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Everything posted by throttlekitty

  1. Have you tried F5 in the render view to refresh the scene?
  2. You'd need a high and low poly model to create a map like that. 'Baking' in this case, refers to transferring data from one model to the other (more specifically, the normals of the model). wb me.
  3. don't forget that there are communities outside of the nexus. Aside from regular traffic, perhaps someone on a forum out there posted a link/conversation.
  4. don't forget render>settings>[]Shaders. I think the default has them turned off.
  5. Aside from the thread at niftools forums, I dunno. Haven't had net at home for a while, but I'd like to get an article set up at the creation kit wiki to cover shaders/textures.
  6. I would stick with learning in 2.6. At the very least, you can always send a finished model back to 2.49 for preparation and export.
  7. nifskope should point to C\(stuff)\skyrim\data\ instead.
  8. It's a pretty neat trick, they use it in a few other pieces as well. (broken up wooden flooring) the models have some transparency set in the vertex colors, as well as noisy values in the texture. The transparency only shows up if that alpha threshold is raised, setting the 'fail' bit higher, so more tattering is apparent.
  9. things to check: TriShapeData has BS Num UV Sets = 4097, and update tangent space on the trishape. vertex colors maybe. specular map: shouldn't be all white. (try this as black first to rule it out?) environment mask shouldn't be all white. that the main shader type is set to a correct type. (envmap, since you mention using one) emissive value isn't turned up?
  10. Are you translating the bones in the nif to reshape the body? If so, that won't work so well, animations would just put them back to where they need to be anyway.
  11. the .tri structure is the same, but things work a different here. Chargen shapes are stored in another tri (rather than an egm), so we have fewer morphs, but more control over them this time. and yes, if you're editing the nif, shape changes only, nothing that would re-order verts.
  12. you can still enter a number, regardless of the dropdown.
  13. Hardly abandonware, Niftools devs have been very active. NifSkope has had numerous updates for Skyrim, NifSkope 2 (total rewrite) is in development, and a mostly Skyrim-ready Maya exporter was released today (also a near total rewrite). Blender's plugin development has been slower, but there is still progress being made there. The tools aren't always the easiest to use, but I'm sure many people would be just as lost using official exporters. We have a forum for making bug reports and feature requests, don't forget.
  14. Those are fallout shader properties. Skyrim uses BSLightingShaderProperty
  15. crossposting is the best! Alecu has released Beta 4 of the Maya nif translator, has support for skyrim: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/580969-maya-2012-x64-niftranslator-v07-beta4-with-initial-skyrim-support/
  16. In the EffectShader and LightingShader properties, there's a flag in the dropdown list (nifskope) for picking double-sided rendering.
  17. Leftovers from early production I think, they're not used in Skyrim.
  18. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556409-body-part-ids-for-unused-biped-nodes-consensus/ AmethystDeceiver had a good idea to try and keep modders on the same page for body part usage. The more mods that use the same types of slots, the better compatibility for mix and match outfits for players.
  19. http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftools/files/nifskope/1.1.0/nifskope-1.1.0-rc6-i686-w32.7z/download NifSkope 1.1.0 RC6 is released
  20. right click an empty spot in the 3d view, bring up the properties. You can set pan/rotate/zoom speeds for the camera.
  21. I've a similar-ish question While testing a mod, I had used various console commands, my wait timer didn't pause at each hour; time moving constantly instead. I was never able to reproduce that, anyone have info on this?
  22. usually done best with a flat plane along the length of the blade, with a glowy texture to simulate this kind of glow.
  23. Glow map assigned in the textureSet? Use glow map checked in the shader property flags? There is a special Glow material type in the LightingShaderProperty, i don't know if that's required or not.
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