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Everything posted by SerpentofShadow

  1. Heh, some more competition for PS... We are using an XP system too, though rather differently. It all sounds good (though the screenshot links don't work). Story doesn't really grab me, but the promised content is interesting. Good luck to you and your team.
  2. I've never been that impressed with Motörhead. To me (and this is just my opinion) they always seem so... bland. I've also never been a fan of how the vocalist sounds. If you've been a big fan and this album saddens you I am sorry to hear that. :(
  3. I just discovered (and am very much enjoying) the bands: Thy Disease, Shade Empire, Summoning, and Agonoize. Plus have been listening to a bunch of Psyclon Nine and Red Harvest. Thy Disease - Rat Age (Sworn Kinds Final Verse) Shade Empire - Intoxicate O.S. Summoning - Minas Morgul Agonoize - Evil Gets an Upgrade Psyclon Nine - INRI, Divine Infekt, and Crwn Thy Frnicatr Red Harvest - Internal Punishment Program, Cold Dark Matter, and Sic Transit Gloria Mundi Not sure how many others have heard of or listen to any of those... heh.
  4. This is sad news. Don't worry though Povuholo. While PS is going to be bigger then Oblivion's landmass, it's not going to be quite as large as the Adventure Middle Earth TC, so we should be OK. If not, we'll figure something out. By TR do you mean Tamriel (sp?) Rebuilt? If not then i'm not sure either what TR means.
  5. Just picked up a couple books the other day... "Thud!" by Terry Pratchett (have every Discworld book) "Inheritance" by Steven Savile (Warhammer fic book) "Faith & Fire" by James Swallow (Warhammer 40k fix book) Not sure which to read first, most likely the Pratchett book.
  6. Lately in multiplayer of DC with a couple friends i've been enjoying the Orks. The Flash Gitz are a great combo with 2 squads of Nobz and Mega Armored Nobz. Especially when you put the Warlord and the Big Mek on the Nobz then a Mad Dok on both Flash Gitz. Usually throw a Shoota Boyz in there too to give some more ranged support. That combo USUALLY can smash through anything. Plus swarms of Slugga boyz is always fun, haha. I have now played and nearly beaten the campaign with almost every race. The only one I STILL can't get that good of a grip on is Eldar. I can do OK, but not like all the others. People seem to complain a lot about the IG's new HWT unti, but I never have a problem with them... (really like them in fact). Honestly after how much i've played I would have to say Tau don't need towers (have an infantry unit and a vehicle that together can hold most spots). In fact they seem to be almost too powerful end game. That's just my opinion however. If anyone sees the game name "Warlords" that's mine. It's password protected though, so PM me here to get in.
  7. If you are playing as Tau use the missle barrage ability of the missile gunships. Coupe of those will massacre a monolith. :)
  8. Sorry it took me a while to reply... been playing DoW: DC. ^^; Grey Knights are basicly a Seer Squad (Eldar) for the SM and effective at that. They are melee units with a powerful charge ability and good armor/hitpoints. I love to pair them up with a Force Commander. The necron can be scary to fight until you know their weaknesses. The main laser of the Engaged Monolith can turn a squad of space marines into a small pile of goo. However if you bring the monolith to 1/4th HP it teleports back to where it was built and must be repaired before it can be re-activated. So as long as you have anti-building stuff (like rockets) you should be fine. Plus the thing moves too slow and can't teleport often enough. Additionally when it does teleport it cannot attack right away and gives room for some free shots. In almost all cases going against a monolith means you are going to take decent damage, but it can be beaten. The key to fighting Necron is that they are slow in just about everyway (but vehicles). Their troops are slow, they produce units slowly, they take a long time to build their power generators, and with their builders being the only capture unit that slows down things too. So beating Necron usually just means being fast on your feet. I've seen Necron killed by swarms of heretics in the very beginning! Keep them from getting strategic points, don't worry about them having critical locations (does nothing for them), and attack often. If you turtle against a necron you will have perhaps a harder time then against any other race. The Essence of the Nightbringer is overpowered to a degree though. He doesn't take damage from what i've seen. When you face him, run... if you can. Once he transforms back, kill the Necron Lord. Tau could use towers too. Feel free to ask me any more questions as I am more then willing to answer. :)
  9. This is both a reply and an overall thoughts/summery done in my opinion. Warning that this will all be a bit jarbled up as I am typing it as it comes to mind. I now have Dark Crusade and love it. Though there are a few little things that I think need changing. However the new units all are useful, there has been some good balance changes (and some not so good). The 2 new races are a blast to play as and not as overpowered as some may think/expect. My main complaint is the change in unit limits on certain higher up units. Only 2 predators as chaos, only 1 whirlwind as SM, and one of the big ones I hate is only 1 Kashkrin squad for IG. I have yet to try Orcs and rarely play as Eldar (cool race but not my style). Necron are fun, but in MP can sometimes be hard to play as. If you are fighting Chaos or Orks as Necron the start of the game can be rather hard. The pathfinding on the Monolith is horrid. I know it is supposed to be slow, but I think the teleport ability should recharge a little faster and a very small increase in range. Immortals should get the summon to building ability that Warriors have. The fact that the Necron Lord and Tomb Spyders just get back up where they died when rebuilt can be both a help and a pain. Tau are insanely fun, though it's always hard for me to decide which path to go. I love the upgrades of the Kauyon, though I do not use the units gained from it. I prefer the Crisis battlesuits and hammerhead ship unit wise, but missing out on increased range and health for fire warriors hurts. IMO the Ethereal is almost useless. His ability is nice, but without it he can't do anything and doesn't give any passive bonuses that I am aware of. His summon royal guard ability can only be used if you haven't reached the infantry cap (hard not to cap with so many infantry units to choose from). Fighting against the Eldar Harlequin is a pain unless you can shoot her out of the sky. The new chaos daemon prince is very cool but I don't think it fits what they needed at all. When the IG HWT WORKS then they are nice. Grey Knights are rather useful, especially against Necron. Tau need towers (only team without towers). Some of the Necron build times need fine tuning, though I can easily see how doing so would be hard (with the whole build speed resource). The campaign can be a lot of fun and also be very frustrating. Honestly more maps for the campaign would have been a huge improvement (too few in my opinion). Overall I would say this exp is worth it. I think Relic is doing a rather nice job at attempting to balance things (better then most game companies I know) and thus things will only get better. If anyone gets Dark Crusade and wants someone to occasionally play with, send me a PM. I'll respond with my usual gamename and password. Note that if anyone DOES want to play with me they should get all 4 mappacks at www.warhammermaps.com.
