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Everything posted by SpeedyB64

  1. Hows this? http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/VaultUtility.png The set is almost done. Just have to make a destructible vent cover and a vault utility door connector. I should have it uploaded tomorrow. (depending on school)
  2. I see, so you need a concrete bunker room wall section with a large utility door frame. At least that's what I think you mean, are you talking about pit pieces from the original game? My tilesets have no pit pieces yet. You could put up a screenshot of the piece you want the door in and I can add it in. As for the rest of the transfer pieces I can get those ready pretty fast, I'll try for the next couple days.
  3. TrooperScooperMKII: I plan to work on the set intercompatability for the next version. So you need the shaft tileset to have a large utility door? cambragol: The new building is currently one large mesh but I will split it up to be more versatile. I was actually planning to make large vents, Ill wip some up for the next version. I actually have another unreleased tileset that is a kind of maintenance crawlspace type thing. http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/SCutilityhall05.jpg I also have this one: http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/SCSewerScreen01.jpg Connector pieces will be included in the next version as well.
  4. Next version will include this new building: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/39551-1-1300661713.jpg Its based on this building from Reallife Resources two: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/11124-1-1265578437.jpg
  5. Thanks, the more people that use it the happier I am. I also updated the OP to have more details.
  6. Thanks everyone :D I just can't wait to see this stuff used in mods.
  7. Good idea. I'll get on it! I was always planning to add more transfer pieces. I also might have an entire new tileset coming sometime soon. (Maybe, depends on school)
  8. simplywayne90 suggested that I put up some info on my resource pack. So here is a more detailed description of what is in there: Architecture: Desert Platforms (drilling rig, animated) (Picture) (Picture) DLC additions (Adds 3 way and 4 way sections to the lab tileset) An alternate textured industrial small room set. A set of scaffolding (the kind you see in the city that goes over the sidewalk) (Picture) Clutter: Animated versions of the separated computer parts. A bunch of decals (vents, pipe/wire wall holes, wall damage) Some random decorations A huge array of signs (25 of them) (Picture) A grocery freezer with cracked but intact glass Kitchen cabinet with sink! (Picture) Road barriers Dungeons: Bunker Tube tileset (Picture Picture) Cave Bunker tileset (Picture) Concrete Bunker tileset (Picture) Concrete Tunnels tileset (Picture) Duct set (add your own custom duct work to your dungeons!) (Picture) Industrial Shaft tileset (Picture) Sliding blast door Lights: Some Flickering lights (3 different flicker patterns!, includes flickering FX beams and glow!) Some neon sign lights (A-Z 0-9) Assorted lights (Picture) Some Misc. stuff: (Picture) Concrete arch Invisible door collision box (with editor marker) Bank of monitors with animated static Hidden shelf door Shower Head Support cables Pipes and wires: Mini Vent set (small vent ducts like the ones in the lab tileset) TriWire set (thick 3 wire bundle) Wire Strip (includes ruined version) Various pipes and wires. Star Tech: (originally for a space based mod I was working on) Box module tileset (Picture) clutter and decorative bits. I am also working on a neon lights add-on pack.
