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Everything posted by SpeedyB64
I think it looks a bit too organic, the joints should be all machine like and all the lumpy stuff just armor plating on top of a mechanical frame. Also needs more wear and tear.
darnified ui makes the text smaller, it edits the xml files that controll most of the UI, If you want it bigger you could try to find the value in the xml and change it.
Its almost done I can't wait! It looks amazing, can't wait to see it with the glowing parts.
That looks great so far. Will you be adding scratches and worn edges?
Right now I use Broken steel with a lot of mods, I am using the Fake patch + WaterFix to make it work without the 1.5 patch.
N.I.C.E. Power Armor (Neural Interface Combat Enhancement) MX-K19 MX-B64 MX-A9000
Here you go: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5104 The Fallout 3 mod merging utility.
The mod sounds interesting, I love making architecture for fallout and have made a lot of meshes for my mod project. But in order for people to help you will need to give us more information, such as: What will the architecture be used for Any quests What you will contribute (very important) Your ideas Screen shots if you have any And other stuff like that.
That looks good so far, keep at it, there are a few people who can rig try asking around.
Oooo Ahhhhh Looking amazing so far. I can't wait to get a hold of it.
Unfortunantly LOD can only be done all at once (as far as I know) To make static objects have LOD they need a LOD version of that mesh (usually much lower poly) Also visable when distant needs to be checked off in that object's settings.
Oooo :ohmy: I like it, the sound is a bit funny (might just be the video) I can't wait to get a hold of that. :D
Looking good so far. :thumbsup: I would try making some new high detail buildings though (tileset style so they can be built any size and have open areas like the pit buildings).
How big of a worldspace are you making and what for? If you can't get the height map editor to work you could use one from the real world I get mine from: http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/SELECTION/inputCoord.asp Then use Photoshop to cut out a manageable sized square up to 2048 in size (any bigger and the GECK will crash for some reason) Then use TES Annwyn to make the worldspace and merge it into your mod. TES Annwyn: http://www.projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowin...=TESAnnwyn.html Its kind of tricky to use since its a command line interface. Good luck :thumbsup:
Yes but the mesh is copyright of Bethesda so it can't be distributed without their permission. So its illegal to distribute, if the textures are community made they may be used for something. Anyway, lets stop cluttering up jaysus' thread.
The height map editor is a little temperamental, try to make sure there is no black in the height map (I think that crashes it).
That is the anvil light house from TES 4 so it would be illegal to use it.
I would ask the FOMM team if they could possibly make a tool for that.
I ran into the same problem with anything larger than 2048x2048 So I made my worldspace that size. The triangle flipped message doesn't sound like a problem (sounds more like it fixed a glitch) By the look of the picture I would have taken a smaller area and made it 2048x2048 to get better scaling. making worldspaces takes a lot of patience (I have made like 5 of them so far)
LOD is not very well known at this point, I have generated it a bunch of times (with varying degrees of success) its very finicky, make sure you back up your mod before you generate it (bad things can happen (ask jaysus) The Global travel system guy has done a bunch of stuff with it so you may be able to ask him. I will have more experience with it once I generate it for the Phoenix worldspace. For now we are all kind of experimenting.
I haven't seen any irregularities, although you should make sure you have a rain only version and a snow only version available.
Good news. I'm glad you will finish the armor.
Its looking excellent so far, I will definitely get it when its done.
A hologram based pip boy is perfectly possible. there is another mod that makes a pip boy watch. A neck protector sounds good too.
This is looking and sounding great so far. So keep at it. I am following your every move :ninja: (or post I guess, in this thread)