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Everything posted by colourwheel

  1. I would just like to add another way to add more wild life to the game in tamriel is to make a new Leveledcreature. Increase the count number for each creature you add to the leveledcreature list. Find for example in Tamerial world just one Leveledcreature marker ( example "LL1WildernessForest") Then use the function "search & replace" in the edit menu. Once found in edit menu you could just search & replace every leveled creature called "LL1WildernessForest" with one that you made for the entire world cell. This is a way to increase wildlife population without conflicting with other wildlife leveledcreatures in tamerial world other wise the wild life could just be killing and attacking each other if placed too closely.
  2. honestly I do not see micro transations happening for skyrim, It would cause too much legal issues. what is to happen if two mods that do the same things are released? Would bethesda support both or only one? what happens if someone tries to make a mod to fix issues with said mod that has micro transations attached? would mod then need micro transations to support said mod? What happens if said mod author decides to stop support for said mod? will it conflict with user asking for money back, would bethesda then need to support said mod when author doesn't? there are too many factors alone to incorperate micro trasations for such a popular game, it just wouldn't be practical. If bethesda would incorperate anyones work for the game it would be only bethesda that would see any income. Bethesda or any company is not concerned to help anyone profit from their games. Make a completely bogus claim, expect to be called on it. Simple as that. Cause it sounded as paranoid and conspiratorial as the whole "they're sealing all our mods" stuff. @arthmoor you don't know anything about me or who I am. For all anyone knows i could be some nobody who just mods bethesda games for the heck of it, or I could be part of the board of staff that owns almost half of bethesda. If you google your name you know everything about Arthmoor because Arthmoor has made over 10+ webpages about himself letting people know of arthmoors accomplishments and who he is. Just something you should think about. Animity is a powerful way to be perceived than public knowledge.
  3. Told you before Arthmoor I won't argue with you anymore. Anything i do and say should just be fantasy to you. Just think of me as hallucinating or maybe temporary insane. lol Because you always have the answers to everything.
  4. I can see your point. Just saying i guess it's just a big disappointment on a lot of levels what their company has done. They rushed the release of a game for 11/11/11 which has caused a huge domino effect it seems. Releasing a completely broken utility, creating an upload site with very poor moderation, and they don't expect people to talk badly about them? I would have rather them waited even 3 years to release a great game, bring out a utility that wasn't completely broken, and have an upload site that they would actaully moderate since it is an official site. If anything its just a big disapointment. Sorry Bethesda if i bashed you too much and hope you will accept my appologies. I never said I didn't agree with you hehe. The only thing I'm suggesting to people is to carefully consider their actions. hehe The only action I have actually displayed is deciding not to mod skyrim right now. Honestly I wouldn't do anything that would be extreme on my part like going to their offical forum or anything knowing that work like mine and work of other like me is not highly smiled upon to start up any kind of debate, that would most likely be removed or locked. The fact that the threads were taken down over a year ago bashing peoples work that destroyed the game series "intended immersiveness" shows they moderate their forums better than the staff at steamworkshop does. I don't want to get into too touchy grounds on legal issues they are dealing with on behalf of other peoples resorces. Seems once you think you understand something about it someone always comes out to contradict your understanding. But most of the time it's always the same thing. I notice it's the authors who are supporting the workshop over the authors not supporting the workshop. It might not be clear most of the time but you only need to see what authors produce between nexus and steamworkshop to know ones views can be thought as being more bias in terms of what they post. Because the EULA even if someone completely thinks they understand it all, it is not very clear to me what they can do or what they intend to do with work uploaded to their workshop. I have a brother in law that works for a legal firm that repressents Mcdonalds. I asked him to look over their EULA and he told me it's plain and simple that according to him after reading it, it's like any legal document in regaurd it is written in the way that upholds thier rights and protection over anyone elses in every way possible. Kinda like a lease for a shopping center, The initial lease is always for the landlord and against the tenant in everyway possible. But sadly Authors who mod their games don't have brokers or lawyers to help amend their leasing terms, so to speak.
