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Everything posted by SpeedyB64

  1. Usually its best to have something to show before you start recruiting. It doesn't have to be much even just a few screenshots. Another good way to attract people is to release a very simple stripped down version, then to gather a few people to help expand it. Many large projects begin with a small mod that gets expanded. Anyway it sounds like it could be a fun mod if done properly. Although I would substitute Nazi zombis with the feral NCR ghouls that are already in the game.
  2. Thought I would post what I'm currently up to (other than elevators, although they are related) Me and my brother are planning to make a New York mod! Probably about 6 city blocks surrounding the Empire State Building. The meshes for the skyscrapers is whats holding up the next version of my resource. I am finally getting some skyscraper building sets going though. Here is a pic of a test of the first set: http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/Skyscraper01.jpg More to come soon!
  3. I would try a blender forum. There are realitevely few modellers around here.
  4. Try redownloading the GECK Make sure you have version 1.3 The GECK download is a little strange, sometimes it will give you the first version and sometimes it will give you the latest version.
  5. This thread is all about becoming a modder. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/269597-how-to-become-a-modder/
  6. GECK power up makes the script compiler give proper errors that tell you what's wrong. Its essential for any major scripting.
  7. The _m texture is an environment mask. I haven't worked with them yet but I assume they mask parts of the environment map (_e) so that only certain parts of the mesh are shiny. The sniper rifle has this kind of setup so you can look at it as an example.
  8. Unlike most games Fallout is designed to be modded. So its assets are easy to extract and manipulate. You can look n the pinned topics there might be something in there. There are tutorials here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/269597-how-to-become-a-modder Lots of useful info in there. There is also the GECK wiki.
  9. You can use FNVedit to remove master file dependencies.
  10. In nifskope is the base node a NiNode or a BSFadeNode? It should be a BSFadeNode (you can just rename a NiNode to BSFadeNode and it will work)
  11. Unfortunately animation lists are one of the things we can't change. For some reason they hard coded them into the engine.
  12. There are all sorts of tutorials around the net for modelling. Basically you would import the Fallout body and skeleton. Model your armor around that. Remove the body. Rig your armor to the skeleton. Export your armor. Tweak it in Nifskope. Put it in game. Armor is one of the most complicated things to model. That's why I focus mostly on architecture. Armor requires modelling skills that take a lot of practice to build up. So I recommend you start simple and work your way up. Learn the basics of modelling and texturing with online tutorials then learn how to get them into Fallout. An important note: only Blender and 3ds max have good .nif exporters for Fallout. PS. Google is your best friend. Most of this is just basic modelling.
  13. Question 1: Lighting is handled by the game engine, the specular map and the normal map. The specular map is stored in the normal map's alpha channel. Question2: That would be the UV mapping. Its part of 3D modelling. Fore more information you should look up basic modelling tutorials using whatever 3D modelling software you use on Google.
  14. I have some free time and I know the GECK inside and out. I can also model and texture.
  15. I just uploaded a couple videos! I have a third on the way but its taking forever to upload. The videos will be added to the videos tab on the mod's page. The first two I will post here:
  16. I would love to see a good space mod. My resource contains parts to make one.
  17. There is a nif animation tutorial on the TES Construction set wiki. Animating for Oblivion and fallout are exactly the same.
  18. I'll get working on those then :thumbsup: The mod looks pretty cool so far.
  19. I believe Oblivion handled moving collision a bit better than fallout does. I have made moving collision, my resource pack includes an elevator that uses the illusion of movement but the outer part of the elevator does have moving collision. If you stand on it the movement is very jerky. You could use the script that moves the platform up to move the player up as well. Side's sailing ships does something similar (but much more complex) in Oblivion.
  20. The catwalks are part of that set. I've been playing a bunch of Portal 2 lately and that's where I got the idea for this kind of architecture. my resource has a newer image of the catwalks with their final texture.
  21. The Oblivion graphics extender (OBGE) team has been working on getting custom shaders and shadows working in Oblivion and they are almost there. Once that's done it should be possible to port it over to Fallout.
  22. This mod looks promising. I'm planning on adding some skyscrapers to my resource that you could use.
  23. I have a couple new tilesets I'm just finishing up. A new set of catwalks and some modular offices. http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/CatwalksAndOffices.png http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/CatwalksAndOffices2.png
  24. The ceiling of this room has some major lighting problems. The lighting should be smoothly spread but it is causing uneven bands of light. Anyone know how to fix this issue? http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/SpeedyB64/LightingProblem.png
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