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Everything posted by LordPalpatine2020

  1. I've heard it's like 100 max before problems occurs, while others say it's safe to go to the absolute 255 max on the number of .esps and .esms!!! So which is it?
  2. I never played The Life of Sir Balin and I hag a good time playing the 2 others. I hope you will cope with the frequent crashes to desktop in TWMP Hammerfell LordPalpatine. I can play TWMP Hammerfell pretty well without the rate of CTDs as some people fear!!!! In fact, I completed the Stirk part and the part that takes you thru the 50-celled Old School DUngeon where you gotta get the sword to that one NPC in Elinor, all without any problems! --And then again, I'm thinking the frequent CTDs people say happens to them on TWMP Hammerfell could be attributed to the Oblivion Gates that mod has active for those who havent completed the Oblivion MQ!!! TWMP Hammerfell is a compilation. The Old school dungeon and Stirk didn' give you any instability because they're well made. The problem comes from the Hammerfell mod which is its main influence. All this mod's editor ID's start with numbers which will unavoidably inflict you many crashes. May wanna tell it to the mod author in that case! Plus, even if I do get the crashes, I'm not just gonna uninstall the mod!
  3. I never played The Life of Sir Balin and I hag a good time playing the 2 others. I hope you will cope with the frequent crashes to desktop in TWMP Hammerfell LordPalpatine. I can play TWMP Hammerfell pretty well without the rate of CTDs as some people fear!!!! In fact, I completed the Stirk part and the part that takes you thru the 50-celled Old School DUngeon where you gotta get the sword to that one NPC in Elinor, all without any problems! --And then again, I'm thinking the frequent CTDs people say happens to them on TWMP Hammerfell could be attributed to the Oblivion Gates that mod has active for those who havent completed the Oblivion MQ!!!
  4. Looking to get some additinal mods for my modded Oblivion! Here's my mod list so far! Active Mod Files: That makes it 89 mods total I have active out of the recommended maximum 100 .esm/.esp files!!! So perhaps I'm looking for up to anywhere from 5 to 10 more mods, mainly ones that adds many hours to the game and/or lands to explore!!!! And please, no overhauls or mods related to Valenwood Improved or Skyrim Improved!!!!
  5. I could list the mods I play, which I consider like a mod pack, but then again 2 different PCs/players could have 2 very different results with the same number of mods!!!! So I'd rather not!!!! In other words, it's best to come up with your own unique pack of Oblivion mods to play like I and most others did!!!
  6. That sounds like one of the quests featured in the mod Midas Magic Spells of Aurum!
  7. Arwen's list seems to link to a dead/inactive site and the rest seem to link straight to the official Bethesda/Zenimax site where they advertise ESO's next expansions!
  8. Play with mods, mate, and you should never be bored ever again! In fact I'm gonna list some of the mods I play, not in proper load order, though! Elswey Deserts of Anequina and Elsweyr Pelatine! Unique Landscapes! Roads of Cyrodiil! Shivering Isles Root System! Dungeons of Tamriel (this adds sewer dungeons to 3 other Cyrodiil cities/towns including Bruma and Anvil)! WIndfall (lots of quests in a new land!), Under the sign of The Dragon and TWMP! TWMP Hammerfell! (Has some pretty cool unique dungeons in it, as well as some unique quests!) And never forget proper load order, either! A program called BOSS should help with that! And never forget to use Oblivion Mod Manager and Wrye Bash, too! And if distant lod is an issue, TES4LodGen should fix it for ya!
  9. For me, since I have to stay home until the authorities say otherwise, I'm gonna use all this time to replay Oblivion, heavily modded and all, with a fresh Level 1 character! My mods of choice include Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina, Elsweyr Pelatine, TWMP Hammerfell, TWMP Elsweyr-Valenwood, TWMP Black Marsh, the base TWMP Heightmap, Unique Landscapes Compilation .esp, Midas Magic, Nascosto Isles 3, Underdark OMOD, Windfall, The Lost Spires, Well Diver, Dungeons of Tamriel, Village of Sutch, Gateway Realm, The LAnd of Zedar, Shivering Isles Root System, ROads of Cyrodiil, The Gold Horse Courier, and Dibella's Watch (including it's expansion, too)! I also have patches installed, too, in order to make these mods compatable with each other, as well as the XM Pipe Smoking Mod just for cosmetic sakes! So far that makes it a combined 89 .esp and .esm files (including all Unoffical Oblivion/SI, etc patches, SI, KOTN, and official mods) I have installed on this single copy of Oblivion! Yes I used MTes4 to clone multiple copies of unmodded Vanilla Oblivion in which this heavilly modded Oblivion was once! And yes, I intend to replay this copy from a fresh level 1 character after having put in over 800 hours so far into this copy! So after describing what I'm gonna do with my Oblivion to kill off the otherwise boring time, what are you gonna do as far as Oblivion? What's your recommended Oblivion mods to kill off the time?
