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  1. You can search for whatever mod you're wondering about, and click on the "last updated" column to sort all the mods by recently updated. It works wonders for me as I've got 110 pages to sort thru.
  2. I've also got a neat tidbit I discovered recently. For those on Steam: After doing the above instructions, and assuming you're running SKSE, if you right click on your game in the steam library, go to "Manage" and select "Hide this Game", it removes it from the installed games list but doesn't install it, then reboot steam. The benefit of this is that in the "manage download" section you no longer have the constant reminder that the game has an update and you also won't absent-mindedly click on the "play" button instead of skse like I've done so many times before lol. Learn from my painful mistakes.
  3. happens everytime when bethesda updates. you'll just have to wait like it says and pray that the rest of your mods aren't borked. I just finally got my mods playing nicely with 1.6.1130 since i made the mistake of updating when it first came out. That's a month and a half of trying to fix and redownload and alot of screaming lol. Only thing I can suggest is either wait for all the other mods and skse to update or try your luck at rollback. Just checked SKSE's website, they've updated to 1.6.1170
  4. Came across the github of SkyUI and noticed that after someone posted an issue about the latest bethesda patch SkyUI broke. The mod author mentions they'll "dust off my old gear and try and get this sorted" which hopefully means they'll be putting out a patch. This was 3weeks ago, so giving it's the holidays maybe an update for january? https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/issues/97
  5. When i downgraded back to 1.6.640 I've noticed that it says something along the lines of "Creatio Club is offline, please update to access it again". So I'm guessing Leonidas has the right idea there.
  6. if your saves are pre update and you're post update, chances are something will be broken. The latest update has broken alot of things
  7. Did you let skyrim upgrade with the latest patch after the save? if so chances are bethesda's update broke your save.
  8. I totally agree. ESO is a prime example of their greed. Each expansion comes with the usual regular edition and collector's edition, however, if you think either comes with everything the expansion offers you'd be wrong. Purchasing either gets you just the storyline quests, dungeons are extra $$. Want to join the dark brotherhood or thieves guild? That's extra $$. Want to play as the orcs? extra $$...etc etc. Sure you can pay the usual mmorpg monthly sub and get it all for free, but that's not the point. What bothers me is if you pay $100 for the collector's edition you'd expect to get ALL the stuff the expansion gives you, not just the storyline and a mount. ESO is full of micro-transactions, so it's only a matter of time before all of their games become the same, starting with Skyrim it seems
  9. Since CC requires credits to buy the paid content (yes there are free mods but this is just the paid stuff). it's $10(CAD) for 750 credits all the way up to $50 for 5500 credits. According to their prices it's 600 credits for a weapon mod, 900 for a horse armor mod...etc etc. it's approx. $10 for 1 mod.
  10. Oh sure you don't HAVE to put mods in anything. Just play the game like it was originally intended. But people mod games because it makes said game more enjoyable. I wasn't trying to argue, I simple had an opinion but apparently I'm not allowed to have those, so I'm done. Congrats, you "won the arguement" that noone was having. Picky asked for opinions so I gave mine.
  11. First of all I never said they were obligated to make content to me. I'm not trying to be entitled like you're making me sound like. I simply had an opinion and used myself as an example. What I'm getting at is if all modders go the paid route (which yes they're entitled to do, it's their choice) there will be a significant decrease in mod usage. As a user on reddit said 3 yrs ago when Bethesda first announced the Creation Club paid mods: "It's because it moves more into the realm of microtransactions for content like you see with Madden ultimate team. It's a way for the company to continue to milk money out of the game without having to do anything substantial. It also opens it up for them to put out a subpar game at launch, and then make you pay for mods that should have been content included in the base game. Oh, you wanted these spells? Buy them in the CC! You would like more armors you say? Buy them in the CC! Etc. Many mod authors have patreons or other methods to where users can donate to them for their creations."
  12. 2 questions: 1> Did you have these mods installed before today? if yes then 2> did your game currently run an update? if yes again that's your problem (as with everyone else who mods). Bethesda dropped a new update rendering every single mod useless until it's updated.
  13. The other issue is if all mod authors go the way of paid mods only, they'll lose a massive chunk of users. Not everyone can afford to pay for every single mod. I, for one, use over 900 mods. Like hell I'm going to pay $5 for every single one. That's $4000! I live on a limited budget due to medical issues, I sure as hell can't afford $4000 for mods if they all go paid just for the "clout" of being headlined
  14. The issue is if the mod is on patreon, the mod author takes all the profit. With this, the mod author does all the work and bethesda takes a cut of their money for none of the work.
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