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Everything posted by banjo2E

  1. I have become Thane of Whiterun and have 5000 gold, and when I tell Proventus Avenicci this he says "Wonderful! Here's the key to your new home"...except no key is given to me, no gold is deducted from my wallet, and his conversation option for house buying remains available and acts as though I said I wanted to wait instead of purchase. Presumably this is mod-related, since it never happened in any previous playthrough...except I tried disabling every single mod short of the core game/DLC and the racial skill / perk tree altering mods that I wouldn't be able to disable without breaking things and it still kept happening. At this point I thought maybe it was because I'd cleaned my DLC masters with TES5Edit and that had broken things somehow, so I swapped those out for the original masters...and I still can't buy my house. I'm at my wits' end trying to figure this out. Any help at all would be appreciated. My load order is below. Active Mod Files:
  2. If you're using the Safety Load SKSE plugin, you'll want to open SafetyLoad.ini (in Data/SKSE/Plugins). There should be a line labeled EnableOnlyLoading = falseReplace that with: EnableOnlyLoading = trueThat stops Safety Load from causing menu crashes.
  3. Well, first off, the bashed patch should be below everything except the plugins specifically designated to come after it. You should move your unrecognized plugins to just above it, if nothing else. The orange checkboxes mean that the files the plugin depends on aren't in the order the plugin expects them. You'd have to either re-sort their parent plugins to match or use the "Sort Masters" function of TES5Edit to fix that. Beyond that, I don't know much about the mods you're using and can't say what could be causing your CTDs, other than the obvious "updating or removing plugins mid-game can mess up your saves" and "using too many plugins causes instability".
  4. Bumping for visibility, not that it'll do any good.
  5. ...that is a lot of mods. Okay, you're using SkyRe, so your game's already more difficult than vanilla... I hate to be that guy, but what's your difficulty set to? If it's Adept or lower, try setting it to something higher. It may also help if you go somewhere other than the introductory dungeon.
  6. I'm experiencing an issue where frequently when I turn around while someone's talking they will be muted for a brief moment, usually long enough for me to miss one or two words of what they're saying. This doesn't happen all the time; sometimes I can spin around like an idiot and still hear everything, other times I turn around 180 degrees to walk away from whoever I just talked to and miss half of their closing dialogue. Some searching revealed that Realtek HD integrated sound (which I use) is known to cause problems with Skyrim. However, the issue everyone else seems to have is a permanent inability to hear voices at all in specific directions, and the fix is to switch to 5.1 sound and disable everything except the front speakers. My problem is an occasional inability to hear voices from any direction when I perform a specific action (turning my head/the camera), and using 5.1 sound with everything except front speakers disabled just mutes everything behind me and makes everything in front of me way too loud. I updated Realtek's drivers, and while the stuttering seems to be less frequent it's still present. Has this happened to anyone else here, and if so can it be fixed?
  7. I've been having problems with the game's difficulty. Specifically, I keep running into things that I couldn't possibly be expected to fight at my level. This would normally lead me to believe something's messed with my leveled lists, but none of my mods should be doing enemy rebalancing for me. My suspicions started when I had to fight a snow troll and, later on, three large frostbite spiders...at single digit levels. Later on, I had to fight a Pyromancer (level 40 enemy that shouldn't spawn until level 46) at level 26 in a dungeon used for a level 14 daedric quest. Now, it's possible that randomly encountering occasional enemies vastly above your power level is normal in the vanilla game. But this just seems excessive, and my most recent experience has cemented my belief that something's seriously wrong. My game's become unplayable as a result of my most recent save file. I'd just gotten back from scrounging up a daedra heart and some troll fat for Malacath's quest, and given them to the shaman, when I was suddenly instantly killed from behind. I reloaded my save file, and it turns out three Dawnguard were standing behind me. The orcs didn't do anything to help me because they're the coward orcs from the Malacath quest. Okay, so I have to fight them on my own. Except that doesn't work. Nothing I do kills them, or even does decent damage; at most I take off 10% of a single enemy's life bar before I die. If I fight the guy with the hammer, he hits me twice and kills me. If I Ice Form him and fight the archers, they shoot me twice and kill me. If I summon Durnehviir, they kill him before he finishes giving me the next word in his shout. Durnehviir isn't even a vampire, so this isn't happening just because the Dawnguard get a free damage bonus against vampires like my character. I can't even run away, because the one time I tried (and I tried incredibly hard) I got surprise-mauled by two cave bears which were somehow just as powerful and just as damage-resistant as the Dawnguard despite not having a bonus against vampires and despite my having killed them with impunity many, many times in the past. Getting killed in two hits by an enemy on the overworld is not fun. Being unable to do more than 1% of his health in damage is not fun. Facing all of this on ADEPT difficulty? No. Just no. If I don't get some kind of help with this, I'm probably just going to stop playing entirely. If this is the normal difficulty in this game, and every single difficulty-adjusting mod I've been able to find exists to make things even harder, there's no way I can possibly have fun playing this. Active Mod Files:
