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Status Updates posted by naomis8329

  1. Haven't updated in a while. As you'll see I am about and looking at playing games again. It has been difficult since my husband died but I'm getting there.
  2. It seems like ages since I last updated my profile so here goes. My husband died last May 28th. He was in hospital for over 15 before he passed and I stayed with him from the time he was admitted until his passing. It has been a tough year as I've not been able to settle and do anything for very long. Things are getting better but its taking time. Love to you all as usual. Stay safe during this terrible and very unpredictable time xxx
  3. Well seems I had a moment and never finished my last post lol. An update, new TV has now lasted longer than the last one mind you it is heavier and the stand a great deal sturdier. I have been having a great deal of fun with my youngest grand daughter Macie-Lee who is living with me at present with her mom and partner whilst they look for a place of their own. Its an amazing experience having a little one back in the house. Love to you all xxxx
    1. Deleted54170User
    2. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  4. Something to smile about... I bought a new 40" LCD TV which was delivered on Wednesday 6th April. We bought a stand to put it on and everything as we're going to be decorating so didn't want it on the wall at present. Have had a great deal of fun finding out all its bells and whistles, which I'm sure we've not even scratched the surface of yet. Went to bed Saturday and on rising Sunday entered the lounge to find said TV on the floor, the screen totally ruined and the left...
    1. Deleted54170User


      How sad. )-'; and the left...?
    2. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck

  5. Husband's back in hospital again after suffering another series of heart attacks. The bypasses have stopped working and the outlook is grim to say the least. I know its late but Happy New Year to you all. Between my 5 year old grand daughter nearly dying of a burst appendix at Christmas and now my husband, things are hectic to say the least. Love you guys xxxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brokenergy


      Hope he gets better soon
    3. naomis8329


      Thanks guys. Its constant round of tests and more tests. We don't know if they will be able to fix the problems. Will know more today after the CT Scans. :)
    4. AurianaValoria1


      My thoughts are with you and yours, Naomi. I hope things work out all right.
  6. My son Mark, did exceptionally well in his GCSE's this year despite his breakdown last November. He is still in recovery and is going from strength to strength. Never give up on yourself or your children... life is definitely worth the effort. My love to you all as usual. Naomi xxxx
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Excellent news, Naomis. :) I hope things continue to go well for you and your family.
    3. VisseNekku5746


      *Thumbs up* Life is worth it :) Keep it going
    4. Ithildin


      Congratulations to him, and to his family! :)
  7. I did try praying for rain for Pagafyr... I think we got it up here in the NW of UK instead of where he is lol. Sorry to the rest of the UK for the current state of the weather... I did my best. Family is doing well. Eldest son finds out about his GCSE grades next week and hopefully all will be well and he will be returning to school in September to do A'levels. Youngest son starts his GCSEs and the long slog towards them. Youngest daughter is still driving me to distraction even thou...
    1. Deleted54170User


      Thanks for thinking the Big Sky Country. I wish yours and you the best.
  8. My son had a nervous breakdown due to pressure of school work in November. He's getting better but as with any mental health problem its peaks and troughs. My daughter Nicola gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Macie-lee on 9th March. She was born early due to liver problems that Nicola was having but after a 10 day stay in hospital they came home and both are doted on by all the family. It was the longest 42 hours of my life but to witness the birth of my grand daughter was an amazing...
    1. Ithildin


      I'm glad to hear your son's improving, and that your new granddaughter and her mom are home. Congratulations to you and your family. *hugs*
    2. Deleted54170User


      Prayers are the quest for answers. I hope you found answers to help you in your times seeking them.

