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Everything posted by throttlekitty

  1. I came here expecting another one of those threads. Great points, things I hadn't much thought about, thanks! I haven't done any 'real' modding for Skyrim yet, and I probably would have continued using older modding methods. I'll have to look into using markers like this, unless you have something handy that I could look at?
  2. I've been playing a mage just fine, mostly conjuration and tossing spells as I go. The first 15 levels or so were kind of rough, but some perks and caster gear made it easier. Leel 50-ish now, and life is easymode.
  3. This must be one of those lovely Nexus posts I've heard about, it has potions, salves, and anything for a fine day with you around! I wholeheartedly second this request.
  4. Glad to help :) lowercase name, please! I'm not totally sure about the race setup, I haven't touched the CK much in a long time. But I thought that headparts were part of lists that define which races can use them, so long as a custom race defines keywords or somesuch, it could be included in such a list. (ie, OogyBoogyElf is an Elf, and can use any headparts that vanilla elves can use)
  5. Shader Flags to uncheck: Decal, Dynamic_Decal, Hair Soft Lighting, Vertex Alpha and Anisotropic Lighting. Decal options were the offenders to your transparency option, the others aren't needed with hair used becoming a helmet. Also, with the way races are handled in the CK now with inherits and lists, doesn't that let custom races use pretty much any hair? (provided the hair mod is an esm)
  6. ENB doesn't mod the game in the traditional sense of changing existing files, so it will work with any type of mod. It runs code alongside the game to perform post-process graphics effects. For graphics options, check the readme, there's a few manual changes to the .ini to make or ENB to work properly.
  7. Don't forget the alpha channel of the texture. I'm not quite sure what to suggest, really. That model looks totally broken. I have the SkyHair mod around here somewhere, I'll take a look at that model, which one is it?
  8. Latest version of NifSkope is here: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
  9. Sorry, I just looked at the shader properties, I wasn't very clear. In particular, there's a few checkboxes in the Shader Flag fields that should be unchecked: Hair_Soft_Lighting in Shader Flags 1 and Vertex Colors (if you turned them off), and Assume Shadowmask in Shader Flags 2. Then, up at the top, Skyrim Shader Type should be changed from Hair Tint to Default. So, on to your transparency problem... what do you mean the texture shows but not the model? Looks like it's showing in your first screenshot just fine. Aside from the eyeball showing through, and maybe some sorting errors where some hair strips are rendered in front instead of behind. that's a problem with the model, and isn't very fun to fix. Did this hairstyle render properly as a hairstyle before your edits?
  10. Link to release thread and info on getting a beta key. Feature Overview and basic tutorial is here. The beta expires 28.01.2013. This is a badass piece of software. dDo does texture generation inside Photoshop, using parametric controls and maps baked from high poly meshes. Artists can quickly get base textures and then some with little effort while offering a much creative room for taking them farther. Also, check out nDo2 while you're there. Similar-ish stuff, but for advanced normal map creation.
  11. Uncheck the hair shader options in the LightingShaderProperty, the shader is expecting an input color and is probably assuming black since it's no longer used as hair. In NifSkope, check Vertex Colors under the TriShapeData, perhaps switch it to no as a secondary fix for the transparency issue.
  12. Something I was wondering, is it possible to make a scripted 'recipe' that would add/remove other recipes from the players knowledge? It could function simlar to "+Expand Mod1 Craft List" or "-Collapse Mod1 Craft List".
  13. This sounds very wrong, but if it works for you...
  14. DX11 is much more than shaders, and fur can be done fuzzy without DX11. I feel a little bad about the lol, but there's a billion of these threads, and it's not a feasible task. (with very little gain, IMO) a) rewrite great portions of the engine code to use DX11 code. b) do this without actually modifying the exe. c) and not introduce a thousand new issues. Art assets don't magically become fantastically jaw-droppingly DX11'fied, much work to be done there too. I know it's easy to get excited about seeing tech demos, but keep in mind those aren't created with actual gameplay scenarios in mind. I'm still not sold on tessellation either, unless there's some amount of interactivity, like that alien-blasting demo (from nVidia, I think), I don't see much point. Why spend cycles on a whole mesh when we could use a high res asset that makes judicious use of polygons?
  15. Can you post a picture of the in-game issue, and your normal map texture? (I answered in your polycount thread, but you have different questions there.)
  16. get rid of the brackets. Using "<>" in command line apps is common for giving examples, just a visual separation between arguments. Also, it's good practice to enclose entries with spaces with parentheses, since spaces would mean moving on to the next argument. (in case you ever create "Smiling Happy Face.obj") In your example, it should look like so: Addmorph Geralt.tri GeraltFace.tri Anger.obj Moodanger Geralt.tri/GeraltFace.tri: It's been a while, I forget if you can write to the same tri as the input. Anger.obj: the expression you've exported. Moodanger: I think the bracketed numbers you're seeing are a blender index thing. It sounds like you're on the right track with exporting snapshots of rig states as obj to be used as morphs. There's also the sidecar tri files to think about too, one for racial adjustments and one for character generation. I don't know if the chargen tri file needs to be present at any point in order for a head to work or not. Ghogiel, they aren't using FaceGen, so there's no .egm mess this time, = no need for modifier morphs. :D :D :D edit: I still think these subforums aren't helpful at all.
  17. *facepalm* A list of mods you're using would be helpful. "I Installed something but can't remember what" is not helpful for troubleshooting.
  18. Might want to look at how the hand magic nifs work, idle magic casts light. IIRC there was an AttachLight node or similar in there. I can take a look tonight.
  19. I got this tonight, this post was informative: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=31827873&postcount=9
  20. Before exporting the animations to the game, you'll need to bake your IK rig + animation into 'real' keyframes that the game would use. I'm not a max user, so I don't know the process there, but googling should be a bit easier for you now.
  21. I'm coming back from a big absence, so I'm a little lacking in recent modding lore, sorry. :) If those mods use any textures that replace the vanilla files, I'd test without those present. (textures\landscape\water\ maybe?) No clue on ATI specific issues, what did you change? mip-map behavior maybe?
  22. For starters, try without ENB, or try removing a likely mod or two, like WATER to see what happens.
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