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Everything posted by Kazuya482

  1. "Not so experienced modder" Wat. Tracking this.
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16172/?
  3. As someone who started with FO3 but has not played the originals I'd probably be all over this in a heartbeat since i loved New Vegas. Despite how amazing the old games may have been, I can't bring myself to even try them. They're just too damn old. But like the guy above me said s*** like this has a 99% rate of not happening. Some of the largest mods for Skyrim and New Vegas are STILL under construction with full teams, while others that were pitched or promised just fall through not long after the idea is brought forth. Like you guessed, you'd have to be an absolute madman/Legend to see something like this through quite frankly.
  4. This gun alongside your MK14 EBR and Cedaies HK 416 are easily the best looking guns so far. I see so many guns on the nexus but more often than not the texture work is sub-par like the person just wanted to toss something real fast out there.
  5. That version is a duster m8, the only thing separating them is basically the materials they are made of. In terms of looks a duster can look like a trench coat and vice versa. Use AE if you want to layer extra armor over it.
  6. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/12952-0-1463950045.jpg
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12952/?
  8. Just one question. Public execution/beheading(s)?
  9. Well s#*!, looked around for some articles and am seeing both between dlc 1 and 2, and 2 and 3. In any case, its looking like it's going to be between workshop and Far Harbor, unless they do indeed pull it out of nowhere.
  10. No, ddavies is right, they specifically said between DLC 2 and 3.
  11. Pipers got them DSL. :ninja:
  12. Dear lord have mercy. Dude, that's impeccable work. The general design and texture quality is just....*drools*
  13. There's an M14 out now on the Nexus, but the general texture quality and look just pales in comparison to this one, jesus christ.
  14. That......is just f*#@ing beautiful.
  15. No news at all. We must wait for Bethesda to finish counting the monies.
  16. I'm thinking within the first two weeks of Feb the GECK will be in our hands. Well, if Skyrim is anything to go by.
  17. Yes let the creativity flow through the forums, release dat imagination.
  18. I'm (impatiently) waiting for the GECK and DLC. That's when this games full potential will begin to unravel.
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