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Everything posted by alex2avs

  1. I would like to be the god of Transmutation&Dimensions :biggrin: So where can I find that special ingredients ?
  2. I'll take the Air Riders what weapons they have ,by the way ?
  3. I want to join you Necromancer G (*evil grin*)
  4. Unbreakable (Scorpions (the Band) latest album - It contains "New Generation" Song :biggrin:)
  5. AVS uses his LHC Home KIT and accelerates the radioactive particles until they get the speed of light and melt all the snow . Then he says : " Oops " *big grin*
  6. AAArgh ! shouted AVS surprised ! He gives uranium filled nuts to the SQUIRREL Pilots *evil grin* Soon after that he throw a snowball in Necromancer G :ninja:
  7. AVS joins the Snow Arena and is waiting for potential victims http://home.vr-web.de/julia.evers/smileys3/s513.gif Argh..., he said : the flames melted the snow around me ! *shutting down the flames* http://home.vr-web.de/julia.evers/smileys3/s509.gif
  8. Yup, it's definitely Kyoma's Journal, but I think the other one might be Speedy Deposit. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9835 I use both and they're both excellent. Thaks a lot :) :thanks:
  9. There was a mod that allowed you to write in a journal. And another one that helps you sorting your items in containers. Both of them requires OBSE . :thanks:
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