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  1. One positive thing first: I like the new search, where you can click on the search and get a pop up. Thats great. Everything else, is just bad. Im not sure how to give constructive feedback for that. Its really not possible. This needs to be reverted, but keep the new search. And bring back text colors for the games. Edit: My first reaction to the new design was, to reload my browser over and over again. Because I thought something broke.
  2. Hello, I'm not sure where I read this exactly, but I heard it somewhere. Depending on the light level and perks, even when you turn on your pipboy light, enemies still dont see you in the dark. Has anyone ever experienced this "bug"? I haven't experienced this issue for myself, but I started working on a fix for that. I tried to verify the issue, but I'm not sure which conditions need to be met to trigger that.
  3. I will look what I can do, when I come home.
  4. It always depends on the ingame time. I also have areas where I can reach 60 FPS, but once the sun sets(not sure 7pm or 8 pm), my fps drop to 42. It's because of the lights and shadows.
  5. I always thought precombines make sure that only objects are loaded that you can actually see? Do interiors still load everything even if they've precombines? Pre-combined meshes literally are multiple static meshes combined into bigger chunks, to reduce loading time and draw calls, if I understood this correctly. It's the "visibility"/pre-vis that culls the objects that are out of sight, but this doesn't dynamically load/unload objects from disk into memory, rather they just dynamically show/hide objects to lighten the load on GPU. Indeed. Many objects can still cause "stutters" when entering a cell, even when they are not drawn by the GPU. This is something I've learned. Afaik, there are no limits, but you should always think about how you layout the area and how many objects you are going to place. Splitting your interior into smaller interiors can also help you to manage things easier. But it depends what you want to do.
  6. Well that's not 100% correct. You can modify constants. At least I know it works for global variables. If a global variable has a constant flag, you can modify it, but as soon as the player loads the game again, it resets to the constant/initial value. In other works modify constant global vars, but they don't save the value. Any form being pointed from a constant property can be changed, what you can not change is the form itself. So, following your example, you can change the value of the global that the property is pointing to, but you can't change the global (the form) to which this property is pointing. To make it clear, I'll do the example with an Actor property, if you have a script with a constant actor property, and this property points to Valentine, and then you want to change this actor to Piper you can't, but you can change an actor value of the actor. Even simpler to visualize: if you set a property for a constant integer, and you set this integer to 5 and, in run-time, you try to change this property to 10, you wont get it changed. Because you are trying to change the value of the property. But when the property is a form you are not changing the value, you are changing the form value. I was not talking about scripts. That's correct. When you create or edit a global variable, you can check a constant flag in the CK. That's what I meant. You can still change the value, but it gets reverted. That was surprising to me. One would think, when you check the constant flag, you can't change it anymore. That's the only thing i wanted to point out :-)
  7. Well that's not 100% correct. You can modify constants. At least I know it works for global variables. If a global variable has a constant flag, you can modify it, but as soon as the player loads the game again, it resets to the constant/initial value. In other works modify constant global vars, but they don't save the value.
  8. Hello, I have an issue with 2 scripts attached to 1 quest. The values are correctly detected by MCM, but I can't change them. MCM always resets them. One example of those sliders: { "text": "Hunger Fatigue", "type": "slider", "help": "Default: 2", "valueOptions": { "min": 0.1, "max": 10, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "PropertyValueFloat", "sourceForm": "Fallout4.esm|80E", "propertyName": "SCM_HC_FatigueHungerBalance", "scriptName": "hardcore:HC_Managerscript" }, "action": { "type": "CallFunction", "form": "SCM.esp|FA8", "function": "CallDamageFatigue" } }, the variable is defined in the script as: float Property SCM_HC_FatigueHungerBalance = 2.0 auto Tried to look up similar issues, but couldn't find any. Really don't know if that's a bug with MCM or if I made a mistake.
  9. It's kinda sad for me to say, but... I have about ~1400 in Fallout 4 and never finished the game. I haven't done all quests. I have never been to the institute! Yes, never. I haven't finished any faction. I've started some factions and only done some quests. Far Harbor, some quests for DiMA. Yes, I have done the puzzle stuff, where you are in his memory. Many people disliked that, but this was really one of the most fun things I've ever done in Fallout and maybe even of all games. Really loved the TRON vibe it gave me. I wish there was more content like that... Then I went to the childs of atom and did 2-3 quests and that was it. Nuka World... mh...I cleared Kiddie Kingdom, Dry Rock Gulch, Galactic Zone. I did the whole quest series for Hubologen, which was also nice and let's say "funny". Liked that one. And that was it. Most of the time I spent ingame is modding time/testing(doing random stuff). So yes, there are still spoilers ahead for me. But I already read a lot of them... accidentally... still try to avoid them. After nearly 5 years, there is so much content for me open to discover. The same goes for Skyrim, never played Dragonborn. But I did a lot in the base game and Dawnguard. I didn't play Dragonborn, because my load order said no.(this was before I started modding.)
  10. The only time I use power armor, is when you have to do it(First quest with Preston). There is just too much "broken" / they are really shitty implemented by Bethesda. I really like the idea, but it already starts, when you can get killed by a blood bug while wearing a power armor. When a rolling pin can destroy your power armor, which said is resistant to explosives and bullets. I'm also not a great fan of the armor/damage calculation.
  11. I wonder how you activate those... already tried it with console commands, but it didnt work
  12. Do you mean this? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19228 Edit: Oh, I see you responded to the mod..
  13. I wouldn't say that. They indirectly help the people. "They" clear areas of ghouls/super mutants. Which is not easy and very dangerous. Specially a super mutant base. Those super mutants tend to raid settlements, capture people and more evil stuff. So when the BoS clears those dangerous areas, they do the settlers a huge favor. ------------------------------ @Topic Danse is a good character. I'm missing some depth here and there, but I really enjoyed the storyline so far with him. He is not my favorite companion. (which is Curie) But they did a solid job with him. The voice actor is also superb.
  14. Bethesda does a lot, just for balance and gameplay reasons. A bloatfly with more health than a super mutant? NPCs sitting on the ground after they catched a rocket with their face? But we can talk about, why do Bethesda laser rifle have recoil? Is there a special mechanic in the rifle that spins and releases, which causes the recoil? Or is the laser using a kinetic force, a development of the army to penetrate material more efficient? Everything is possible.
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