  10. I keep getting graphical problems everytime I'm in the Unique Landscapes Eastern Peaks where rock formations end up glowing neon yellow when viewed from afar at certain angles! And this glitch still occurs to this day on the merged Unique Landscapes mod!
  11. I actually use both Wrye Bash and OBMM, as well as M-TES4 to make multiple copies of unmodded Oblivion! I also use BOSS to set load order! Please note the mods I have listed above I didn't list in order as I only rough estimate the names of the mods and put them into the list based on it's main theme!
  12. Yes, my Oblivion is pretty much mod heavy and now full of way too much to see and do that I fear I may not even see everything these wonderful mods I have have to offer! So far here's my list of major mods I have installed so far (not in order)! Mods list: (major lands) TWMP Heightmaps TWMP Hammerfell Elsweyr Anequina Ubanga TWMP Elsweyr Valenwood (onra) TWMP Black Marsh TWMP Summerset Isles Nascosto Isles version 3 Windfall Dibella's Watch and it's major expansion Vasthelm Lands of Zedar The Gateway Realm* All the Unique Landscapes made so far up to their latest versions and yes, even the latest version of Silgrad Towers (plays via separate Oblivion install via M-TES4) Transportation: Sides Sailing Ship Akatosh Mounts Mods List (dungeons) Underdark (this is an extremely huge, vast dungeon system) Dwemer Ruins Dungeons of Tamriel Cities (Adds underground sewer system underneath the cities of Chorrol, Bruma and Anvil!) Well Diver Reaper's Anequina Manor Shivering Isles Root System (You'll definitely get lost in this system of caves/dungeons!) Plus more!!! City improvements Elsweyr City Extension (extends the areas to explore in Corinthe) Yikes, those are some pretty epic mods so far! It's no wonder I have well over a thousand hours of gameplay on just 1 character! Yes, I'm looking for even more huge lands/exploration mods to compliment my current major install of Oblivion! So any suggestions when it comes to even newer lands to explore for my current install of modded Oblivion? WHat's most everyone's favorites? (Notes: * = Mod is half landscape and half dungeon crawl!!!)
  13. .....that does the same thing as Streamline 3.1's underwater fog removal feature! Is there any out there that works to remove the dreaded underwater fog not only for Tamriel worldspace waters, but also the underwater environments in Shivering Isles, all dungeon/cave/sewer interior's waters, as well as waters in separate worldspaces (I.E., Ubanga, Silgrad Towers, Windfall, separate celled cities, etc.)? Admins., if this ain't the right part of the forum to post this one in, please feel free to move it to the right forum.
  14. I had no choice but to delete all of TES-4 Oblivion for good because of problems that TES4ll has given me! I don't even know if it's the real culprit or not, but I go to install the landscape lod for UL Medium Resolution and it about destroyed all the landscape lods for every TWMP mod I had installed, destroyed all the landscapes of Elsweyr Anequina, Vanilla Oblivion, and more! I just don't know what I did wrong! And this roller coaster of trying to fix landscape errors, especially ghost land glitches, all started when I went and played TWMP Hammerfell, and I blame it on myself because I'm just not good at installing modsin the right order! So someone who knows how to install mods the right way and in the right order when installing mods, please help me out!!!