  8. Whilst doing the final portion of Sanguine's quest I happened across an enemy called a Pyromancer, which decided it didn't want to play by the rules and proceeded to quickly kill me and both of my companions over and over. The one time I managed to get its health down to about 33% it proceeded to instantly heal to full health. After some testing, I discovered that a successful sneak attack from behind with Mehrunes' Razor barely took off 1/3 of his health, and he doesn't have any potions in his inventory so whatever he's using to heal himself isn't something I can possibly counter. I felt this was a bit unfair, so I checked UESP.net for the enemy's name and discovered that neither its normal nor its boss variant are supposed to spawn for quite some time. The boss isn't supposed to show up for another 20 levels, and the regular variant can't show up for at least another 10. I can't possibly be below the minimum level for this dungeon, as it's part of Sanguine's Daedric quest and that has a minimum level of 14, more than ten levels below my current level. This leads me to believe something has modified my spawn tables to ignore level-based encounter restrictions and throw things at me before I should be facing them. I suspected something like this back when I had to fight a snow troll on the path to High Hrothgar at single-digit levels and three giant frostbite spiders outside the Tower of Dawn at around the same time, but being faced with an enemy 10-20 levels above me confirms it. The problem is, nothing in my load order should be modifying my encounter tables in this way, so I have no idea why I'm having to fight these things. Active Mod Files:
  9. One of the things I tried when attempting to fix this was to set my fame to 100 and use a chapel altar. Anyway, like I said earlier, it was the goblin assassins that were causing this. I think it might have been their "critical hits" that I saw notifications about, but since the mod's readme said absolutely nothing about critical hits, or indeed about goblin assassins at all other than that they existed, and was unfairly difficult to begin with, I saw no reason to keep it. I haven't had the problem recur since I uninstalled it.
  10. An update: I've done some testing, and it seems as though this is a side effect of some MMM enemies. The Goblin Assassin at the very least reliably causes this. Apparently I'm using an old version of the mod (3.0) and I don't know if newer versions would fix this or not. However, I think I'm just going to uninstall it, since the enemies, etc. that it's been adding have just been a total pain to deal with overall. Having to fight of 5+ bandits singlehandedly every time I step outside the city gates just isn't my thing.
  11. I don't even know how to begin diagnosing this, but my max health in my character panel and UI is allegedly 135, but the most I can heal to through any method (sleeping, restoration spells, etc) is 122. This started happening sometime while I was traveling south from Cheydinhal to do the quest Affairs of a Wizard. This persists if I remove all my equipment, and I have no active magic effects outside my equipment that could possibly alter my health. (I don't think my equipment has any effects that could do this, either.) It also persists if I close the game and reload my save. Has this happened to anyone before? If so, how can I fix it? I've got plenty of older saves I can go back to if necessary, but can this be fixed without resorting to that? Here's my load order:
  12. That was actually helpful. I'd almost feel grateful, were it not for the fact that you've been a massive prick for this entire thread. Incidentally, the irony was that you, who claimed I could not read, were yourself unable to read (since I'd stated earlier that I'd already read the documentation, and couldn't find the function you wanted me to use). Also, since I had to explain this to you, you don't really get what irony even is, which just compounds the irony, really. I'd be amused, if you weren't so pathetic. I'm done talking to you. Move your ass, boot.
  13. Two things - first, I've already solved the problem, and edited my post to reflect this. Second, I don't know how to generate text load orders from Bash - I couldn't find anything on the subject in the context menus or documentation. If you'd bothered to glance at the screenshot, you'd have known this. Jesus christ, you guys, both of the tech support topics I made in the past few days got the most useless and hostile replies I've ever seen. I could've sworn this place had a decent community a few years ago, what happened to that?
  14. Okay, I have a new request. I once had a mod that allowed you to cancel firing a bow after drawing it (as in, if you're holding down the left mouse button, and you press a certain key, the bow stowing animation plays briefly and you're not about to fire anymore). I don't know what else it did, and searching descriptions for things like "bow cancel" isn't helping. Anyone know of any mods that contain this function?
