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About wpgfurry

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  1. Just an update...a rather late one, but one nonetheless lol. With the mod on here, the captured girls don't go anywhere, they just disappear. There's a free update on the author's patreon which not only gives them inns to go to, but removes the head covers, gives them names, allows them to be recruited as companion, squires or slaves, and gives a far more extensive questline. There's also going to be a further free update in a few months (hopefully) which gives an even greater questline to the whole mod. The Buxom Wench Yuriana mod on here is about 3 versions older than the patreon.
  2. you sir, win. I don't think my computer could even handle half those plugins. You must have one heck of a beefy system!
  3. Welcome to skyrim, the game of modding. 3000+hrs into the game i've yet to reach the thalmor embassy lol
  4. When you're 900 mods in with a 1.2mb/s download speed you REALLY don't want to accidently update lol
  5. This is mine. I should note though it's not my personal best, I uninstalled a bunch of mods recently to try a different type of playthrough. My best is closer to 900, which is pretty good for a potato computer from 12yrs ago lol
  6. I suggest using LOOT to sort your load order. there's alot here that's out of place https://loot.github.io/ AFT should be at the bottom btw despite what LOOT says.
  7. Thank you! I've got alot of mods that add captured ladies so I was a little baffled lol. I'll let you know if I find out where they go. Sure pvt msg is fine. Although I don't know what's wrong with discussing, the mods are on nexus lol
  8. Might I suggest this, it might be as close to what you're looking for https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67557
  9. I'm looking for the mod that has these "Captured Wenches" in every bandit camp. I've tried "Enslaved Wenches" and "Immersive Wenches" and neither seem to add these (or I've missed it somewhere in the 2700 posts) I know it's from a nexus mod not "the other site". The reason I'm looking for it is I just wanted to know once freed, is there a reward for freeing them all or some place where I'll meet them again or is it once freed that's it. Any info would be helpful, as long as it's not an insult/troll
  10. You can search for whatever mod you're wondering about, and click on the "last updated" column to sort all the mods by recently updated. It works wonders for me as I've got 110 pages to sort thru.
  11. I've also got a neat tidbit I discovered recently. For those on Steam: After doing the above instructions, and assuming you're running SKSE, if you right click on your game in the steam library, go to "Manage" and select "Hide this Game", it removes it from the installed games list but doesn't install it, then reboot steam. The benefit of this is that in the "manage download" section you no longer have the constant reminder that the game has an update and you also won't absent-mindedly click on the "play" button instead of skse like I've done so many times before lol. Learn from my painful mistakes.
  12. happens everytime when bethesda updates. you'll just have to wait like it says and pray that the rest of your mods aren't borked. I just finally got my mods playing nicely with 1.6.1130 since i made the mistake of updating when it first came out. That's a month and a half of trying to fix and redownload and alot of screaming lol. Only thing I can suggest is either wait for all the other mods and skse to update or try your luck at rollback. Just checked SKSE's website, they've updated to 1.6.1170
  13. Came across the github of SkyUI and noticed that after someone posted an issue about the latest bethesda patch SkyUI broke. The mod author mentions they'll "dust off my old gear and try and get this sorted" which hopefully means they'll be putting out a patch. This was 3weeks ago, so giving it's the holidays maybe an update for january? https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/issues/97
  14. When i downgraded back to 1.6.640 I've noticed that it says something along the lines of "Creatio Club is offline, please update to access it again". So I'm guessing Leonidas has the right idea there.
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