  10. It was just in case of a page failing to load, and me losing the whole post Didja notice the names link to pictures? WarKirby Haha, I didn't notice, thank you! I've seen almost all in various videos. The only ones I did not see yet are the Destroyers, but i'm pretty sure they are in the expansion. EDIT: Watched some more videos and revoke my statement about them not looking metallic.
  11. Wow, I just read all of that and knowing some 40k stuff understood the numbers. I am even more eager to see how the Necrons play out in the expansion. I keep seeing it stated that the Necrons bring a new type of resource system to the game. In one of the videos it is explained that the Tomb Spyders collect the pieces of the dead Necron infantry and can use those pieces to either resummon them or create more powerful ones. It would be like if 2 squads of Necron warriors died and were collected could bring out the next tier infantry unit (numbers obviously might be off). What this makes me wonder though is how their building system is going to be with all of this. Are they going to have all the standard buildings? Just the monolith and maybe the Listening posts? Should be interesting. Oh and i'm pretty sure the Nightbringer is in the exp... just wonder if he'll live up to those stats! Thanks for the info WarKirby. If you ever want to play a game of Winter Assault (until the exp comes out) gimme a yell. :)
  12. Please do go into detail about the Necrons, Warkirby. I am interested to know both their strengths and their weaknesses. Thanks for the info too! :)
  13. Nice! Any more information you can share with us about the exp?
  14. Cool, thanks for finding that for me (I couldn't find that if my life depended on it and oh how I tried). Yeah I did noticed that they are missing a TON of eldar and chaos units. You have to remember though that since it is a strategy game, they need a sense of balance. They can't add in everything since the stats will have to be different then the tabletop. Thus they have certain "this team needs this kind of a unit" spots they have to fill. Thus you have to keep in mind that adding a new unit to a team you've already balanced is INCREDIBLY hard. If you are not careful you could ruin the entire MP/skirmish game. Oh and while I am overjoyed to hear the IG is getting a Heavy Weapons Team, they do not suck without them. I have beaten MOST (not all, but most) people playing as the IG. :)
  15. Just played the demo for the second expansion: Dark Crusade. The Tau were very cool, though not too sure if i'd actually choose them that often. I have a friend that will go nuts over them though. I can't wait to try the Necron. As an only slight fan of the tabletop (never had the money to do more then watch) and a decent fan of the literature (books and such) I think they have done a good job bringing the feel to the PC. I'm a bit confused though with the demo for Dark Crusade. It has been stated multiple times that there will not be any new units for the old races... but at the end of the demo it had an advertisement slideshow. The last frame's text stated "Five new units, one for each of the original races" or something to that effect. Also in the demo I swear I saw a new vehicle for the Space Marines (and boy was it a pain). I really hope they do add new units to each of the original races. Oh and if anyone ever wants to play a match (prefer co-op), feel free to send me a PM.
  16. Well this glamour that you mortals see I constructed to be 21. However, my true form is that of a Lich (and not the pathetic varients in Oblivion) and I have existed since man discovered the mystic arts and continue to exist now that man has lost them. I answered the last poll pretty late into it so this post isn't really new. I just wanted to state that i'm a lich, the oblivion versions are weak, blah blah blah you get the picture. :P
  17. REAL pirates are too drunk from rum and stolen drinks to talk. Those who have attempted must have invented the "pirate talk". That's my theory at least and i'm sticking to it. ; )
  18. Definetly a good idea to get all the people who can do voice acting together. If at some point I have more time between life and Project Serpent I will consider joining. I love to act and can do the voice for a decent array of types (was a DM/GM for p&p games for 8+ years). May also look into this if/when Project Serpent needs voices. Hope you get more people to join and good luck.
  19. I'm working on "Let the Galaxy Burn". It is a collection of short stories taking place in the Warhammer 40k setting (got into the setting from the game Dawn of War). I LOVE Terry Pratchett's work! Sadly I don't have the money atm for Thud! but when I do!!! Sam Vimes is a great character, but I don't know about the best. I'd have to cast my vote on Rincewind, though I love all of the Night Watch/City Watch books. Lately I seem to be working on my own books (writing them) then reading someone else's...
  20. I use the telekinesis spell to reach things. Who needs to jump when you can make the world come to you? :)
  21. Can I drink to this anyways? :D
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