  5. I can see your point. Just saying i guess it's just a big disappointment on a lot of levels what their company has done. They rushed the release of a game for 11/11/11 which has caused a huge domino effect it seems. Releasing a completely broken utility, creating an upload site with very poor moderation, and they don't expect people to talk badly about them? I would have rather them waited even 3 years to release a great game, bring out a utility that wasn't completely broken, and have an upload site that they would actaully moderate since it is an official site. If anything its just a big disapointment. Sorry Bethesda if i bashed you too much and hope you will accept my appologies.
  6. It's actually quite easy to bash a company when you go onto their official forums as a guest and read about how they bash the work you do, coming dirrectly from people who worked on the game. Granted the threads still might not be there anymore and maybe the work i've personally have done in the past isn't lore-friendly, but it's always funny when you find something someone post about your work in a negative way Claiming "It's modders like (so-and-so) who are ruining the games reputation and killing the immersiveness that was intended." or something like that. lol They probably say this if you changed something to the game they personally worked on and completely removing most or all their work they did to the game. lol Edit: Don't mind me though i been just very moody as of late and frustrated with skyrim.
  7. With some(but only with some) - yes - for example Menace outfit BBB in general is an FPS eater. Depending on how many females are in current cell FPS will drop drasticly because it is an active animation even when NPC females are standing still or not vissually moving at all. I have dabbled with converting my stock clothing and armor replacer to use BBB body system before only to notice FPS dropped from 40 to 15 with my own resorces on my computer.
  8. lol you wouldn't be so envious knowing that the house cost almost 2 times more to build then what my family got when selling it. the fact it was near the shores of lake erie didn't help concidering the land was receeding to the water over a time periods of 10 years. from the time my family bought the land to when they sold it, 1/32 near the shore line clift that was originally bought was already in lake erie, even though it was 5 acres it would only be a matter of time before the actual house would be in lake erie.
  9. The frank lloyd wright house that I lived in was built after they passed that stupid amended. The builder that took frank lloyd wright's design, even as copyrighted, didn't pay any royalities or need permission to devolope. Unless you follow a blueprint to the centimeter of the design, you could design and build a house to look like a mcdonalds and there would be nothing mcdonalds could do about it. Like i said, the only reason why that "amended" was made was probably because a major campaign contributor passed it along to congress so they could profit by how utterly useless it would be to anyone other than their company at the time.
  10. Honestly If congress passed something to let someone copyright some building structure it was probably passed along from some company who contributes to a majority of repersentatives. Congress as a whole doesn't care about anything but gaining political respect and upholding promisses made to their major campaign contributors. I met with one of the Congressmen from my state during an election season 5 years ago. I asked him personally how he felt about an issue and asked if he was going to vote against the issue . He shook my hand and gave me a hug saying he would vote against it. So I voted for him. What do you know after he was elected two weeks in his term, he voted for it! If congress passed something to help protect copyrights for building designs without patent to the design itself. It was only met for the company who initially spread the word to them to do so. This way it could stop developement from a competitor to gain a finacial lead. leading to the company to gain profit at an exponential growth with their competitor out of the picture for a year at most. In a practical sense, Copyrighting a building design without some kind of financial motive behind it is pointless. There are no lawsuits in history dealing with buildings alone, only building plans. I have less respect for political repressentives than those poor people on the streets trying to sell me those homeless newspaper saying they been selling these papers for years so they don't need to break the law for money. When I find out later from a friend who is a police officer, that the same person I bought that newspaper from was arrested a month ago for prostituting their 5 year old daughter with downsyndrome.
  11. Never said copyrighting was a waste of money. But copyrighting a building plan is, unless you have patents on specific of the design.