  15. I'm not getting the initial "loading" bar at all when trying to run my full list of mods. I can get to the main menu if I only have Oblivion.esm and nothing else enabled. This makes me suspect I'm missing some files/BSAs somewhere, my BSA redirection is somehow failing to work, some vital INI setting for one of my mods was nuked when I reset my INI file, or one of my ESMs is borked (despite BOSS and Wrye Bash not saying anything on the subject, save a minor unexpected reference when building the bashed patch regarding Knights - Revelation.esm). I'm not sure how to diagnose this. I'd really like some way to do this that doesn't involve loading every single mod individually in order to test it, because I've already spent something around 12 hours just doing preparatory work for Oblivion and if I have to do 12 more just to get a chance of making this work I might just give up entirely. Here's my load order, if it helps. Edit: I've managed to narrow it down to either Frostcrag Reborn or Battlehorn Castle Upgraded. Might or might not be an interaction with the unofficial patches for said mods. After further research, both are incompatible with the unofficial patches for Frostcrag/Battlehorn. After deactivating the unofficial patches and rebuilding my bashed patch, everything launched correctly. (To the title screen, at least.)
  16. That is in code tags. Thanks for your complete lack of help. I was trying to not have to use the default ini because I've got a lot of mods and I don't know how many of them did things with the ini file. Using the default ini only gets me as far as the bik videos and freezes before actually loading any mods or the main menu, but I know enough about oblivion to know that that's probably a mod problem.
  17. As per title. I spent 3 hours trying to manually re-add the line breaks in all the correct locations, but Oblivion still crashes on start up and I can't figure out what I've missed. I'd appreciate any help. Here's what I've got so far: [General] SStartingCell= SStartingCellY= SStartingCellX= SStartingWorld= STestFile10= STestFile9= STestFile8= STestFile7= STestFile6= STestFile5= STestFile4= STestFile3= STestFile2= STestFile1= bEnableProfile=0 bDrawSpellContact=0 bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=1 iHoursToSleep=3 bActorLookWithHavok=0 SMainMenuMusicTrack=special\tes4title.mp3 bUseEyeEnvMapping=1 bFixFaceNormals=0 bUseFaceGenHeads=1 bFaceMipMaps=1 bFaceGenTexturing=1 bDefaultCOCPlacement=0 uGridDistantTreeRange=15 uGridDistantCount=25 uGridsToLoad=5 fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000 bNewAnimation=1 fAnimationDefaultBlend=0.1000 fAnimationMult=1.0000 bFixAIPackagesOnLoad=0 bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1 bKeepPluginWhenMerging=0 bCreate Maps Enable=0 SLocalSavePath=Saves\ SLocalMasterPath=Data\ bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck=1 bTintMipMaps=0 uInterior Cell Buffer=3 uExterior Cell Buffer=36 iIntroSequencePriority=3 bPreloadIntroSequence=1 fStaticScreenWaitTime=3.0000 SCreditsMenuMovie=CreditsMenu.bik SMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bik SMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bik SIntroSequence=bethesda softworks HD720p.bik,2k games.bik,game studios.bik,Oblivion Legal.bik iFPSClamp=0 bRunVTuneTest=0 STestFile1= bActivateAllQuestScripts=0 fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000 SMainMenuMusic=Special\TES4Title.mp3 bUseThreadedBlood=0 bUseThreadedMorpher=0 bExternalLODDataFiles=1 [Display] uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=3619102270 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=298799432 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=879320700 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=902087196 fDecalLifetime=10.0 bEquippedTorchesCastShadows=0 bReportBadTangentSpace=0 bStaticMenuBackground=1 bForcePow2Textures=0 bForce1XShaders=0 bHighQuality20Lighting=0 