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Everything posted by Snowsong

  1. Omigosh. I JUST had that part of the quest trigger. Yeah ... I came across the dude about to knife that lizard woman in the back. He waited several minutes in real time before he finally did it. There's some weird bug that's keeping him immobile for way too long. Try moving around the area for a while to see if you can get him to kill her. Mine worked ... eventually ... after I was sitting there for several minutes saying "What the heck?!"
  2. Oh, MY! Your character has a pretty sick sense of humor to aim for ... that ... spot.
  3. Maybe the plant-the-ring-on-the-guy thing was a bug in your game? I took one heck of a long time to do that quest, and it still worked for me even after I ignored doing it for like FOREVER. I loves me Skyrim.
  4. Yeah, if you do a shout too close to any townspeople, they consider it attacking the townspeople. They'll kick your butt for that.
  5. Single buggiest quest in the game. It's still buggy even AFTER the patch came out. Sorry I can't help you. I still can't get the second part of that quest to work, myself.
  6. The Nord is my main character, but I also started playing a Redguard recently. These pics don't show them as they usually are ... armored to the teeth in glass armor or elven armor. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7276/7483477444_63db8fd55a_z.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8151/7483477806_c5e01e33e3_z.jpg
  7. That's the most frustrating quest in the whole game, in my opinion. I hate that quest! I wouldn't even attempt it until you got all three whirlwind sprints, otherwise it's an exercise in frustration. You don't HAVE to have all three whirlwind sprints, but it helps keep you sane if you do.
  8. You didn't say whether you were on a PC or what ... I'm on a PC, and I just hit the "Print Scr" button (on your keyboard) repeatedly in the middle of action. It takes amazing screenshots. You retrieve the files later by going to (at least this is how on my computer): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
  9. Thrilled about getting Dawnguard on PC in a month. I'm so glad there are a group of beta-testers testing it out for bugs right now on Xbox. LOL.
  10. I had a bug one time where I learned the dragonrend shout, but it wouldn't work on alduin at all and he was invincible. I had to re-load a previous save (luckily I'd saved recently) and the second time around it worked perfectly, like it should. You need to re-load your most recent save. Sometimes the game just bugs out like that.
  11. No, I didn't do any custom keys. I use the default key settings and never changed them. EDIT: NEVER MIND. You press "E". The first time I pressed "E" it didn't work, but I tried the key again and it worked this time. Thanks anyway.
  12. Help. I've tried every key on the keyboard, both mouse buttons and combinations of all and can't figure it out. Yes, I did do a search for "dismount" on this forum before posting this, but could not find the answer. A plate of cookies to whoever answers. Thanks.
  13. The briarheart thing was a bug from the original game that was (supposedly) fixed with a patch. That quest was broken in my original game, but after the patch came out, it wasn't broken any more and I could do the quest just fine. Are you sure you have all the patches? (I don't know how many there were. ...)
  14. I'll definitely play both sides with different characters. My preference is to be on the side of the vampire hunters, though. What is with the blotting out the sun thing? That would kill all life on earth. ... LOL. I guess the vampire clan can't think that far ahead.
  15. If even HALF the stuff in that video are in the expansion, I'll be thrilled. Werebears would be awesome, but I could live without them.
  16. I don't mean bright, fire engine red. I mean a natural shade of red. Like Nicole Kidman's hair in Moulin Rouge, or Ann-Margret's hair. :) I'd also like to request that someone mod the eyes for the elf races so they don't scare me any more. LOL. They'd be prettier if their irises didn't take up the entire eyeball.
  17. Hi. I can't believe there is no truly red hair in the game. There is a brownish-red/auburn. That's about it. I'd love a natural shade of red that is a brighter red than what's in the game. I'd make the mod myself except that I'm clueless about how to change things in the character creator menus. Thanks.
  18. I love that I just got attacked for no real reason whatsoever. :( What I SHOULD have said in my original post is, yes, there is a chance the glitch happened randomly and had nothing to do with the mods I'd put in. I thought this would be obvious to everyone so I didn't actually write it down, and as a result, became troll bait. The reason I thought it was mod-related was because I'd played through that quest-line twice before and never had the glitch, but after I put in several mods, suddenly the glitch happened. Yes, it COULD have nothing to do the mods. Of course. Perhaps it was random and was unrelated to mods. In retrospect, I realize I should have recognized that there was a glitch (it wasn't immediately apparent to me at the time) and reloaded my game without saving. I saved the game and was playing it for a good long while afterward before I realized, "oh, crap ... I think there was a glitch somewhere ..." Thanks and big hugs to everyone who actually made a helpful comment. I think the mods can delete this thread, now. :)
  19. I wish I could become a werewolf whenever a nutjob tries to convert me to his religion.
  20. I'm on my third character. I've never had a problem with the main quest before. I decided to put in a few mods and start a new character. Now the main quest is completely stopped because some dialogue won't trigger. I took the mods out again, but problem did not go away. Please help. Here's where I'm stuck: I just got the Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow, and gave it to the wizard in Dragonsreach. He then delivered the dialogue he was supposed to: "You're a cut above the usual brutes the Jarl sends my way. Go speak to the Jarl for your reward." I went to speak to the Jarl and NOTHING HAPPENED. The beginning of the "Dragon Rising" quest was supposed to begin, but it didn't. I talked to his steward and nothing happened there, either. Someone is supposed to come by to say a dragon has been sighted nearby. This didn't happen. When I talk to the Jarl and steward I don't get the dialogue that's supposed to occur. I'd installed a few mods. One of them is a mod that alters the Breezehome house. That MIGHT have been the culprit. (Umm .. I guess.) I also installed an unlimited amulets and rings mod, and mods that made potions and ingredients lightweight. Anyway, I'd like to be able to summon up another Dragonstone to see if I can get the dialogue to trigger now. Does anyone know how to do this? I can't go back to an earlier save. There isn't one. If anyone knows how I can get this dialogue/quest to trigger, PLEASE let me know. Thanks in advance.
  21. LOL. I would TOTALLY spend 1,000 gold to knock his block off.
  22. I played through all the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests, and felt like I'd turned into a thug while I was doing them. LOL! It's true that if you just want to play a "good" character, you'll miss out on a lot of interesting gameplay in Skyrim. In Oblivion and Morrowind I always played good characters and still had a ton of fascinating gameplay. In Skyrim, there is definitely less gameplay for people who want to stick with good characters.
  23. I have this bug, too. I'm still carrying around that stupid drum. LOL.
  24. I felt the same way the OP did, but then started a second character so I could play the opposite side in the civil war. The funny thing is, even when you're doing some of the same quests you did in your first game, the play-through is STILL a little different. For example, my first character had to summon a flame atronach to enter the mage's guild. My 2nd character was asked to do a totally different spell to enter. I love these little variations in the game!
  25. Some of the things the OP listed as negatives I actually like and see as positives ... such as the no acrobatics/jumping skill gains. LOL.
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