  17. I forgot I have another question is damageai the damage you do to them or the damage they do to you? damagehenc should be what damage teamates output right? I get simple things reversed so easily ><
  18. Bindings=( Name="C", Command="set SFXPawn_Player bWantsToCrouch true | OnTap 0.2 set SFXPawn_Player bWantsToCrouch false" ) Works well, I asked mainly because I was unsure if there was a toggle function. They almost need else/ else if function in the darn button commands LOL if not crouch then crouch if crouch then uncrouch. LOL
  19. I forgot to ask, do you know if theres a toggle command? I'd like to have crotch as a toggle.
  20. I think its a loss, to much of a time sink. I wish it was easier to just uncook unread engine stuff so we can see the script(and thus patch it via more open unreal sdks) and adjust it to make it easier to mod....its a shame these games are so limited...EA could easily do an unsupported SDK...tho...I'll even take crappy limited gamebyro stuff... tho its probly Bethesda making all the hard code limitations... *head desk*
  21. Yup have that, its just not enough, so I gave all weapons unique ammo per shot numbers, long reload times (pistols class 2-4, heavy pistol class 4-5, shotgun 4-7, sniper rifle 5-7,ect), Made the katana shotgun a full automatic, mind you I lowered the damage to balance it out. Kinda neat, but the recoil animation is dumb. Reminds me of hacking the animation speed on Quake 2 for faster refire rates LOL Really wish I could control pellets/projectiles per shot and cone, I'd make a couple of the shotguns space squirrel guns, firing 5X the pellets per shot LOL. I'm mostly happy with it could sit down and refine damages more but I am playing on insanity so its hard to gauge damages LOL
  22. I know its a mess, but you have to gauge weapon power and ammo regen rate which is based on refirerate. Then toy with ammopershot to balance it out, if you are going for a ME like setup. I'd rather have a messy ME1 setup for ammo than whatever ME2 is suppose to be.... its just a mess... I mean seriously they should have just let you carry more ammo the less weapons you carry... I did more with a pistol and Chem/Polonium rounds than most other weapons in any other FPS/RPG game! LOL
  23. Thanks... mmm something like this? Bindings=( Name="End", Command="ShowWeaponSelection") think I am missing something. I think the bastards locked it to specific locations, I swear I can deal with ME1 menus but ME2 are far worse...
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