bAllow20HairShader=1 bAllowScreenShot=0 iMultiSample=0 bDoTallGrassEffect=1 bForceMultiPass=1 bDoTexturePass=1 bDoSpecularPass=1 bDoDiffusePass=1 bDoAmbientPass=1 bDoCanopyShadowPass=1 bDrawShadows=0 bUseRefractionShader=1 bUse Shaders=1 iNPatchNOrder=0 iNPatchPOrder=0 iNPatches=0 iLocation Y=0 iLocation X=0 bFull Screen=1 iSize W=1280 iSize H=1024 iAdapter=0 iScreenShotIndex=0 SScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot iAutoViewMinDistance=2000 iAutoViewHiFrameRate=40 iAutoViewLowFrameRate=20 bAutoViewDistance=0 fDefaultFOV=75.0000 fNearDistance=10.0000 fFarDistance=10000.0000 iDebugTextLeftRightOffset=10 iDebugTextTopBottomOffset=10 bShowMenuTextureUse=1 iDebugText=2 blocalmapshader=0 bDoImageSpaceEffects=1 fShadowLOD2=400.0000 fShadowLOD1=200.0000 fLightLOD2=1500.0000 fLightLOD1=1000.0000 fSpecularLOD2=1300.0 fSpecularLOD1=1000.0 fEnvMapLOD2=800.0000 fEnvMapLOD1=500.0000 fEyeEnvMapLOD2=190.0000 fEyeEnvMapLOD1=130.0000 iPresentInterval=1 iShadowFilter=2 iActorShadowCountExt=3 iActorShadowCountInt=5 bActorSelfShadowing=0 bShadowsOnGrass=0 bDynamicWindowReflections=1 iTexMipMapSkip=0 fGrassStartFadeDistance=6000.0 fGrassEndDistance=7000.0 bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1 bFullBrightLighting=0 iMaxLandscapeTextures=0 bLODPopActors=0 bLODPopItems=0 bLODPopObjects=0 [Controls] fVersion=1.7000 Forward=0011FFFF Back=001FFFFF Slide Left=001EFFFF Slide Right=0020FFFF Use=00FF00FF Activate=0039FFFF Block=003801FF Cast=002EFFFF Ready Item=0021FFFF Crouch/Sneak=001DFFFF Run=002AFFFF Always Run=003AFFFF Auto Move=0010FFFF Jump=0012FFFF Toggle POV=001302FF Menu Mode=000FFFFF Rest=0014FFFF Quick Menu=003BFFFF Quick1=0002FFFF Quick2=0003FFFF Quick3=0004FFFF Quick4=0005FFFF Quick5=0006FFFF Quick6=0007FFFF Quick7=0008FFFF Quick8=0009FFFF QuickSave=003FFFFF QuickLoad=0043FFFF Grab=002CFFFF bInvertYValues=0 fXenonLookXYMult=0.0005 fMouseSensitivity=0.0020 ;X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6 iJoystickMoveFrontBack=2 iJoystickMoveLeftRight=1 fJoystickMoveFBMult=1.0000 fJoystickMoveLRMult=1.0000 iJoystickLookUpDown=6 iJoystickLookLeftRight=3 fJoystickLookUDMult=0.0020 fJoystickLookLRMult=0.0020 fXenonMenuMouseXYMult=0.0003 bBackground Mouse=0 bBackground Keyboard=0 bUse Joystick=1 fXenonLookMult=0.0030 fXenonMenuStickSpeedMaxMod=5.0000 iXenonMenuStickSpeedThreshold=20000 iXenonMenuStickThreshold=1000 ;Language values: 0-English, 1-German, 2-French, 3-Spanish, 4-Italian iLanguage=0 [Water] fAlpha=0.5000 uSurfaceTextureSize=128 SSurfaceTexture=water SNearWaterOutdoorID=NearWaterOutdoorLoop SNearWaterIndoorID=NearWaterIndoorLoop fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance=1024.0000 fNearWaterIndoorTolerance=512.0000 fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume=0.9000 fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq=0.3000 uNearWaterPoints=8 uNearWaterRadius=1000 uSurfaceFrameCount=32 uSurfaceFPS=12 bUseWaterReflectionsMisc=1 bUseWaterReflectionsStatics=1 bUseWaterReflectionsTrees=1 bUseWaterReflectionsActors=1 bUseWaterReflections=1 bUseWaterHiRes=1 bUseWaterDisplacements=1 bUseWaterShader=1 uDepthRange=125 bUseWaterDepth=1 bUseWaterLOD=1 fTileTextureDivisor=4.7500 fSurfaceTileSize=2048.0000 [Audio] bDSoundHWAcceleration=1 fMinSoundVel=10.0000 fMetalLargeMassMin=25.0000 fMetalMediumMassMin=8.0000 fStoneLargeMassMin=30.0000 fStoneMediumMassMin=5.0000 fWoodLargeMassMin=15.0000 fWoodMediumMassMin=7.0000 fDialogAttenuationMax=35.0000 fDialogAttenuationMin=7.7500 bUseSoundDebugInfo=1 fUnderwaterFrequencyDelta=0.0000 bUseSoftwareAudio3D=0 fDefaultEffectsVolume=0.8000 fDefaultMusicVolume=0.3000 fDefaultFootVolume=0.8000 fDefaultVoiceVolume=0.8000 fDefaultMasterVolume=1.0000 bMusicEnabled=1 bSoundEnabled=1 fLargeWeaponWeightMin=25.0000 fMediumWeaponWeightMin=8.0000 fSkinLargeMassMin=30.0000 fSkinMediumMassMin=5.0000 fChainLargeMassMin=30.0000 fChainMediumMassMin=5.0000 fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D=0.0000 