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Everything posted by kichigaikikyokagome

  1. Same here. Took me 2 days of playing with heavily scripted mods, trying to figure out what was causing it. Updated mods, re-installed, disabled, used wrye bash to target issues, rebuild patch, used xedit to clean mods (as per Loot) and to re-order masters to match.... Nothing! I even double checked my memory patch, but it already is allowing max memory. I cleaned my save with savetool and my game was running better than ever. Still getting CTDs and I knew it wasn't my memory being maxed out, or script overload, or error log overload. Finally I narrowed it down to 2 quests in the area. Ending Blood on Ice by speaking to Jorleif was the culprit. Thank GOD I can now play without constant crashes. How ironic that I have over 300 mods and it was a vanilla quest that caused it... 9 years after release!!! Grrrrr! P.S. Going to force the quest to complete through console. Hope it works since at least 1 person can verify it did.
  2. Thanks :) This worked perfect. I had to go about it a slightly different way. 1. In game, press shift + enter to open the ingame ENB overlay. Press ~ to keep your screen still while you mouse around the menu. *Note: If it doesn't show up, its cause you have 3rd party gaming software (ex, GeForce Experience, AMD, etc.) that interferes with ENB's ability to work. If thats the case, install the injector version of ENB instead of wrapper version... or remove/shut down those 3rd party programs. 2. At the top in yellow text, click the + beside "Input" to expand options under that category. 3. Click the option "KeyUseEffect" and scroll through the menu of keys to chose. I wanted to use Alt, but it doesn't work. I ended up using F1. 4. Now at the very top (you may have to use the slide bar to scroll back up), check the "Save Configuration". Press shift + enter to close the overlay. 5. Press shift + F1 (or whatever key you set it to) to turn off the ENB effect in game. If it works, move on to the next step. If not, try setting it as a different key. Don't pick anything that you use often. 6. Pres ESC and choose MCM Configuration menu (Need SKSE, SkyUI, etc.). Scroll through the list of mods with MCM menus until you find "Predator Vision". Set the key for night vision to F1 (or whatever you chose). 7. Close the menu. In game, Press shift + F1 to disable the ENB effect. Then press F1 to toggle night vision on and off. You can also have heat vision running at the same time, but it may look extremely psychedelic unless you play with the brightness / color settings for heat vision in the Predator Vision MCM menu. When you are satisfied with your keys and the look of your night vision & heat vision, save your game. Done! :)
  3. Monkinsane and Co0n: ^If you change to: #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION(remove // ), you are turning off all the color effects added by your ENB. Basically, you are disabling half of your ENB permanently. The whole point of this thread was to give an alternative fix. See my next post in this thread for another way to do the OP's fix.
  4. Probably ask the modders of Play and Bash and Elin Violins. If the modder of Play and Bash can get permission from Elin Violins, he/she can import the violin model and anim resources into their mod.
  5. Please, I need more detail on how to do this. I am trying to make Bishop from the Skyrim Romance Mod able to turn into a werewolf because he is invisible when infected using AFT. I am not that familiar with the Construction Kit. Is there a detailed guide, or can you tell me step-by-step? EDIT: Nevermind, I got it!
  6. Its Undeath!!! Uninstall the mod completely. Don't just uncheck it. Then use Script Tool (aka Save Game Cleaner) to clean your last save of Undeath scripts (there should be 16). Guards will be visible again. :)
  7. I recently developed the same problem. The mods we have in common are: A Quality World Map Better Sorting Categorized Favorites Menu Realistic Lighting SkyUI W.A.T.E.R. However, most of these I have had installed for a long time. Maybe it was an update that started this problem, or it could be another mod or a mod conflict. Good luck fixing it... wish me luck too. :tongue: EDIT: Actually I figured it out... its Undeath!!! Uninstall the mod completely. Don't just uncheck it. Then use Script Tool (aka Save Game Cleaner) to clean your last save of Undeath scripts (there should be 16). Guards will be visible again. :)
  8. Hi, I am another one of those who experienced this crash suddenly. I was inside Proudspire Manor in solitude when it happened. I have not played much of dawnguard, I only joined it and then left. I used two fixes from this forum, then continued to play Skyrim and it seems to be working so far. I played for quite a few hours without another crash. One fix was to change my windows resolution (right click desktop). I clicked it to a different option, clicked yes. Then immediately changed it back. Also, I went to Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\VCRedist and ran VCRedist.exe, which repaired the C++ files.
