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  1. Couldn't this have been done entirely on the nexus site? Why involve a 3rd party site?
  2. I sincerely hope I am not the only one that trips over this 25/75 cut. This is not right. While I do not want to sound unappreciative or underestimating of Steam's role in this: is the effort and time modders spend, and the amazing results they often achieve (and let's not forget the support hassles that come with a popular mod!)... is that really worth that little compared to 'just' enabling this option? That right there is the part that most bothers me about this, to be honest. Yes, money will no doubt bring more contention between modders, but content-creating communities (modding is just one manifestation) have dealt with this before, and survived, and even thrived, once the changed ground-rules have been established. I'm not too worried about that. I'm not even a modder, by any right (discounting some .. let's call it tweaking, that I do now and then). But right now, contemplating this 25/75 'offer', the main overwhelming feeling is that it feels highly exploitative, with the developers and Steam clearly winning the most out of this, and quite honestly, not deservedly so. I do hope free modding, as a hobby, goes on. I hope sites like Nexus go on. I honestly expect they will, no matter how this evolves. At the same time, I do think it should be possible for good mods to earn a buck for the authors. I think the Nexus has it right, with voluntary donations that go entirely towards the mod authors, and the Premium options to thank the enabling platform (I wrote 'fund' at first, but that would not be the right word). There was zero, ZERO, time or effort from any game developer or publisher expended in most(*) of the myriads of amazing mods hosted here. Yes, some of them include game assets. But let's not forget that each and every one of these mods is meant to be used only within the context of the game those assets came from, games assets that both the modders and the players already paid for to use. So I stand by my opinion that a mod is 100% the work of the mod authors, and if and when deserving of payment, the author 'cut' should reflect that. (*: I appreciate the exceptional and rare circumstance where one of the developers actually helped or assisted, sometimes just by giving out a crucial bit of information that was needed to solve a bug or incompatibility... it has happened, and hopefully will continue to happen. I would equally welcome having the option to donate -money, or a pizza or sixpack or flowers- towards a helpful developer for such gems of cooperation.)
  3. My findings on this: The static links included in your message do not seem representative of the issue. They reacted instantly to clicking and loaded as fast as I would expect on my link. I'd say all within a second.The perceived slowness on the main site seems to be due to very erratic and long delays when clicking on the image thumbnails to try load the full size image. Slow as in getting enough time to read the 'Loading...' overlay message several times while waiting, up to a minute at times, and sometimes giving up entirely and just clicking again to make it load.This delay happens I'd say every three clicks or so, so browsing through a mod's image gallery gets annoying.I never noticed any correlation between these delays and the performance of the page loads or the mod downloads. I.o.w., the image enlargement delays happen even when the rest of the site's functions are performing beautifully.I notice some saying they've had this issue for years... I cannot assert the same. I'd say maybe a thing of the last year or so for me; if it happened before that it was sporadic enough to never really bother me, and there was a distinct moment sometime last year when it suddenly became a regular issue that I remember hoping would be fixed soon with your improvements to the site. Don't ask me when exactly though.Currently testing out of NLD, but I've had the same experience while on home/hotel/work links out of ESP, GER, and USA (MI/FL/CA) in the past year, with a rather large variety of links, bandwidth, and computer equipment.I have neglected mentioning this issue here assuming that this was due to some form of bandwidth prioritization, which I happily accepted, especially since I have been using this amazing service for free.
  4. The console command 'pushactoraway' will send you flying/rolling without need for dragons or giants. pushactoraway player 500 Knock yourself out. :p
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