  15. I'm no good at creating mods, especially dungeon mods that require new meshes/textures, and I'm no mesh/texture artist, either! Now on to the mod request! I'm requesting a mod that adds a dungeon with a water theme that's pretty similar to the famous water temple from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask! I always have a weakness for water-themed dungeons!!! Heck, it doesn't even have to look like them! Just any ayelid/SI style dungeon will do, as long as there's water everywhere in the dungeon (waterfalls, pools of all sizes and depths, water pipes, fountains, geysers (if there's any geyser mods available, that is), and all other kinds of waterworks,) I know such a dungeon using ayelid/SI dungeon archeteture can be done, but the only thing is I'm no good at creating such mods!!! I might create the bare dungeon, but adding water myself I'm just no good at!!! And also, if anyone knows of any mods that adds such a dungeon as described above, please post that down with the links to them as well!
  16. Here is a video showing what I'm talking about! So how do I succeed in building roads/trails in the areas where it just won't let me? Yes, I'm trying to build a connector road that's suppose to link the Yellow Road near the Leyawwin East Gate and have it connect all the way to Castle Dunkerlore via Onra's Black Marsh, but it seems that certain micro-square grid areas of the ground just won't even let me acheive what I want to do! So help would be greatly appreciated for a modder, even a modder who wants to just build roads/trails for his own personal Oblivion game install!
  17. Okay, here's a map showing where exactly (to the best of my knowledge) where the conflicts occur that needs patching! I used a grid-map and drew dots using Windows Paint onto each cell affected or that may be affected due to the 2 overlapping mods! I know it's a lot of cells and all, but here's the map showing the conflicts! Link to map showing conflicts (based on drawn in dots on the cells)
  18. I didn't count all the cells affected, but I could give you the area in the game map (I'm using Dynamic Maps TWMP map, btw!) where the conflicts occurs! So far, I'm estimating hundreds of cells (not exactly sure how many) where objects from the Black Marsh Beta mod are floating in midair or buried under the ground, where water planes seem to be messed up (floating in air or buried?) and where the roads are missing as a result of using Onra's Tamriel Landscapes Black Marsh mod. Again, I'll have to draw up the affected area in the game map and upload it somewhere and provide the link to pic showing the affected area!
  19. Is there anyone out there willing to tackle on adding towns, castles, interiors, NPCs, creatures/enemies, caves/dungeons/ruins, and extending the roads to connect them together in Onra's Tamriel Landscapes Summerset isles mod? Coordinances with missing towns (despite town being named on the player map when using the TWMP Tamriel World map via Dynamic Maps) are as follows! (These following 4 locations already have the road available) -92, -81 -100, -66 -92, -60 -99, -55 (These following long list of coordinences without a town (big or small settlement type of town) may or may not have a road connecting them!) -109, -50 -122, -60 (Old Run) -113, -72 (Shimmerance) -103, -85 (Silverwood) -107, -100 (Dusk) -122, -97 (Sunhold) < Sounds like a place where a castle could be located at, too! -128, -93 -137, -88 (Marnor Keep) -143, -73 (River Watch) -125, -72 -134, -68 -138, -63 (Ebon Steadmont) -153, -64 -139, -40 (Graddon Spring) -158, -66 (Sea Keep) -159, -59 -140, -48 (Dead Town) And a location that looks like an ayelid ruin one could explore the interior of, but has it's door inactive, possibly due to there being a lack of an interior dungeon! -117, -81 Note that I didn't add the name of the locations to all the coordinances and will add them via post edit when I get the location names that the coordinance takes place in! So if anyone is willing to take on such an endeaver to add onto Onra's Tamriel Landscapes Summerset Isles mod, that would be really great!
  20. I'm not that good at making such a large patch that takes up so many cells and requires moving so many objects (such as buildings, plants, trees, NPCs, water-planes, waterfalls, rocks, etc.) to make it fit smoothly and perfectly into another mod, thus getting rid of floating or buried conflicts! So is anyone out there able to make such a large patch that will make all the objects from the Black Marsh mod BETA (found at http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42515 on TesNexus) fit in perfectly and become fully compatable with the Under The Sign of the Dragon: Tamriel Landscapes Black Marsh providence (mod found at http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38792 on TesNexus)?
  21. Besides Skyrim Improved, is there any mods out there that adds bearded NPCs into the Cyrodiil providence, as well as any other mods that feature bearded NPCs using the same beard models as featured here "http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/8393"? A complete list or even a partial list would be great! I'm hoping to see bearded NPCs all over the place in my install of Oblivion (besides just Sheogorath)!
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