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Posts posted by drithius

  1. Most modders are of the reverse-engineering type, as it can be difficult to find pertinent tutorials and don't have a pre-existing background in coding.


    For instance, your "do-not-pass" scenario reminded me of an activator/script event in Fallout3 where a bomb goes off if you enter a certain boundary. And you play with it to your needs from there.

    scn LDScientistBomb01SCRIPT
    short isSequence			;  0 - Means sequence is not running, 1 - Means sequence is happening.
    short soundStage
    short doOnce
    ref myLink
    float Timer		;  This is how long each sequence happens.
    Begin onLoad
    	set Timer to 1
    Begin onTriggerEnter
    	if (isActionRef player == 1)
    		if (doOnce == 0)
    		set isSequence to 1
    		set soundStage to 1
    		set doOnce to 1
    Begin gameMode
    	if isSequence == 1
    		if (soundStage == 1)
    			set myLink to getLinkedRef
    			set Timer to 1.5
    			set soundstage to 2
    		if (soundStage == 2)
    			if (Timer < 0)
    				LDFakeExplosion02REF.placeatme LDScientistExplosion 1
    				set soundStage to 0
    				set isSequence to 0
    				set Timer to (Timer - GetSecondsPassed)
  2. It always perplexes me how, on the Skyrim side of things, people are so paranoid about scripting as to be practically delusional - but with Fallout, scripts are encouraged even where they really shouldn't be used.


    AddItemToLeveledList is a function that just needs to die; it's primitive, can't be undone, and can cause issues if a user decides to uninstall the mod. Luth's plugin has far better tools for scripted level list management, but I simply prefer manual insertion + merge patch for far easier and more precise control.

  3. That seems like it's going to get real tedious in a hurry. But, in any case, the variables you're looking for are 'Kill Impulse' and 'Impulse Distance' http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Weapons


    Projectiles have their own applied force.


    edit: just realized I was in the FO3 forum; FO3 does not have the above variables, so it's not easily doable. You would need to implement an object effect/script for push back, similar to what FWE/Project Nevada does for explosive weaponry. Projectiles remain unchanged.

  4. Are extra "tanks" available for discovery/purchase? If not, that would balance out easily... but it could be tedious. Possibly allow extra tanks but make them weigh at least a kilo/2lbs apiece.


    Puce Moose has a mod, Mantis Imperative, that introduces several new flavors of nuka cola throughout the wasteland. When you drink one, there is a small chance to discover a "winning wrapper". You then get sent to the Nuka Cola HQ to collect your prize from an area he built on to the original cell. It fits perfectly within the game. I was thinking that this could be an option for the watergun's WMKs w/ the Sunset Sass HQ - and the gun could take the place of PewPew in the vault (stick the laser pistol elsewhere).


    As for refilling mechanics, it would be fun to add unique properties to the water/ammo depending on its source (by altering each activator's script). Corrosive sludge for toilets, bioluminescent yellow for urinals, +health for purified water (canceled out by addition of WMKs), and no effect for dirty water. The ammo formilst could then contain these varieties and you could switch on the fly if you wished. What you would need to decide would be whether the water sources directly filled the weapon clips/tanks or if there was a "middleman" involved - regular bottles that you then dumped into the weapon tank at some time.

  5. The Gamebryo Engine games (most games really) are mostly bound to a single core. So it doesn't really matter how good of a multicore processor you have if one core is getting pegged at 90% or above. Look into a purge cell buffers plugin for some help, but don't expect it to help in all cases.


    And I have to repeat what others have said: Anything above 50fps is pretty much unnoticeable. Turn off your fps monitor and stop being so OCD ~.~

  6. Actually I just installed this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/9872/? to override eves flamer and the problem has seemed to of gone away! :D



    Holy crap! it worked! Thanks, dude!


    I've subsequently narrowed down the problem starter to EVE's flamer's world model, deleting \meshes\weapons\2handhandle\flamergo.nif (or replacing it with the above mod's) will resolve the problem. So glad that's resolved!

  7. Hey Kitty!


    Thanks for the reply, I've been hitting a lot of dead ends on this. My save is from within an AWOP cell. I've disabled a lot of other mods, so it won't be exactly the same, but the problem is still present.


    * Yes, the pipboy light was on; the problem vanishes as soon as I turn it off.

    * This only happens indoors.

    * This always happens (so far) when there has previously been an explosion or use of a flamer nearby (lighting...)

    * if I look at my feet in the above shot (with the pipboy on), the white textures vanish until I look up again.

    * Similarly, if I move around the corpses, the different angle will sometimes cause the normal textures to reappear.


    It is undoubtedly something with the way the specular maps are being rendered but I'm not sure what I can do to fix this aside from disabling them altogether.

  8. Yes, I know; NVAC is usable with FO3. It simply uses its generic error detection rather than targeting anything specifically. Regardless, It's not NVAC; I started my playthrough over, fearing it was savegame corruption. This time, no NVAC, no switching back and forth from ENB/No ENB.


    ...And I ran into it yet again in the same circumstances (around the utilization of a Flamer). Turning off Specular effects corrects it to a great extent, but that's quite a compromise on what is looking more and more like a hardware issue.

  9. Hurray, I'm not alone.


    Been troubleshooting this same exact problem. I've only seen it happen indoors and it tends to happen after a change of lighting due to weapon fire or actual fire. This is a video of one of the symptoms occurring with weapon fire, but only from one distinct position. My latest clues point to it being savegame corruption, possibly from removing/reinstalling imagespace mods.


    If you don't wish to restart your playthrough... try toggling off specular effects using FNV Configator. You'll lose a great deal of "shininess" though, and some artifacts may still remain.


    And do update this thread if you find another cause/solution...


    Btw, mind posting your working load order (before mod deactivation/troubleshooting) on pastebin? This is mine.

  10. That's part of the problem - the green outline is an intrinsic part of the slide, but the texture used doesn't display it whatsoever. The only texture with any of that green on it is the glow map.


    Edit: I think I just discovered what alpha blending is.... the green aperture was nowhere to be seen when I would open the primary texture file in paint.net, but as soon as I exported it as a tga file into Photoshop, everything became so clear! Huzzah for stumbling into a solution.

  11. Hey,


    I'm trying to alter an Fo3 weapon for personal use, FO3's Glock19 by Hal9000. This is what it looks like in its unaltered form:



    I'm attempting to either remove the green altogether or replace it with a dull grey. The problem is that I'm not seeing how to do so anywhere within the textures - its seems the aperture coloring is done so entirely through the mesh (and perhaps a localized lack of texturing on the primary texture).


    Would someone take a look at this mesh and clue me in on how I could alter that aperture? https://www.dropbox.com/s/utp0ya0efrr6oqo/Glock.nif?dl=0

    These are the textures if necessary https://www.dropbox.com/s/o22qtrhi1u0yned/Glock.7z?dl=0

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