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Everything posted by Germandeathkittiez

  1. Alright... maybe I'll make a new game, to make sure whether it's actually doing anything. And exclude it from the patch this time. Thanks. Yep, that did it. Thanks again.
  2. Hello, I've been attempting to make a plugin that increases some of the merchants' barter gold. I changed the value in "AI" for the npc under BarterGold, but it wouldn't show up in game, even after leaving the shop and waiting 3 days. However, I can do it easily with Setbartergold in the console. I just want this as a plugin as I don't want to have to do this with the console on every new character. Anyone have an idea what could prevent it from applying to the game?
  3. Pretty much what the topic says. I've seen plenty of mods that allow you to be revived by the gods or something, but I'd like it to be more like Guild Wars 2 where your allies can revive you, or perhaps only if they are some healer or mage class. This would obviously require the timer for the load screen after death to be increased as well (I currently use No Load Screen on Death for that; it's fun to watch NPCs battle after I die xD). If anyone would like to do this that would be really cool.
  4. Alright, so from glancing at your load order, there are some things you could fix: 1. You have 2 delinquent masters. ----> Delinquent MASTER: tbskGuardsFeatures.esp----> Delinquent MASTER: JQ-Fighters_Guild_United.espWhy? This is because these mods depend on master files that are loaded after the bashed patch, but they are merged INTO the bashed patch. I had this problem with Maskar's oblivion overhaul and the MOBS patch. So what you need to do is move those below their masters in your load order and rebuild the patch without them merged/imported. It's a compromise but delinquent masters can cause CTDs. Otherwise you get rid of the mods that depend on those mods. 2. You have mods like CM Partners and Unique Landscapes which simply take up too many esp's for what they are worth imo. One good practice is to cut down on esp's that are unnecessary as much as you can. Keeps you under the esp limit and reduces as many unnecessary bugs as possible. So it's up to you, but I might drop UL altogether, or use the merged version, but I've heard some of the specific landscapes are buggy (which is probably why you are using all those individual esp's). - There are other companion mods, such as Mad Companionship Spells, that are much simpler and easier to use imo. I haven't read fully every comment about OSR, but you don't need its framerate manager unless you have a very old PC. I'd recommend getting Oblivion Reloaded, use its memory management, framerate manager, and it also has its own purger, so you don't need to PCB all the time (if I'm not mistaken that those are the same thing, CMIIW). If you replace the heap, you have to pay attention to which heap you are using (there are several options in the ini - I use heap 6 with 768 for the heap size, as suggested by Supierce, but you can try out 1024 max value. When I try around 1000 it would crash on startup eventually, so you have to experiment a bit, some PCs can do the higher value and others can't). I also found heap 1 to be good and stable (manages its own size with plugins). I second the suggestion of ENBoost as well. When I had crashes every 20-30 minutes (couldn't make it from Anvil to Skingrad, taking detours to fight), I installed ENBoost and could make it all the way to the IC and didn't crash. (Now I am crashing every 20-30 minutes again, lol - probably a mod I've installed since). Also interesting about the freezing you and L are talking about - this is usually how I crash too. It'll stutter and the sound cuts out, freeze for like a minute, before the dumb OS realizes the game has crashed. I often do not get an event viewer log for this kind of crash either, which is really unusual to me; when I do get a log, I get the usual c000005 or whatever error saying access violation (probably memory) which is no surprise at all. Or I get the exception unknown, or both. But I think it is a different kind of crash, when I get no log at all (usually the other only happened before I had installed ENBoost). I wonder if there is any kind of equivalent to a stack trace in Oblivion? Yeah and it could be an OBSE plugin issue. I've tried disabling as many as I could without some mods freaking out, but I'll have to test that as well with all the mods depending on them disabled so I can disable them all and do more extensive testing. I've only installed one recently though, the voice file redirector. The ultimate problem for me is I get weird issues after a little bit on every new save I make, and therefore it's really hard to discern the issue being a save issue or a mod issue. Could be cuz I added or removed mods, that in itself can kill stability.
  5. Like Keanu said, future travel is kind of relevant to the physics of spacetime, and past is not. So maybe a way to look at it is the past is a conception of humans due to our memories being the only artifacts experience-wise. In reality there is only movement and growth. The universe moves and grows, we do so with it. Memories are a process in the brain that develops with that growth. Maybe if you go into a black hole the singularity in the center of it would return all affected matter to another big bang and an alternate universe with new probabilities. In some weird sense you'd be a part of a new universe. Or maybe there is only one universe, that is constantly beginning and ending, and black holes are like drains in a fountain that allow some of the matter and light to get consumed and become part of the energy that is the ever expanding big bang. So time is constantly moving forward, to the past. I don't really know any theories about traveling into the past, but the best loophole we've found in time dilation is warp speed. If it was practical, we could travel anywhere in space without having to slow down time, by moving a part of space with us. At least that would save time...