iCollisionSoundTimeDelta=50 fGlassLargeMassMin=25.0000 fGlassMediumMassMin=8.0000 fClothLargeMassMin=25.0000 fClothMediumMassMin=8.0000 fEarthLargeMassMin=30.0000 fEarthMediumMassMin=5.0000 bUseSpeedForWeaponSwish=1 fLargeWeaponSpeedMax=0.9500 fMediumWeaponSpeedMax=1.1000 fPlayerFootVolume=0.9000 fDSoundRolloffFactor=4.0000 fMaxFootstepDistance=1100.0000 fHeadroomdB=2.0000 iMaxImpactSoundCount=64 fMainMenuMusicVolume=0.6 [ShockBolt] bDebug=0 fGlowColorB=1.0000 fGlowColorG=0.6000 fGlowColorR=0.0000 fCoreColorB=1.0000 fCoreColorG=1.0000 fCoreColorR=1.0000 fCastVOffset=-10.0000 iNumBolts=7 fBoltGrowWidth=1.0000 fBoltSmallWidth=3.0000 fTortuosityVariance=8.0000 fSegmentVariance=35.0000 fBoltsRadius=24.0000 [Pathfinding] bDrawPathsDefault=0 bPathMovementOnly=0 bDrawSmoothFailures=0 bDebugSmoothing=0 bSmoothPaths=1 bSnapToAngle=0 bDebugAvoidance=0 bDisableAvoidance=0 bBackgroundPathing=0 [MAIN] bEnableBorderRegion=0 [Combat] bEnableBowZoom=1 bDebugCombatAvoidance=0 fMinBloodDamage=1.0000 fHitVectorDelay=0.4000 iShowHitVector=0 [HAVOK] bDisablePlayerCollision=0 fJumpAnimDelay=0.75 bTreeTops=0 iSimType=1 bPreventHavokAddAll=0 bPreventHavokAddClutter=0 fMaxTime=0.0167 bHavokDebug=0 fRF=1000.0000 fOD=0.9000 fSE=0.3000 fSD=0.9800 iResetCounter=5 fMoveLimitMass=95.0000 iUpdateType=0 bHavokPick=0 [Interface] fDlgLookMult=0.3000 fDlgLookAdj=0.0000 fDlgLookDegStop=0.2000 fDlgLookDegStart=2.0000 fDlgFocus=2.1000 fKeyRepeatInterval=50.0000 fKeyRepeatTime=500.0000 fActivatePickSphereRadius=16.0000 fMenuModeAnimBlend=0.0000 iSafeZoneX=20 iSafeZoneY=20 iSafeZoneXWide=20 iSafeZoneYWide=20 [LoadingBar] [Menu] fCreditsScrollSpeed=40.0000 iConsoleTextYPos=890 iConsoleTextXPos=30 iConsoleVisibleLines=15 iConsoleHistorySize=50 rDebugTextColor=255,251,233 iConsoleFont=3 iDebugTextFont=3 [GamePlay] bDisableDynamicCrosshair=0 bSaveOnTravel=0 bSaveOnWait=0 bSaveOnRest=0 bCrossHair=1 iDifficultyLevel=50 bGeneralSubtitles=0 bDialogueSubtitles=1 bInstantLevelUp=0 bHealthBarShowing=0 fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed=1.0000 fHealthBarSpeed=80.0000 fHealthBarHeight=4.0000 fHealthBarWidth=40.0000 fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime=0.5000 fHealthBarEmittanceTime=1.5000 [Fonts] SFontFile_1=Data\Fonts\Kingthings_Regular.fnt sfontfile_2=Data\Fonts\DarN_Kingthings_Petrock_14.fnt sfontfile_3=Data\Fonts\DarN_Kingthings_Petrock_16.fnt sfontfile_4=Data\Fonts\DarN_Oblivion_28.fnt SFontFile_5=Data\Fonts\Handwritten.fnt [SpeedTree] iTreeClonesAllowed=1 fCanopyShadowGrassMult=1.0000 iCanopyShadowScale=512 fTreeForceMaxBudAngle=-1.0000 fTreeForceMinBudAngle=-1.0000 fTreeForceLeafDimming=-1.0000 fTreeForceBranchDimming=-1.0000 fTreeForceCS=-1.0000 fTreeForceLLA=-1.0000 fTreeLODExponent=1.0000 bEnableTrees=1 bForceFullLOD=0 [Debug] bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection=0 bDebugFaceGenMultithreading=0 bDebugSaveBuffer=0 [BackgroundLoad] [LOD] fLodDistance=500.0000 bUseFaceGenLOD=0 iLODTextureTiling=2 iLODTextureSizePow2=8 fLODNormalTextureBlend=0.5000 bDisplayLODLand=1 bDisplayLODBuildings=1 bDisplayLODTrees=1 bLODPopTrees=0 bLODPopActors=0 bLODPopItems=0 bLODPopObjects=0 fLODFadeOutMultActors=5.0000 fLODFadeOutMultItems=2.0000 fLODFadeOutMultObjects=5.0000 fLODMultLandscape=1.0000 fLODMultTrees=1.8 fLODMultActors=10.0 fLODMultItems=10.0 fLODMultObjects=10.0 iFadeNodeMinNearDistance=400 fLODFadeOutPercent=0.9000 fLODBoundRadiusMult=3.0000 fTalkingDistance=2000.0000 fTreeLODMax=2.0000 fTreeLODMin=0.0200 fTreeLODDefault=1.2000 [Weather] fSunGlareSize=350.0000 fSunBaseSize=250.0000 bPrecipitation=1 fAlphaReduce=1.0000 SBumpFadeColor=255,255,255,255 SLerpCloseColor=255,255,255,255 SEnvReduceColor=255,255,255,255 [Voice] SFileTypeLTF=ltf SFileTypeLip=lip SFileTypeSource=wav SFileTypeGame=mp3 [Grass] iMinGrassSize=80 fGrassEndDistance=3000.0000 fGrassStartFadeDistance=2000.0000 bGrassPointLighting=0 bDrawShaderGrass=1 iGrassDensityEvalSize=2 iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=2 fWaveOffsetRange=1.7500 [Landscape] bCurrentCellOnly=0 bPreventSafetyCheck=0 fLandTextureTilingMult=2.0000 [bLightAttenuation] fQuadraticRadiusMult=1.0000 fLinearRadiusMult=1.0000 bOutQuadInLin=0 fConstantValue=0.0000 fQuadraticValue=16.0000 fLinearValue=3.0000 uQuadraticMethod=2 uLinearMethod=1 fFlickerMovement=8.0000 bUseQuadratic=1 bUseLinear=0 bUseConstant=0 [BlurShaderHDRInterior] fTargetLUM=1.0000 fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000 fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000 fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.5000 fBrightScale=2.2500 fBrightClamp=0.2250 fBlurRadius=7.0000 iNumBlurpasses=1 [BlurShaderHDR] fTargetLUM=1.2000 fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000 fGrassDimmer=1.3000 fTreeDimmer=1.2000 fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000 fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.7000 fSunlightDimmer=1.3000 fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000 fSISpecularMult=1.0000 fSkyBrightness=0.5000 fSunBrightness=0.0000 fBrightScale=1.5000 fBrightClamp=0.350 fBlurRadius=4.0000 iNumBlurpasses=2 iBlendType=2 bDoHighDynamicRange=1 [BlurShader] fSunlightDimmer=1.0000 fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000 fSISpecularMult=1.0000 fSkyBrightness=0.5000 fSunBrightness=0.0000 fAlphaAddExterior=0.2000 fAlphaAddInterior=0.5000 iBlurTexSize=256 fBlurRadius=0.0300 iNumBlurpasses=1 iBlendType=2 bUseBlurShader=0 [GethitShader] fBlurAmmount=0.5000 fBlockedTexOffset=0.0010 fHitTexOffset=0.0050 [MESSAGES] bBlockMessageBoxes=0 bSkipProgramFlows=1 bAllowYesToAll=1 bDisableWarning=1 iFileLogging=0 [DistantLOD] bUseLODLandData=0 fFadeDistance=12288.0000 [GeneralWarnings] SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors. [Archive] SMasterMiscArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Misc.bsa SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2=Oblivion - Voices2.bsa SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Voices1.bsa SMasterSoundsArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Sounds.bsa SMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa SMasterMeshesArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt iRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1 iRetainFilenameStringTable=1 iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1 bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0 bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 bUseArchives=1 sArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, [CameraPath] iTake=0 SDirectoryName=TestCameraPath iFPS=60 SNif=Test\CameraPath.nif [Absorb] fAbsorbGlowColorB=1.0000 fAbsorbGlowColorG=0.6000 fAbsorbGlowColorR=0.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorB=1.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorG=1.0000 fAbsorbCoreColorR=1.0000 iAbsorbNumBolts=1 fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth=0.0000 fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth=7.0000 fAbsorbTortuosityVariance=2.0000 fAbsorbSegmentVariance=7.0000 fAbsorbBoltsRadius=5.0000 [OPENMP] iThreads=3 iOpenMPLevel=10 [TestAllCells] bFileShowTextures=1 bFileShowIcons=1 bFileSkipIconChecks=0 bFileTestLoad=0 bFileNeededMessage=1 bFileGoneMessage=1 bFileSkipModelChecks=0 [CopyProtectionStrings] SCopyProtectionMessage2=Insert the Oblivion Disc. SCopyProtectionTitle2=Oblivion Disc Not Found SCopyProtectionMessage=Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer. SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM Drive Not Found
  18. There was a mod I played a while back that had a bunch of scrolls hidden around the world, and whenever you found one you got a new spell. I'm almost certain it needed the Spell Tomes DLC to work. I can't remember if it did other things or not. Does anyone know what I'm looking for? Edit: Found it - it was Less Annoying Magic Experience (LAME).