  9. I had the same problem... its definitely a bug. Thanks for pinpointing which mod caused it. :/ I had dragonborn installed for ages, but it wasn't until I actually went to Solstheim that I suddenly couldn't mine any ore, clay, or stone, anywhere, unless I equip a pickaxe and physically attack the vein. I will try messing with DB DLC to try and fix this... :/ Unfortunately my save from before I visited Solstheim is way back. :sad:
  10. This mod is dead and only Whiterun is completed. I request that someone carry on with another "real windows" mod!
  11. Go download the dustfx script fix, I think by steve. There is a guide explaining how to remove this bug. Also you may need the blue palace fix script by the same guy.
  12. I had this problem and worked on it for a couple hours. I have a 64 bit windows OS but a 32 bit browser, and java recommends using 32 bit java in this case. Or if you use 64 bit and 32 bit browsers, you can have both versions of java. I checked and had the latest update of java, but it was 32 bit only. I downloaded 64 as well. No change. I deleted 32 and kept only 64. No change. I noticed when I was downloading java that I got a message saying "java has detected your browser is google chrome, which may soon not be able to use this version of java..." The file that I was downloading was named "chrome something something java". I figured there was something different about it. I closed chrome, opened internet explorer, and downloaded the default version of 32 bit java for internet explorer. This is now the only version of java I have. The problem was fixed!! Using java on google chrome works for now. When it doesn't, I figure I will download both versions of java 32 and hope it doesn't break the mod.
  13. Theres a really nice one in the static mesh improvement mod (my preferred version). There is an alternative one that is also sort of nice but not nearly as immersive in the Nordic Lantern Mod (or something like that).
  14. Actually, there is a mod for this. Its called: 100x Your Carry Weight - or 10x or 25x by GIGN http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8128/?
  15. This was beautifully worded and made me more aware of the situation with gaming and modding in the present and future. I would love to see this "renaissance" of modding bloom. I, too, love the infinite possibilities of a game that can be tailored to each individual's preferences. I love this site, the rules, and the attitude in general. If anyone can pull it off, it would be you guys, but I am concerned about the quality control of the community here going downhill if a large influx of uninitiated people suddenly take interest in the site. It would be sad for nexus to take a hit in reputation while trying to do good for the gaming world. Its not enough to deter me from encouraging your changes, but perhaps you will keep it in mind when the time comes for implementing these changes. How will the influx of gamers to nexus affect the community here, and what policy changes or increase in moderators would be needed to handle it, at least until the 'nexus newbies' adjust to the tolerant/friendly climate (assuming they don't just overwhelm the culture of the current community)?
  16. Thats a good idea. You can change the transparency of fog and such too, so I wonder if that would work? Also there are some mods that make the rain heavier. I wonder if they know what it is that affects the particles (perhaps this is where you got your info from already). Maybe you can get some other weather modders to help with this. Its a great idea, and I absolutely love it. It had always bugged me to see rain go through roofs as if they weren't there. Good luck.
  17. It could be mod load order between Better Sorting and SkyUI, or it could be that one wasn't installed properly. If you really want both, I'd recommend reading their readmes carefully before uninstalling and reinstalling them. Sometimes uninstalling can cause more problems than its worth unless you follow a specific procedure found in the mod's readme, so do read before you uninstall.
