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Everything posted by Snowsong

  1. I have to admit I like "pretty" elves. I think the elves in the game are ugly, too, so I only play as human. I'd love to play a high elf (is that what they're called?) except they are so ugly I couldn't stand to look at myself. I appreciate that Bethesda was trying to make the elves look different from humans, though. I can't stand to look at female orcs, either, but the male orcs look cool.
  2. The problem I have with playing a mage is that I always run out of mana/magicka half-way through killing a dragon. LOL.
  3. Someone else pointed out that "you're" is supposed to be "your." That is correct. I also have to point out that the word "typo's" in this sentence does NOT require an apostrophe. You fail, dude. If you're going to criticize someone, at least make sure you can write good English yourself.
  4. I had similar issues. I brought a lute into my bedroom and arranged it nicely and the next time I went into the house (after being away for a while), the lute was in a different place. Ack! Also, I tried to put two amethysts on the table next to my bed, and the next time I went into the house, one amethyst had disappeared and the 2nd was on the floor.
  5. So is trainer just another word for "mod"? Sorry if I'm sounding ignorant.
  6. I sided with the Stormcloaks. After the battle of Whiterun, the city was exactly the same except the guards were then Stormcloak instead of Imperial. All the stores are still there and still run the same way by the same people. Your house is still there if you bought a house there.
  7. Very cool. What does "trainer" mean in this context, though? Is it a character in the game that gives you perk points? Or are more perk points automatically given to your character. I've been wanting a mod that allows unlimited perks and this sounds good to me. Or is it a "trainer" because it's your first Skyrim mod?
  8. Was killing all the hawks a quest??? I haven't heard of this one. All the animals re-spawn after a while unless they're in dungeons. That's not a bug.
  9. Yes, it does go away after a while. One day you'll return and it will be gone. :ermm:
  10. I once FOUND a horse with a dead guy beside it. I mounted the horse and began to ride away, but literally SECONDS later we were attacked by a sabre tooth cat. The cat killed my new horse. I had him literally for less than a half minute. :sad:
  11. That quest seems to be buggy. I've tried everything to get that quest to trigger for me, and I still can't get it to happen in my game.
  12. I haven't even had the option of choosing storm or frost guys yet. Do you need to have a high conjuration skill to get the option of having them?
  13. AAAAAHHHH ... I sold one of my claws after I completed the quest it was used for. I figured I was done with it. Oh, no ....
  14. Thanks to everyone, especially the person who suggested looking on Youtube. I found a video that clued me in, and was finally able to do it right.
  15. If you have Windows 7, use the Print Scr button on your keyboard. Then you find the pictures by going to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim I didn't know this either until I asked about it on the forums a few days ago.
  16. I love bben's interpretation of Thanksgiving. LOL. Especially the "watching football" part. :tongue: Hee hee. That's pretty much how my in-laws celebrate Thanksgiving. My family just sits down to an extravagant meal together and then ... ummm. ... nothing else.
  17. I'm right now stuck on the same quest. That 'calibration of the lens' part SUCKS. I'm getting frustrated as hell.
  18. You're not supposed to kill the nice one. If you just kill the evil one and leave the house, you get away without the guards coming to get you. HOWEVER, the Dark Brotherhood will "know" you killed an innocent and come and find you to invite them to their brotherhood. They'll come regardless, though.
  19. That's what made me get rid of him (Barbas the dog). I took him into a dungeon and he was awesome at first, but then he started pushing me backwards and forwards and sideways and was always in the way. I told him to stop following me after that. I hope he made it out of the dungeon OK. I sort of left him in there. :whistling:
  20. Yeah, I hate it when there is no "good guy" choice. I agree with you, there. I'm so in love with Skyrim, though, that I still won't stop playing it. I may be playing it for the next four years. :cool:
  21. I'll be excited to see a mod that will give us unlimited perks. :happy:
  22. I bought Skyrim as a disc for the PC. I'm not having any problems with my game. You might want to look at the options settings, because the PC version for some reason is defaulted to XBox 360. If you look in the options settings, you uncheck the box that says XBox 360, and the game will play very smoothly from then on.
  23. Actually, the guy in Winterhold refuses to teach you enchanting. Perhaps you have to do some sort of quest to get him to teach you??? I don't know.
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