  19. Well, I kinda figured as much, given that Oblivion and FO3 are also crashy as all hell (Bethesda, y u no bugfix?) but I've read about people being able to pay for multiple hours on end, and I was hoping to be able to do that. Still, I do appreciate your advice, and plan on making a save file or two specially titled sfor saving before combat and other similar situations. Not within talking range of any NPCs, though, last time I did that I lost an hour of progress due to save corruption.
  20. Um...sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. I've got the Steam version of Morrowind, which comes exclusively in the GOTY edition.
  21. I'm running Morrowind with quite a few mods installed, and I'd like some help finding out what's causing me to crash after an hour or less of play. The last two times I crashed, it was when I cast a spell, and when I killed a cliff racer. Both of which happened after many previously successful casts/kills. My warnings.txt doesn't show anything except missing foot parts from Better Clothes, which I'm told shouldn't hurt anything. I'm already using Code Patch, EXE Optimizer, FPS Optimizer, MGE, and Mlox. I've got the Steam version, and am running XP. What should I try doing next? My load order's posted below; a good half of it is from the Morrowind Graphics Overhaul. Masters for Stella60000.ess: 001 Morrowind.esm 002 Tribunal.esm 003 Bloodmoon.esm 004 Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm 005 Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm 006 Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm 007 Texture Fix 2.0.esm 008 Sea-of-Destiny.esm 009 Wizards' Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm (Version 1.0) 010 GDR_MasterFile.esm 011 MW_Children_1_0.esm 012 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esm 013 Rise of House Telvanni.esm 014 Pocket Pals Skill Base.esm 015 Pocket Pals - Names!.esm 016 MW_CultOfTheClouds_v10.esp 017 LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.esp (Version 0.83) 018 Flee AI Tweaks.esp 019 Lgnpc_SN.esp (Version 0.31) 020 Theurgist.esp 021 Moons_Spawn_V1.3.3_Non_Patched.esp 022 Pocket Pals - Mostly Mammals!.esp 023 Pocket Pals - Undead Alive! Tribunal and Bloodmoon.esp 024 Pocket Pals - Kwama Queendom!.esp 025 Illuminated Order v1.0.esp 026 Pocket Pals - Ash Clan!.esp 027 Pocket Pals - Sea and Sky!.esp 028 Pocket Pals - Bloodmoon Knights!.esp 029 Pocket Pals - Pocket Gods!.esp 030 Pocket Pals - Deadly Daedra!.esp 031 Pocket Pals - Mournhold Mayhem!.esp 032 Pocket Pals - Dwemer Mechs!.esp 033 Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.esp 034 MultiMark.esp 035 MultiMark_TribunalPlugin.esp 036 MultiMark_BloodmoonPlugin.esp 037 MournholdMagesGuild10CleanFinal.esp 038 SirLuthor-Tools.esp 039 Unique Banners and Signs.esp 040 Windows Glow.esp 041 TRIB_witchgirladvent1.esp 042 sodpatch1.esp 043 Nudity Greeting Expansion V1.esp 044 Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp 045 The Magicka Amulet.esp 046 The Magicka Spell.esp 047 Dagger of Symmachus.esp 048 Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp 049 DB_Attack_Mod.esp 050 SoD Frost Fall.esp 051 Madd Leveler - Base.esp 052 Madd Leveler - Spell Effects.esp 053 Madd Leveler - Madd Caps.esp 054 Mage-Thieves.esp 055 abotWindowsGlow.esp (Version 1.1) 056 Statue Replacer - Normal.esp 057 bones.esp 058 _Legends_of_Ydumea_v2.esp 059 Shieldfx.esp 060 Amulet of Scrye.esp 061 Blight Bounties.esp 062 OR_Fang.esp 063 OR_ForkH.esp 064 AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp 065 master_index.esp 066 Minerals.esp 067 Minerals (Tribunal&Bloodmoon).esp 068 DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp 069 Clean Magus Realm Tower V2.esp 070 Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp 071 Pocket Dimensional Home 1.7.esp 072 Seraphs - Water.esp 073 Ascadian_Rose_Cottage_ver1.0.esp 074 Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp 075 BB_Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_v1.1.esp 076 The Hidden Pathway 2.0.esp 077 Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp 078 HUB v1.0.esp 079 Xenterra_Keep_v1.esp 080 NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp 081 Muffinwind.esp 082 Clean Granny Claus' Christmas Gifts.esp 083 Christmas At Lokken.esp 084 Princess Pocket Homes.esp 085 Neo's Unique Creatures.esp 086 Cleaned_Pearl_Palace_v1.esp 087 BetterClothesForTB.esp 088 correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp 089 KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_1.3.esp (Version 1.3) 090 frostmoth_repaired_v0_31.esp 091 Better Clothes_v1.1.esp 092 ExcellentMagicSounds.esp 093 almalexia armor.esp 094 Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp 095 SpellFix_No-WGI.esp 096 The_Tylwyth.esp 097 Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp 098 Museum of Artifacts Improved Expanded.esp 099 Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp (Version 1.2) 100 LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20) 101 LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20) 102 UAR_EbonySarano_v2.esp 103 Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp 104 WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP 105 Creatures.esp 106 Particle Arrow Replacer.esp 107 DN-GDRv1.esp 108 LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20) 109 LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp (Version 1.32) 110 New Veloth's Judgement 2.esp 111 The Neverhalls.esp 112 Better Skulls.ESP 113 LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20) 114 LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_22_suppl.esp 115 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_31.esp (Version 1.31) 116 kiasyd_magick_regenerator_1.4.esp 117 LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp (Version 1.30) 118 LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp (Version 2.21) 119 LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_20.esp (Version 2.20) 120 Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp (Version 1.21) 121 UAR_ChodalaBoots.esp 122 SNR_ThievesStep_Standart.esp 123 Bloated Caves.esp 124 Graphic Herbalism.esp 125 MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp 126 LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20) 127 LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp (Version 1.30) 128 LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp (Version 1.51) 129 More Better Clothes.ESP 130 Golden Gold.esp 131 CoM_Fix.ESP 132 Animated Morrowind.esp 133 Better Propylons MI.ESP 134 New Voices.esp 135 Oread Race.esp 136 The Imperial Legion Badge.esp 137 Keyring.esp 138 Sleepers, Awake!.esp (Version 1.1) 139 guarskin_drum_replacer.esp 140 fkoa.esp 141 LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp 142 UniqueFinery.esp 143 UF_HortRobeF001.esp 144 Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp 145 QOTW Season One.ESP 146 QOTW Season Two.ESP 147 New Bodies - Mature.esp 148 Madd Leveler - Madd Skills.esp 149 Madd Leveler - Quest Cap Remover.esp 150 Madd Leveler - Vampire Cap Remover.esp 151 Madd Leveler - Werewolf Cap Remover.esp 152 Madd Leveler - Illuminated Order Fix.esp 153 LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_61.esp (Version 1.60) 154 LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp (Version 1.00) 155 Wizard's Study v2.esp 156 Armor Bonus Compilation 1.0.esp 157 Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp 158 Keening_Reforged_v2.0_GDR.ESP 159 Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp 160 True_Lights_And_Darkness_1.0-NoDaylight.esp 161 OTR_Coast_Variety.esp 162 sm_ForgottenHalls.esp 163 Elemental Magicka 1.0.esp 164 Better_Sounds.esp 165 Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.esp 166 RoHT CoM Addon.esp 167 UL v2.0 RoHT v1.52 Compatibility.esp 168 Wizards' Islands Super Patch.esp 169 Clean MCFC_1.0.esp 170 MTC.esp 171 imperial chain fix.esp 172 Uvirith's Legacy CoM Add-on.esp 173 MTC-CoMaddon.esp 174 RAMF_Mer.esp 175 Psy_IronMeshImprove_Uniques_BME.esp 176 Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp 177 Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp 178 UL_MWSE_patch.esp 179 BirthsignsAMFun_BM.esp 180 UAR_Bloodworm_v2.esp 181 The Holiday Mod.esp 182 Mysterious_Wizard.esp 183 Mashed Lists.esp
  22. You know how if you damage some enemies enough, they start running away? Really annoying if you're a melee specialist, or indoors, right? Just cast Rally on them. They'll come back to you, ready to die.
  23. Unfortunately, I've already got that command listed in my boot.ini. I'll go through my video codecs to see if any of them are causing this.
  24. Well, that would be helpful, Prensa, but unfortunately everything you said was part of the Radio Stuttering Guide, which as I mentioned I already followed to no avail. And, in any event, I've fixed my radio issues; now all that's going wrong is Bink.
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