  9. I personally loved your mod. The big thing I missed form fallout 3 was the extensive underground I could get lost in. I've had your mod since you released it and have explored most of it. The only suggestions would be to optimize things a little more (roombounds/portals etc.). A bit more detail in the lighting would add to the mood as well. additionally some more variety would add a lot. I made my resource pack specifically for mods like this. If you only use the sets that use fallout textures (most of them) you can keep the file size down. Anyway I look forward to more AWOP! :thumbsup:
  10. Version 2 of the resource pack has been released! Now decoration sets: Wires Ducts Some neon lights for signs (A-Z 0-9) Original duct set fixed. A retexture of the industrial pods tileset is included in the esm. All the assets from my unfinished space mod have been included. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone in this pack. It also includes an example bunker. (type into the console: coc 0spdbunker01lvl01) DOWNLOAD
  11. Speedy's Resource Pack http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/39551-1-1294809460.png Since the Fallout 3 GECK was released I have been working on This resource pack. It was originally going to be for a Fallout 3 project but that never happened so I am now releasing it for all modders to use. This pack Includes: Architecture: Desert Platforms (drilling rig, animated) (Picture) (Picture) DLC additions (Adds 3 way and 4 way sections to the lab tileset) An alternate textured industrial small room set. A set of scaffolding (the kind you see in the city that goes over the sidewalk) (Picture) Clutter: Animated versions of the separated computer parts. A bunch of decals (vents, pipe/wire wall holes, wall damage) Some random decorations A huge array of signs (25 of them) (Picture) A grocery freezer with cracked but intact glass Kitchen cabinet with sink! (Picture) Road barriers Dungeons: Bunker Tube tileset (Picture Picture) Cave Bunker tileset (Picture) Concrete Bunker tileset (Picture) Concrete Tunnels tileset (Picture) Duct set (add your own custom duct work to your dungeons!) (Picture) Industrial Shaft tileset (Picture) Sliding blast door Lights: Some Flickering lights (3 different flicker patterns!, includes flickering FX beams and glow!) Some neon sign lights (A-Z 0-9) Assorted lights (Picture) Some Misc. stuff: (Picture) Concrete arch Invisible door collision box (with editor marker) Bank of monitors with animated static Hidden shelf door Shower Head Support cables Pipes and wires: Mini Vent set (small vent ducts like the ones in the lab tileset) TriWire set (thick 3 wire bundle) Wire Strip (includes ruined version) Various pipes and wires. Star Tech: (originally for a space based mod I was working on) Box module tileset (Picture) clutter and decorative bits. I am also working on a neon lights add-on pack. Download and more pictures: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39551
  12. Fallout Street Lights 2 Hello everyone. Fallout Street lights version 2 has just been released! http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8069 Feel free to post any feedback, questions or bug reports here or on the file comments.
  13. I think you need one of these http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/jetpack2.jpg Maybe you can find someone to make it for you.
  14. Someone should make a LOD calculator. Enter the cell number you edited and it reads out the LOD chunks to use. Would be simple program to write.
  15. If you are a good modeler and want to make other provinces of tameriel there are many other projects that could use you on there team. Actually I think there is a major project for each province. Also some screen shots of models you made would help entice people follow you. If you can model up to Oblivion quality there are many projects that would love to have you. If you are fairly new to TES modding joining a team is usually the best way to gather experience. Most of the large projects have a WIP thread at the Bethesda Forums.
  16. Most people that make new worldspaces use TES Annwyn, it can take an image and turn it into a fallout 3 worldspace.
  17. The best of the best! Wattz laser weapons: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3002 Fallout 2 Needler: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10492 Classic pulse grenades and super sledge: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8224 Classic pulse rifle: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2996 Classic Glock86 Plasma Pistol: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8156 Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4685 YK40 Pulse Pistol: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3128 Classic P94 Plasma Rifle: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2527 Classic MEC Gauss Minigun: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3735 Classic sniper rifle DKS-501: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6381 Sig Sauer 14mm Auto Pistol Classic Fallout Weapon: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2592 I think that's about it :thumbsup:
  18. It is DarNified ui. I currently use it. It has some advanced features available if you use FOSE. You need to activate them in the ui menue (hit Esc, should be at the bottom of the list).
  19. OK I know your problem. The animation markers (also called furniture markers)(the purple people) are normally part of the object you are placing and are not normally placed separately. What you need to do is find the vault bed with the furniture markers built in. This bed will be in the furniture section of world objects.
  20. Did you get the bed from the furniture section? The static version will not work. Are the animation markers (purple people) part of the bed object you placed or did you place them as a separate object? If all else fails load up the megaton player house and copy/paste the bed from there. Or are you looking for a way for the player to use the sleep animation like NPCs do?
  21. If the lighting is backwards there is a problem with your normals and the way lighting is set up on them. There are a couple ways that I know of to fix this, You can reset X form (I use 3ds max so it will be different in blender, probably named differently, but it should have a similar tool) Or you can open it up in Nifskope and try rightclicking on the mesh and going to mesh-> face normals
  22. That object is simply a cylindrical texture with those words on it, if you want to make one that says different things than you need to edit that texture.
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