  18. Likely your #1 problem: These have gotten dirty again since the previous log: Update.esm Active Contains dirty edits: 52 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide) Dawnguard.esm Active Contains dirty edits: 602 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide) HearthFires.esm Active Contains dirty edits: 171 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. (Cleaning guide) This is mess, but the correct .esps seem active. It may still be a source of conflict, though. You should consider going into the skyrim/data folder and manually deleting the .esp files you don't need to keep things clear. Cloaks.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} Note: Use only one cloaks*esp Cloaks - No Imperial.esp Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} Note: Use only one cloaks*esp Cloaks - Player Only.esp Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} Note: Use only one cloaks*esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} 1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp. 1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp. Incompatible with: Cloaks of skyrim (even with compatibility patch). To fix this use another WICCloaks esp or uninstall cloaks of skyrim. 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp Incompatible with: 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch esp This is far above SkyRe_main.esp. It would probably do better being below both HBetterBows and SkyRe. SkyRe_Plugin_BetterBows_1.4.1.esp Active Note: Remember to install the original mod before activating a patch or skyrim will crash when it can't find the supporting files. Another potential source of conflict: dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active Note: Be sure you have downloaded and installed the script Hotfixes. <------------------------here dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp Active Note: Ragdolls will conflict with other mods that change the skeleton.nif. Check Custom Skeleton Replacers for compatibly with other skeleton.nif. <---------And here SkyRe_Main.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}} Warning: The SkyRe has many conflicts with other mods. Please read the readme before playing with mod. This will prevent many problems. Read it here. ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp Active Incompatible with: SkyRe. Compatibility version no longer available. <------------here And finally, here. If you have wrye bash, you should look at the colors of your mods. I think the red highlighted mods are ones missing a master file. I believe there is a way to see what master file the mod is missing. Alternatively, it could be that the modder has not updated the mod since the latest version of skyrim, or that you don't have the latest version of skyrim but the modder does. In any case, you can disable any red colored mods and see if your game runs clean. I'd do this as a last resort though, because minimal conflicts are not always worth getting rid of the mod. [GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. Some extra tips: You can run a disc defrag and disc cleanup on your computer. I'd recommend scheduling them to run daily, if you can. Don't forget to rebuild your bashed patch after you're done fixing the above problems. And make sure you don't have more than a handful of saves, because it can slow down your game if you do. Make a new save every once in a while. Did you say you recently re-installed SkyTEST? That mod has a lot of scripts, etc. There are problems if it is uninstalled/reinstalled or updated improperly. You can try running an older save or a new game to see if the freeze problem is fixed. If so, then there was a problem installing/uninstalling/updating SkyTEST and perhaps dirty scripts are hanging around in your save. Good luck, Chaos
  19. You have to read and agree to the EULA before you can play a new game, but do you actually do it, or do you just skip to the bottom and put a mark in the box? Making people visit the rules thread will not accomplish anything other than making that number increase. If 3 of every 50 new members is a flamer/troublemaker, forcing them to look at the rules is not going to make them better people, it will only give them one more thing to be a jerk about. Their first thread will be "WTF why did I have to read the rules before I could post?" except it will be written in horrible grammar and every word will be abbreviated in internet retard-speak. Well, I am one of those people that didn't read the rules. I honestly didn't even realize they were there. I just zipped on down to what I was looking for and posted. I believe that in a case like mine it would have been really nice to have those rules and consequences for breaking them pop up the first time i made a post. I ended up getting 2 strikes for swearing in a topic called "Is swearing Ok"? I personally believe swearing is ok, for me, not for everyone and not in every situation but I sure wouldn't have swore if I had the rules/consequences shoved in my face before i posted. Yes there will always be "trouble makers" that break the rules regardless, "written in horrible grammar and every word will be abbreviated in internet retard-speak" (does that quote not break some kind of law, "retard-speak"?) No disrespect intended, not trying to be a "tattle tale", but sometimes the amount of different rules someone has to abide by can be a little overwhelming, and sometimes ends up ruining it for good, honest members. I believe a lot of this could be avoided by having the rules appear before the member's first post. No not everyone will read it, but that is their loss and there would be no excuses. I personally have my own set of rules: Be nice, respect others, and stress the positives rather than the negatives towards people. I understand that not everyone accepts "swear words" and some people are offended by it. I am willing to sacrifice my freedom of speech for certain situations, but some of these rules are a little bit broad and very easily misunderstood or broken accidently. Such as the dont post if no one has posted in a month rule, don't post short words like "Yes" or "No" or "Thats cool", etc.. I sincerely hope no one has been kicked out for saying "Thats cool". A little warning would be nice for your first offense. If it continues after that, then start issuing the strikes. I honestly feel like I did not deserve the 2 strikes I got for swearing, but whatever, i'm not gonna cry about it, i guess i should've been more careful. But it would have been a lot easier to be careful if someone showed me exactly what i was to be careful of. I also have never read the forum rules, but I've never posted in the forums either until today. I was actually looking for that CHAT rules (since the ones in the chat are so abbreviated, I was sure that couldn't be all of them). Instead I found forum rules (which I didn't know existed). Still, I don't see the reason why I was kicked in these rules. But I think its against the rules to talk about why you were kicked... or something... I'm a little confused. So, I can't say what happened -- lets just say it was for a lot less than swearing.