  12. Not going to download a file just to read about how a building plan can be copyrighted. So I will give you the benifit of the doubt. Even if someone wanted to copyright a building plan, what is the point? Think someone is going to mass produce the building from design to detail? Even if someone took the plan and used it to build from it's exact detail for a home, it's pointless to take legal action because its just a residential home. Even if someone took the plan and made small changes for the final result you are entitled no royalties even as commerial use. Unless you have patents on specifics of a design, copyrighting a building plan is a total waste of money. I lived in a house in cleveland Ohio that was a frank lloyd wright design. The design was copywrited but the builder made small changes. The person who built the house didn't ask for permission and didn't have to give any royalties to their family after he finished building it. The house was completely made of glass on one side viewing lake Erie.
  13. You can't copyright a building design. You can patent the idea of a building design, granted if the idea is unique enough to not be already stepping grounds to something that is already patented. But that is way different than copyrighting something. For one thing Patents are way more expensive to pursue legal action than copywrite. Because an example of a building plan being used for something that is taken from something that is patent can get very complex. It's debatable legally what the outcome would turn out because patents can expire in 14 years to 2 decades as copyrights last for over 10 decades. Typically speaking, if something is copyrighted I can use it for commerical use in 120 years from now and won't get into any legal trouble. lol
  14. lol You pervert! j/k Just drop into the chatroom from time to time if you want to chat with me though. I ussually spend my free time in the chatroom when i am not working or doing school work.
  15. I think the point of the matter Jaysus is trying to point out, reguardless of who owns what, the simple fact that their utility that is integrated to steam bound to the EULA might limit the trust of user wanting to share with the community original work. They might be trying to protect themselves but at the same time the protection is giving them a way too much power and rights over users work to make one question if they would want to share with the community or not. You have to look at the perspective of the average 3D modelers. If a company has the ability to exploit someones hard work even if there is almost no doubt they wouldn't do it anyways, chances are there is going to be less original mesh work being brought into the community. With less original resorces being introduced to a game over time, there will be less people modding the game. with less people modding the game the over all replay value of the game shortens, for a gaming series that is know for its endless ability of modding. The average 3D modeler would 1st think after reading the EULA that the company would take their work and exploit it for their own profit. It might seem like paranioa but put yourself in the shoes of someone who wishes to bring new material to the community who does a better job at making meshes than bethesda. Most likely After reading the EULA they would think otherwise and move onto something else. To openly give up so many rights just for sharing new mesh work that is probably better than anything bethesda would ever produce would make the mind think "WFH! Who in their right mind would give up so many rights just to share original work to the community?" Also the fact of the matter that the EULA can change at any given momment would be understandable if people wouldn't want to share their work with the community. This is just my thought, I try to see where and how everyone stands based on the work they do and i know for fact Jaysus is a beyond average modeler. Giving this fact I can understand his paranoia. I already know that a lot of japanese modelers, that have made a huge impact on the modding community for oblivion, won't mod skyrim because they didn't change the EULA with thier utility completely integrated to steam. If you look at oblivion it's safe to say on nexus over 75% of the download traffic probably comes from new animations, clothing, armor, body, creatures, and weapon models. The average game user won't mod their game just to flood their Data folder with mods that don't add any new resorces. Chances are they are wanting to find a mod that will add new material to their game beyond some new quest mod or modification to already existing resorces.