  6. Just tested it. Yep, she seems to sleep all day and night. That's weird, because I swear she was awake sometimes when I would use the mod on previous installs, because she's gone behind the desk where she's supposed to go and you can barter with her then. I have many more mods than you and I doubt this one conflicts with anything. I haven't tried it out much on this install though. Sorry... I pretty much don't have an answer for you except you could pickpocket or kill Riych, and just take everything for free xD. That's what I always did, even though it's kind of cheating, but to make it challenging I also fought off the mini dreugh and the DB guy at the same time. You could also edit the NPC's sleep AI package in the CS yourself. That's what I might do to make sure it's not a mod conflict.
  7. Yes. I am using OCO v2 with Elsweyr and I am seeing messed up looking Kahjiit faces in the race menu. They have blocks in their mouths as if to look open, but have fangs. It seems that OCO Kahjiits in general have issues right now, as the author admitted (I also have two vanilla kahjiit races in the menu; one is very squished and flattened and the other is fine lol). So I'm just praying that the next update will fix this. I have not been able to test the actual NPCs in Elsweyr, I guess, because I am dumb. I should really have gone in there and seen what these weird Kahjiits look like in game. Will do that!
  8. So is the Oblivion and Skyrim one only supported in that outdated version?
  9. No use 1.0 or HIGHER. That means use NifSE 1.1, and nothing else. Other than that I don't know why it wouldn't work. Make sure to rebuild your bashed patch, and if you're using no bashed patch with FCOM... then, oh no...
  10. I just went from my FCOM (FranOOOMMM) data folder back to my old data folder, and installed OOO 1.35 by itself onto this data folder. When I went to start up the game, it crashes on loading any of my saves, no matter how new or old, even ones in which I was using OOO instead of FCOM. Even when I tried to make a new game, it crashed on the loading screen. So far I've tried everything I can think of - making sure all my mods were up to date, unchecking mods I didn't have before, checked BOSS logs and rebuilt the patch a thousand times - next to reinstalling the game and mod programs, and starting over with a clean data folder. Here's my load order: http://pastebin.com/XZPkdk7S Any ideas what's wrong? All help would be appreciated. EDIT: Solved this by changing heap from 6 to 5 in OSR.
  11. Yes, that is the gas I was referring to. If we could make it more glowy that would be cool. But to start, putting it in the atmosphere is most important. Idk what skills you guys have modding, I might start trying to make a heightmap of this Venus-like planet.
  12. Back to the topic of Streamline, I think I learned my lesson with those streamsaves. I noticed the saves would start crashing more and more when they tried to save and when loading - both for Streamsaves and Manual Saves. I had to go back to saves that were stable, losing a lot of hours of dungeon-delving. So yeah, I do not recommend streamsaving either. Of course, it could have been one of my many other mods causing this problem... But the pattern seems like streamsave because this started happening after I told SL to do streamsaves outdoors (otherwise it barely ever happens), and I got progressively more crashes until my saves were virtually destroyed. I tried ENBoost, didn't seem to get much of a performance boost, except maybe in the wilderness in some places. It's still just as laggy as ever in cities, though. Any tips on what ini settings to use? I tried to shut all the graphics stuff off but I didn't understand some of it. I'm either going to keep tweaking and searching for more ways of boosting FPS, or I might have to tearfully give up FCOM and maybe just use OOO, 'till I get a better PC. At least it's stable enough that I can run around for an hour or so with no crash. Thanks for all the advice.
  13. So if we have this Venus world with what I'd imagine as green fog, that you basically walk through because it's so thick, will it be possible to make the fog end at a certain elevation? I think with the sandstorms in Deserts of Anequina you can fly above the sandstorm, but im not sure, and not sure how one would do that. If we could do that, maybe we could make it still foggy where the cities are, but less thick, and get less and less foggy as you go higher (until you leave the worldspace). Making a heightmap and maybe adding lots and lots of poison to the atmosphere would be where to start (would be cool if we could give it a toxic, bright green glow). The terrain should be fairly simple, just flatlands with low, round mountains. Some mountains will look like odd spikes because of their desctruction by plants. Also lakes and oceans here and there, I was thinking a yellow-orange acidic look to them; and one desert.
