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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. You can save anywhere like Oblivion. Sweet. Games that don't allow you to save at anytime annoy the crap out of me.
  2. Bah! I didn't get to vote. Oh well, I wouldve voted for the adult mod, but then my vote really wouldn't have counted since I'm a nympho and it'd been biased. :whistling:
  3. I actually missed this title. Apparently it didn't get a lot of advertising. I was in best buy the other day and they had a demo of it playing on a tv and i was like WOW! That looks sweet! I'm trying this out, but I'm debating on whether or not to wait for pricing to come down. Got a question for those that have played it though. Can you save the game any time you want like in Oblivion or do you have like missions/quests you can't save in the middle of?
  4. I got bored with GW after two weeks. But I probably didn't get a guild fast enough or something. I'm actually thinking of trying it out again with the other expansions. I wanted to try that assassin class.
  5. Just like Oblivion, but with a longer more involved story line.... and dragons. edit: and a stable dual wielding system.... with multiple ways to sheath your weapons. I like variety.
  6. Never really cried, but got pretty sad on several games. Shadow of the Collussus was pretty sad when the horse falls. Final Fantasy X had a pretty sad ending too. Dark Ages of Camelot (a MMO) when all my friends left. And I've gotten sad a lot of times when a game I'm really into ends, but not particularly for a sad ending, but because the story is now over. I get the same feeling when reading a good book series.
  7. pretty much. You can also use the menus to select objects and locations as well. Just stick with it, the game has a fairly steep learning curve, but its very fun.
  8. And that's one of the reasons I fly one. The other is just the sheer coolness factor of the ship's look. I just wish it had some higher damage bonuses. I mainly carebear in it though. When I start doing the pvp thing, I'll probably just stay in an assault frig. I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought a new one at 180 mil. Jita markets finally fell somewhat.
  9. How are the Absolution prices over there? They spiked up over in Amarr space and in the Jita region.
  10. I've heard suicide ganking is on the rise with the bombs too. Kinda makes me scared to fly over to Jita. I also forsee a bomb-nerf soon.
  11. I think its bad tidings. A lot of vets that don't want to be in a corp stay in the npc corps for the chat. A lot of newb help is going to go out the window since the "help" channels are always full of spammers.
  12. Impressive (said in Darth Vader voice). My character, an Amarr pilot named lLonewolf, has only 8m SP, but I only started a year ago and took a 8 or 9 month break during that year thanks to Oblivion. I've been aiming to fly the Absolution, which I was hoping Dominion would help reduce price and didn't, and am working on my gunnery skills. I'm currently not in a corp, but that's about to change thanks to the forced tax on npc corps. Anyways, I'll have to look you up and throw a shout out your way. :biggrin:
  13. welcome to EVE, the most learning-curved intensive game on the market today. Hey Dark0ne, I didn't know you played EVE. What's your character's name?
  14. Your character looks pretty sharp. I'll have to check out the problem on the Carsomyr. That missing sword is from my modified version of the sword where I have several "prop" swords attached to it as a sheath. You can see them on the photos that show the sword on my back. Very strange. I could have sworn I have removed all traces of it when I released the mod.... Which version where you using btw?
  15. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20034 has some white armor, but has some gold mixed in it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4808 has some white (aka pearl) armor, but also has gold mixed in and I don't think there's a male version.
  16. This really needs to be in the Suggestions section. But regardless, Jojjo has some great armors that are dark oriented. He also has an excellent replica of the Frostmourne sword from WoW that does some high end damage. Don't know of a mod that adds white armor. And to throw my mod in there, check out my Carsomyr (v1 and v2) mods. I think they're awesome anyways. :biggrin:
  17. Now that's a real bummer. Speaking of user-made modules, there's quite a lot in development, and some of them are looking quite interesting. They can be found in the Projects section of the Social Site. wow, that didn't take long.... :blink:
  18. ahhh, that's exactly what i was looking for. Thanks for the info guys! Now I just need to find an amarr imperial factioner that wants to make some money.... :whistling:
  19. is that because half of them would blow away both your enemy and your party too? I always hated that as well. The AI scripts are probably just like BG2's
  20. Deletion of the temp files worked LH. Thanks a ton!! You're a genius! :thanks:
  21. I'm going to recommend Firefox simply because I like it so much and has proven itself over and over again but you really should not be having this problem with IE7. Let's see if this is related to cached files. Click on Tools, Internet Options and under the General tab, click the "Delete" button under Browser History. And then delete the "Temporary Internet Files." Close IE, open it again and see if the problem is resolved (for now). Let me know the results. (this is one of those times where it would be handy to have a "remote desktop" option to fix the problem for you. ;) ) Oh, if you are interested in trying Firefox, you can find it at http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ or you can get a version that does not need to be installed and can run from a USB stick on any computer here: http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable LHammonds Thanks LH, I'll give that a try and let you know whats going on.
  22. sweet, i didn't know about the LP store upgrading. i've been playing off and on for over a year or two. I've got drone 5, and scout drones 2 or 3 and I think that's about it. I'm still in the fog about the LP thing, but have a semi idea about it. I knew you could buy things with LP but had no idea about the upgrading thing.
  23. Ahh. I'm wanting to get stronger drones and was looking around for some on the market but couldn't ever find any save for tech2. when you say upgrading drones to navy via a bpc, do you mean upgrading the ones that already exist in my bay or just making complete new ones?
  24. Where do you find the higher meta level drones that are beyond tech2? I see them listed in the info, but none are on the market and only a few are in contracts.
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