  16. Maybe the whole steamworkshop is just a trap. They are just waiting for a stupid user to upload ripped material from another game who is wealthy so they can sue. lol That makes more sense to why their site is so under-moderated. Steamworkshop and Bethesda would get maybe a 15% cut from the lawsuit after the software company whos work was exploited gets their cut 1st. lol paranoia and conspiracy lol
  17. That is already how the situation looks like currently. Aside from mods stolen from nexus, there are also some ripped assassin creeds armor that I have reported several days ago and they are still there. I even gave links to it in the bethesda official forums to make them aware of it(http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1346843-mods-uploaded-to-the-workshop-without-permission/), but that hasnt changed anything so far. They are really, really slow at this, assuming that they are ever going to do anything about it :confused: Maybe Its just I who is impatient, but I know of a few small russian sites that have stolen mods from me, but removed them faster than this after I sent them a complaint by using ggogle translator. If this is the current case and their staff doesn't start moderating there site better, Bethesda might actually start taking users work to be used in their future games. With the legal repercussions that can build up over time for not doing anything at all, Bethesda and steamworkshop can get into a lot of trouble if another software company finds their copywrited material active on their website. They would only need to look at the download traffic and the date when the file was uploaded to see they do nothing. lol
  18. I think there was less reason to be paranoid when modding oblivion. For one thing The CK is completely integrated into steam as well as the game. Even though 1000's of mods are being uploaded to steam it's still too soon to say what Bethesda will do in the long run giving the EULA is totally in favor against the users in every way possible. The fact there is almost 0 moderation from the staff at steamworkshop sometimes makes me think why do they even have the workshop to begin with. You could probably upload ripped material from another game and it would take their staff weeks or months before they even get to it and realize it's "ripped material" (even when people are reporting it). Was there really a point to even making their utility completely integrated to steam? Seems the CK was a broken utility from the release date as well. But given the EULA and the fact that their main utility is completely integrated to steam it's understandable why some authors might feel hesitant to mod their game when dealing with original work. It's not like people are being forced to mod their game. We can choose. I have chosen not to mod skyrim. Granted I might eventually someday mod skyrim but as of now I just like to sit back and mod oblivion and see how the modding scene goes for a game that is still yet new.
  19. I a gree with a lot of arguements here. I understand lawsuits are very costly too. But Bethesda doesn't really need the money for this. IMO it's their lawyers that conjure up these things. I very much doubt the CEO of bethesda look at "Scrolls" and said "OMG lets sue them right now, for using the word scrolls!"
  20. The website is far from being user friendly searching for the "CK" Every text link that States "Creation kit" leads to everything about the "creation kit" but the actual "creation kit" download itself. lol I think they did this on purpose to hype up it's release for it to be talked about on multi threads on forums world wide. Making something more difficult to obtain causes more talk. if you are looking for the "CK" to download here is the link.... http://steamcommunity.com/games/SteamWorkshop/announcements/detail/1119379400194741586 just look for the sentence... "To get started modding, install the Creation Kit – free through Steam to all Skyrim owners – from the Tools section of your Steam Library (or, click here to launch directly). " Just use click here but you have to be logged onto steam to do this.
  21. This is the initial release. When TESconstruct set was introduced it was not perfect either. Honestly not sure about individual problems using the "CK" because its too new still but eventually I am sure newer versions will be released over time to deal with them. Alone after just loading "CK" i had errors pop up too. Also many functions don't work properly or the way they should. Even though there are many features they have added to customize that TESconstruct set lacked. There are redundent features that can cause confusion when using.
  22. Thats just it. Not going to be modding skyrim for the steam community. lol When it comes to such a powerful and or complex user agreement just to share work it can get difficult and risky when modifying other peoples resorces. agreeing to anything like that when uploading a file just to share with the comunity can get you into a lot of trouble if you are not careful. A relative of mine who is a lawyer always tells me to never agree to any kind of online agreement when uploading anything that is more than a few short paragraphs long. It's like leasing a shopping center. Unless you have a good broker behind you any lease is by defualt against the tenant in every way possible. Guess My plans of future work will just remain for oblivion for now. Edit: If this agreement doesn't change TES games will turn into games with less re-play value as time goes by with less original resorces being intoduced and shared with the community.
  23. lol next thing you know if Bethesda wins the lawsuit. Their lawyers might start looking into the word "Elder" Just imagine the lawsuits Bethesda's lawyers could conjure up on old peoples homes and retirement establishments using the word "Elder" lol I honestly am starting to believe their lawyers have nothing better to do then to find their company ways to sue just to make a little proffit. edit: if Bethesda starts getting the reputation of a software company suing on use of words they might even start to encounter other business to start suing them... http://www.tes.net/ http://tes.collegesource.com/ http://tes.asu.edu/ the list goes on.... lol
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