  14. I think that's a really good quest idea, because it allows for different outcomes, and sort-of character development. For instance, a movie with a main character who has no control over situations, and the situations sort of develop the character more than they and their interactions do themselves (Example if you have seen Elysium: It's sort of like with the Dark Brotherhood, and how you don't seek them out, they seek out you. The more things in general that happen to the character in this game, the more you feel involved with the world. Perhaps there is also a mysterious healing quality (some OP ingredient/item) in some of the plants located in the deepest jungles. You also may find yourself on a journey to seek that out. Perhaps, you find a weird yoda-like creature who tries to convince you to help him go after this stuff, and asks you, are you the type of person who would let their curiosity/greed for power get the best of them in such a dangerous place? If you say yes, you follow him; if no, he just vanishes forever (making it very hard to find the secret power on your own). Of course, you could also kill him after he gets you there, if you're that greedy. Perhaps there's a twist and he tries to lure you to the plant people to make a deal with them, or just kill you in some way. Maybe he's the vandal all along. Just brainstorming ideas. Maybe the real inhabitants are these yoda-like people, and they have actually had control of all or some of the colonies in the clouds for a while, from their societies beneath the clouds. Everyone is against you, until you discover it's because they are controlled by these people. How bout this: Someone mysterious/wise in the city gives you a special trinket. Then maybe you are on the run for something sporadic or trivial (like picking up a watermelon, lol) and the guards chase you to one side of their colony, where you escape into the bullet train track, where no one else would dare go. Then the yoda-like vandal blows you out of the sky, and you survive and the trinket allows you to breathe while you slowly sift through the dense atmosphere (just make invisible blocks below your feet so you can slowly go down). The yoda-like people don't see you as a menace, they see you more as brain food. They are literally getting high off of their telepathic abilities crossing the colonists' synapses and transferring neurotransmitters. The yoda-like people are not a menacing people, but the colonists are like a mutually harmful disease as the result of something foreign brought to a new place, causing both the yodas and colonists to go insane. The only reason you have not lost your mind is because of the trinket (which is made with this mysterious power). So you go to find the power, with this strange yoda-guy, maybe ultimately making friends or enemies; but in order to allow the two races to live in harmony, you need to find a way to use this energy to protect all of the colonists from the yoda-like people. What do you think?
  15. Seeing as Venus will most likely never be inhabited that way, I'd love to at least do it in a videogame. I got a little carried away with Aldmeris; the description on the wiki just sounded so damn cool, along with Pyandonea. But we should try and focus on actual space stuff to start. Making heightmaps, terrain, aliens, etc. Right now I'm deep in the middle of projects and my finals, but by next week all that will be out of the way and I'll have literally months to just mod Oblivion. I'm gonna be checking out whatever cutting edge things I couldn't possibly comprehend are out there that could be freely used, taking them, putting em all together and seeing what the hell happens.
  16. http://nirn.wdfiles.com/local--files/maps/nirn_edz.jpg Okay here's a map of Nirn I found. It doesn't picture Pyandonea as a couple of little islands here, and I think it's a more accurate description. While it is not very big, it's bigger than Summerset Isles (which is kind of too small in this picture). The map also shows Aldmeris, which is not proven to exist. While this is a good map to go by, things like Aldmeris, Atmora, and Akavir's location/size are still left to the imagination. There is also the little island continent of Thras, and a bunch of other little islands, near Hammerfell, and Elsweyr, and Valenwood. Here's an idea: Aldmeris is a thin continent that extends along the longitude of the globe, ending near southern Atmora and beginning near Northern Atmora. It sounds crazy, but I think that Nirn as it is is meant to have a typical Earth-like geography (Tamriel in the West with its Roman and European influences, Akavir in the East, which is basically China) so I feel like something weird would be good. It would also explain why no one has ever found it, as it is just a giant invisible wall that enshrouds travelers in mist and makes them turn back. Beyond the wall would be the actual continent, a fractal neverending city that would appear as a deepness or whirlpool, because it extends infinitely into the nirn without ever reaching the core. So basically it would just be some weird blob on the side of the planet, because who knows if it really exists or not. :P About the two civilizations, perhaps the outsiders are the only natives. While they come to the surface, maybe they dwell underground. Meanwhile the Ayleids were never extinct and they now live there too, in a centralized white-gold-tower like city that extends to the core of the planet. I have an idea for another, Venus-like planet. This planet's atmosphere will be so thick that it has cities that float on it (which is a hypothetical model of Venus colonization). Deep below in the swirling poisonous atmosphere, weird plant creatures are all that exist. The environment would be vine-like forests, low mountains, due to tremendous plants plants eroding the land by fighting for space to grow (trees would be taller than mountains, extending even up to the highest reaches of the atmosphere) toxic oceans and lakes, and a single snake-like desert, caused by unknown origins (something hostile to the plants in that area that you have to discover). Okay a crazier idea: what if Aldmeris is a planet? A planet of cities upon cities that just extend forever inward. I don't know how much of this is even practical; I just have a lot of ideas atm so I thought I'd share them.
