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Everything posted by SpeedyB64

  1. In nifskope is the root node (usually node 0) a NiNode or a BSFadeNode? If its a NiNode than rename it to BSFadeNode: double click the NiNode in the block list window and change the name. (not the name of the node, the node itself)
  2. Yes that is how to do it. If you are only converting your .esp to an .esm when you want to run it in the game than it should be fine. If you make a mod based on that esm than make sure that it is an esm when you run the game (a missing master will cause a crash) But as long as no other esp has it as a master you should be fine.
  3. I like the idea of this mod. Mods with quests are always more fun.
  4. There is a good normal mapping tutorial in the tutorial section of this site: http://cgtextures.com/
  5. Does the texture show up in game? If so than you may need to export the texture with mip maps. If it doesn't than its a path issue, a normal texture path would be something like: textures\architecture\urban\concretequad01.dds
  6. In Nifskope it is only really convenient to split up objects if they are separate mesh parts in the file. If the parts you want to split are the same mesh (all one piece when selected in Nifskope) than you would need to get it into some more advanced 3d software. The hard thing is that in the 3d software you will need to make your modifications and then re-rig and export the mesh. Rigging (or skinning) lets the mesh deform based on the positions of bones in the character. This is somewhat complicated. You may be able to delete unneeded vertexes in Nifskope and cut things away that way but I haven't tried this myself.
  7. Working with armor, cloths and characters is much more complicated than regular static meshes. You will need some kind of modeling software. 3ds Max or Blender. Have you used 3d software before?
  8. Similar to Gashjackel's idea. All the vault's lights are designed to fail after 5 years except the light in the overseer's office, this light is designed to last indefinitely. Therefor the only light in the vault shines from the overseer's office window in the atrium. After several generations this light could become worshiped or feared. Then after 100 years the vault door is opened and the inhabitants are free to venture out into the light of the wasteland.
  9. It would probably be a good idea to explain your mod in more detail. Most importantly you must show some progress of your own to attract other modders.
  10. That looks pretty great so far. I like the added pipes. For a door you could use the end exit piece with a door version of the grate (just put a black plane behind it so you can't see through the holes.)
  11. There is a tool that was made for worldspace creation using heightmaps. It was designed for Oblivion and Fallout 3 but should work for new vegas using the Fallout 3 setting. http://projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/TESAnnwyn.html Its a bit complicated to use since its a command line tool. Then you will want to useFallout New Vegas plugin utility to merge it into your mod.
  12. There is an excellent tutorial for normal mapping in the tutorials section of this site: http://www.cgtextures.com/
  13. New Module uploaded. Vault passage set. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/39551-1-1301437676.jpg
  14. The vault passage tileset is DONE :thumbsup: Its an optional file with my resource pack. It should have everything you need, if there is anything missing let me know. I also made parts for a destructible vent cover. Do you know how destructible items work? I also took a tour of the vault and I have to say its one of the most impressive mods I've ever seen. I expected a mostly cut and paste job but its actually very detailed. Lots of nice clutter and tonnes of atmosphere. Once the vault is a little more finished I might make a mod using it. Unless you do. I did have a couple problems: Once you go down the main stairwell you can't go back up because of the collapsed section. There are some places in the stairwell where the light beam from the windows are in places without windows. There are some collision issues in the storage level. For something so massive there are relatively few bugs. I was wondering about your plans for elevators?
  15. They are almost done. I'll try to finish them up tonight.
  16. Cool! That's what I was hoping. I will definitely download this and take a look around. I will also make sure the vault passages fit in properly.
  17. I was wondering if the entire vault was all one cell?
  18. Right here. There are probably a few glitches that slipped through.
  19. Quetzlsacatanango: Yep! You can drag and drop files into the object window, any supported file, just make sure you have the appropriate section expanded. (haven't tested sound or textures yet though but anything that is a nif should work.) simplywayne90: Cool, the views are much higher. Publicity was the big thing the resource needed. :thumbsup:
  20. Its quite easy: First you need to have all the fallout NV assets unpacked somewhere. Then you need to find the space sphere parts from mothership zeta. Just take those parts from where you extracted everything and put them into the appropriate place in your data directory. (in this case: Meshes\dlc05\effects\outerspace) In the GECK just drag and drop the files from the folder into the object window (mak sure you do it in the static section). Then You save your plugin and delete the files from your data directory. If you placed them in the right folder the GECK sould find them in the .bsa files. For some reason Obsidion was too lazy to remove all the mothership zeta stuff that they diden't use. So all that stuff is in the game files still, including their very nice space sphere, sun effects and earth. PS. Make sure you set the clipping distance really high in your cell's settings and get rid of all fog. (set the far clipping distance to as high as it will go, set the fog far as high as it will go, set the fog near to the same but one less, set the pow to a very low number like 0.001, I think this should work but if you have trouble just mess with these numbers)
  21. Another new Building for the next version. http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/RetroRestoraunt.png
  22. Sounds good. The LOD is a big one. The video looked nasty without it. I look forward to exploring the underground again, with FNV weapons! I hope we can get patches made for the FO3 DLC, that would be neat.
  23. I have a few questions about functionality: Do NPC conversations work properly? Does the voice acting work? Do quests function? Will it have working LOD? Would fallout 3 quest mods work?
  24. I forgot I made this: Its pretty old and most of the in video comments are out of date. I made this stuff a long time ago with fallout 3. Here is a more recent picture: http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/SpacemodEntrypoint.png
  25. The set currently consists of: 1 way 1 way half 1 way exit (connects to the grate opening) 2 way 3 way 4way End End exit (connects to the grate opening) Vault Small hall with the grate removed and collision modified so that you can get into the tunnel. Planned pieces: Stairs/Ramp Vault utility door connector (to connect to the vault utility area set) Destructible grate (shoot at the grate and it brakes apart) A dirty version of everything. Changing the wires would mean I have to edit every piece. I should be able to get this done by Saturday. Not sure if that would be in time.
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