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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. It's DesuChan's Demon Huntress, recoloured white by that image poster (the original does not have any white recolour). It got removed by Desu, but she said she'll reupload her files soon. If you're too impatient, just search for it on google. Why does everyone suggest that?! Incidentally, thanks to the awesomeness that is Beni (the creator of those amazingly awesome animation replacers that you should totally use OR ELSE), that recolour WILL be a part of the new set. Hat and all. Yes. The hat WILL be in it, too. Give me a month, guys. Bit of IRL drama going on at the moment so I'm not on my gaming computer as much as I'd like to be. Plus, I've never built a shop before... What animations are you speaking of Desu?
  2. lol, how do I keep missing those announcements. Thanks again Push. :biggrin:
  3. Haha, oh I wish I had a lot of Ancient_Laws' stuff too. I'm a big fan of his work. So far I have all the things he's pubically released and eagerly look for his dragons, of which so far I've been unsuccessful in getting, save for Nazagear (sp?). :sad:
  4. I can not only look up my post history through Find Topics or Find Posts, my other infosuch as kudos, ap, and rank are showing 0. Are there some problems going on?
  5. I sincerely just wanted to give you guys a public pat on the back, applaude, and handshake. Thank you guys for looking into these files and uploads and making the TESNexus safe for all users.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, I think that set of anims was only working for 3rd. I don't think he ever finished 1st. I could be wrong though. Anyways, have you seen Unnecessary Violence yet? It does a pretty nice job of DW. There's a version 2 being worked on as well.
  7. In a nutshell it's how much you contribute to the Nexus community, but more specifically: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=217612&st=0
  8. The barrel is in the Anvil Castle Courtyard, and the armour is in a black chest with red accents, and my logo on the top.You've obviously got a buggered-up version of my mod because I KNOW the version I released had a full readme and screenshots showing you EXACTLY where it is. There's, sadly, a lot of buggered up versions of your mods floating about on asian sites. For a group of people who don't like sharing their own works, they sure are willing to ignore requests and share other works. It does seem that way.
  9. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16204 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167 Second one is tricky to find. I couldn't remember the exact name, but remembered it started with and S and had a number after it. Have fun with them. :biggrin:
  10. are you talking about that ultima dragon? that really shiny dark blue one? that pack has an ugly red dragon in it but that other one i haven't been able to find. i doubt it would be released and it would mess up your fps pretty bad anyway lol Well yeah, that one too. But no the files I'm looking for have like three or four dragons on it or may even be separated into individual mods. These are four legged variants he has, all seem "element" themed. Like theres a red one for fire, a blue one for ice, a black one for shadow, etc. I think I may have the red one you're talking about. It's a two legged variety.
  11. Where you able to find any of his dragon mods? I'm having trouble getting them. I tried the chinese forum, but the links to them all end up trying to get me to download one of two games instead. Here ya go - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=42L3U0UR Thanks my friend. Kudos to you. :biggrin:
  12. The armor is from Battlemage_Armor, The back "wings" is actually weapons, perhaps jojjo's Warglaives, but recolored black. The helmet I think comes from Apachii's Goddess Shop.
  13. Anyone else know of an alternate download site for Zhuque? When it was uploaded here on TESNexus, it was during a time when the servers went down and the file was lost.
  14. Sounds interesting. I might have to use it for one of my assassin NPCs in my WIP.
  15. It's from Jojjo's Dread Knight Armor and Weapons. I doubt it's in AHS.
  16. Something like this could be pretty traumatic for a noob. Would have been fun, but I did not want to be the one to cause all that mental anguish :) Maybe one could compensate them afterwards with a ship or two, or a few million. They wouldn't mind then, would they? I remember mining as a noob with 2 other noob friends and a guy can flipped us. We were very annoyed. resolved to get him, if this was the last things we did. And we bore resentment towards him for many months. Another of my noob friends wandered into low sec while mining and was promptly podded. He was devastated. We were furious and made many resolves. Took me about a year to get into the spirit of immortality :) I never did understand how to can flip. All the ones I looked at (miners) had passcoded cans.
  17. Can't help with the first one. I'm not sure something like that exists. Best I can say is search for "Tattoo." For the second one, have you searched through the armor and weapon categories? There's several there that you can find.
  18. I think you're gonna see your email address have an "instant trash can" tag added for incoming mail considering the language and tone you used. If it were my company, I'd even ban your IP address altogether. And as far as playing through the game first without mods, I'm one of those that started modding right away, but mainly for new items, IE swords and armor, and don't regret it one bit. In fact, mods are what brought me to the game series in the first place. If it weren't for the mods, I'd never had picked up this game at all. I can even tell you the exact mod that even brought me to the game. It was Jojjo's Frostmourne. I had been searching through some KOTN mods when I came upon a post in the filefront forums about this particular mod for Oblivion. While I'm not a fan of WoW, I am a huge fan of the sword. Anyways, to get to the point, mods are what drives this game series IMO. The amount of freedom thats in it to put your own stuff in the game is unreal compared to most games. It makes the game like a MMO, content wise, in a way since MMOs are always adding content in the game. Or at least a good one does.
  19. LOL, you didn't try it? That would've been funny if you could get away with it. When I first began the game I had tried taking a container that was right outside the station thinking someone had just abandoned it. The nice little warning that popped up to tell me it was an act of aggression told me otherwise and then I noticed a ship just sitting close by the station, like it was about to dock, but wasn't. Didn't take me long to figure it out.
  20. do people still go after containers? I thought that would be kind of silly to go after.
  21. This belongs in Mod Detectives. Edit: nevermind. I just saw where you had already posted this there..... :rolleyes:
  22. Mod detectives (stickied at the top) is a nice thread for this sort of thing.
  23. Once again, try Mod Detectives up above.... And, watch the spamming please. This is the second post you've made today about this same topic.
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