  17. Thanks for the advice madwizard, I've definitely got an FPS boost now, using OSR. Wonder why I ever stopped using it. xD Stopping NPC's wandering definitely helped too, but I still get extremely low FPS in that slum area along the shoreline. A lot of guards just stand around there because of where I'm at in the Thieves Guild, could be why. The good news though is that the game is extremely stable after some OSR tweaking. Now I no longer need to use any of Streamline's FPS features, so this is a huge improvement, even though the game still gets pretty stuttery just running around loading LOD and cities.
  18. Yes and there could be like a constant sandstorm there... the rocks could be darker though, so it doesn't seem like you traveled all that way and just encountered Elsweyr (especially if you're fortunate enough to still have that mod). I think Masser would be a great place to start. Then we decide is it breathable or not... what will the creatures be like... what will the civilizations be like, etc.
  19. I forgot all about the moons, glad someone mentioned it. Secunda is actually a moon that orbits Masser. Perhaps a quest could even be included about an evil plot of the people existing on Masser to send Secunda flying into Nirn and you have to use alteration magic to stop it (of course what would be cool is if you fail the quest). I like the subway idea, it could add a level of mystery to the Dwemer Subway mod if we could get permission to use it, or if we just add to it we won't need permission. Perhaps the White-Gold Tower was actually once a magickal Sky Elevator that allowed access to the moons when they align, created in order to be sure to prevent a catastrophe in which Secunda falls to Nirn. Maybe it's also a giant cannon of alteration energy to blast Secunda back into orbit. The more I think about this, the more crazy ideas I will get, so maybe we should first keep this practical. :D
  20. Perhaps Dune... I was just thinking we could use our imaginations to make more mysterious worlds of our own. We could start with the generic "Snow Planet" "Water Planet" "Jungle Planet" etc. I gotta go right now, I'll add more ideas later.
  21. Considering that other planets will probably be smaller than (Cyrodiil), which has many mods expanding the heightmaps to all of Tamriel, I think this could possibly be done by making space within the same worldspace as Tamriel, as it would be rather easy just to have a lot of space with nothing much in it. The borders of this space could have the planets appear as part of the DistantLOD, but as you get really close, you get sucked in to a loading screen, and then you are either on the ground or up in the sky somewhere in the planet's worldspace. So if I understand what you were saying correctly, an ESM would contain the other planets, modifiable by their own ESPs, and the ESP for space would not have to have anything dependent upon it. This would allow one to start themselves off on the planet of their choice, which would not require space in order to play on. I think portals between planets are a cool idea too, but shouldn't be accessible until you have done a quest or something to get to that planet on your own. When I said dragon, I was just giving an example, as I usually fly around on a dragon. Dwemer spaceships don't seem too far out of the picture; it would be just like Side's Sailing Ships in space. But the hard part would be the take-off in the atmosphere. I like your quest idea; I don't mind a bit of unlorified quirkiness in my game, it kind of reminds me of Rachet and Clank 2 where you go to all the planets and upgrade your ship and finish all the skill points and get to go to the Insomniac museum in the game where it shows a bunch of weird stuff the company did while working on the game. I would totally love a mod like that for Oblivion. I think it should start simple though, starting with individual "planets" in their own worldspaces, which would probably just be big enough to include a quest or two at first, to make it realistic, and then space itself and flying ships could be added later, and in the meantime some space-like loading screen would suffice, when you get in your ship. I really don't know much about modding so I don't know how feasible this sounds, hopefully it makes sense though. I am into writing storylines for weird worlds beyond Tamriel though. I could totally help out with that, and I could try to learn more about the modding skills that would go into this. I still think space itself should be open-world, because I think that's totally doable. The next thing we obviously need is more people interested in this.
  22. So I've got some invisible Tundra Wolves. All that is visible is their eyes. It's kinda hilarious because it's just a couple of bloodshot googly-eyes that screech and attack me. I know it's probably a missing mesh/texture problem. I have tried archive invalidation. It seems that most likely it would be one of the FCOM overhauls conflicting with another, because I can't think of any other mods I have that add wolves/creatures. Here is my load order: http://pastebin.com/mzbdi1vL Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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