  20. Can we have a "report moderator abuse" option? I don't really like how some moderators abuse their power. I'd like a way to contest some moderator's decisions, or at least bring them to the attention of other moderators. I don't really know if this is the right place to bring it up, but I'd love for someone to point out to me what to do if I feel like the victim of moderator abuse (right now, and not after the revision happens). But after the revision, it would also be nice to be able to politely request revision of a moderator's actions, especially now since everything said is going to be recorded.
  21. I read a post the other day right on the front page that basically said that stealing content from other modders is not a "legal" issue, and that anything put up on the internet is fair game. This got an eye-brow raise out of me. I wonder how that person got through highschool... or maybe he/she didn't, seeing as he/she doesn't understand the crime called plagiarism. I'm betting he copied his school papers from the internet, and perhaps even got expelled for it. Anyway, lets be real. When it comes down to it, you are NOT anonymous on the internet. Just like in real life, you're a stranger everywhere unless you're with the handful of people you know in this world. That doesn't mean you act a fool around other strangers (I hope). And yes, it IS possible to track your real identity with IP logging and more, especially if you draw federal attention by admitting you stole something. Especially as the government locks down more and more on the internet. If only for that reason, its time to start behaving before you end up crossing the law. (This coming from someone who knows a couple people who went to federal prison for trolling websites)
  22. I tried all the fixes out there that I could find, but none of them worked, so I gave up. Months later, I accidentally stumbled across a fix. I downloaded TES5Editor (experimental version), and opened Skyrim.esm with the program. Then I right clicked and chose "check for errors" or something like that. It took a while to get through it all, but I saw the debug log and somewhere in there it had recognized Leggate Rikke was bugged. I couldn't tell if it had managed to repair the quest, so I opened the game and sure enough, it was fixed!!!!!
  23. I tried all the fixes out there that I could find, but none of them worked, so I gave up. Months later, I accidentally stumbled across a fix. I downloaded TES5Editor (experimental version), and opened Skyrim.esm with the program. Then I right clicked and chose "check for errors" or something like that. It took a while to get through it all, but I saw the debug log and somewhere in there it had recognized Leggate Rikke was bugged. I couldn't tell if it had managed to repair the quest, so I opened the game and sure enough, it was fixed!!!!!
  24. I tried all the fixes out there that I could find, but none of them worked, so I gave up. Months later, I accidentally stumbled across a fix. I downloaded TES5Editor (experimental version), and opened Skyrim.esm with the program. Then I right clicked and chose "check for errors" or something like that. It took a while to get through it all, but I saw the debug log and somewhere in there it had recognized Leggate Rikke was bugged. I couldn't tell if it had managed to repair the quest, so I opened the game and sure enough, it was fixed!!!!!
  25. I tried all the fixes out there that I could find, but none of them worked, so I gave up. Months later, I accidentally stumbled across a fix. I downloaded TES5Editor (experimental version), and opened Skyrim.esm with the program. Then I right clicked and chose "check for errors" or something like that. It took a while to get through it all, but I saw the debug log and somewhere in there it had recognized Leggate Rikke was bugged. I couldn't tell if it had managed to repair the quest, so I opened the game and sure enough, it was fixed!!!!!
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