      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz naomis8329. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

  9. Just a quick note to update where and what I've been up to.
  10. Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the holidays with family, friends and those that mean the most to you.
  11. Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the holidays with family, friends and those that mean the most to you.
  12. Thank you guys. Had a mixed bag of a day as my father-in-law died yesterday and we're all feeling bereft and the kids are pretty upset. I would just like to say to you all, NEVER think you have time to do X, Y, or Z... NEVER put off till tomorrow what can be done today... NEVER leave an argument unsettled and NEVER forget to tell those closest to you how much you love them. My love and hugs to you all as always xxxxx
    1. Ithildin


      I appreciate your eloquent words of wisdom (profound and thought-provoking). My heartfelt condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father-in-law. *hugs*
  13. Thanks to everyone who voted for me. Auri is your new queen and I hope you will all follow her lead :D
  14. I have been nominated to be Queen of the Nexus the voting is taking place here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1021802-the-queen-of-the-nexus-poll/ Should you wish to vote for me I would be honored and I would like to thank all those that have done so already :D
    1. VisseNekku5746


      The democratic Queen of Nexus.

      I rarely take part in politics, but when I do I expect a certain level of lies and deceit. So far, no such has been offered.

      As a Nexusian, as a member of our small society, I have the freedom to speak my mind and say,


    2. VisseNekku5746


      It's getting tight
  15. Panic over... the lump was a lymph gland displaced by the angioplasty. The shoulder problem looks like its a trapped nerve. Sighs of relief all round. Love you guys xxx
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Grand news in a grim world.
    3. Lisnpuppy


      I just read this and as someone with a variety of medical issues, I know well the upset you must have felt..and the sheer relief now. I am glad to hear that all is well (relatively speaking, of course.) Treat yourself to a nice massage *wink*


    4. naomis8329


      Thank you for all your kind words and support. It truly helps knowing you guys are there.


  16. I've just finished playing Dishonored for about the 100th time (well ok the 4th lol) and I loved it. Yes that's right, its brilliant. The story was well written and the DLCs amazingly good in the continuity (Knife of Dunwall). I'm pleased to see that there will be a sequel and I do hope that Bethesda don't muck it up and keep an excellent format and build on it. I would love to see the story expanded and the story unfurl... We'll see I guess. Love to you all xxx
  17. Its less than two months since we were given the amazing news of my husband's cancer success... he has a new lump. The doctor has organised a battery of tests which will be carried out early next week. We should know one way or another by this time next week all being well. The positive is it could be an infection and a trapped nerve in his shoulder from the angioplasty the negative is that the "C" is back. One can be treated the other not. I'll keep you all posted. My l...
    1. Ithildin


      Thank you for keeping us posted; I'm not a religious person in any sense, but will pray for the treatable one. *giant hug*
    2. naomis8329


      Thank you honey :)

      Its demoralising for us as you can imagine, and I have not told my sons as they are taking exams in the next 4 weeks. Of course we will tell them once we know for sure, but we don't want to worry them unduly. Hard enough as it is.

      Love to you and yours xxx

  18. Wow, what a couple of months and its not over yet lol!! Tired and in pain through a leg injury... think I need to get it seen too :D Love to you all as always xxx
  19. My thoughts, prayers and heartfelt sympathy for all those affected by the horrific events in Boston. May those responsible be brought to justice swiftly. My love to all xxx
  20. I wonder now when things went so wrong... when I became the mother from hell and deserved the hatred and disrespect of my elder children. It must have happened during one of the many times I gave up my career for them, my hopes and dreams of a future bright with promise, love and laughter. I tried my best, but it seems that it was not good enough and never will be, not for them and not for my parents. I begin to believe it is too late and that there is nothing more for me to do but move on...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. naomis8329


      I guess you're right. Thing is I've changed so much. I was so strong and had a very good career, then in 2005 things changed and so did I. I'm now agoraphobic and my memory's the size of a flea. I'm getting better day by day but sometimes for every step forward there's two backwards and its frustrating for me as well as for them.


      I love them unconditionally and I know, deep down they do too, it must be frustrating to see me so different and at times, so weak...

    3. Flintlockecole


      Ostro. I think you hit the bulls eye on that, but oneself must remember there are things within our boundaries we cannot control let alone those outside of it. I know that first hand and I think you do as well, as Forrest Gump put it "S**t happens".
    4. naomis8329


      Very true once again, and usually when you least expect or need it :D


  21. Thought I'd share some great news as its been so hard the last few years. Christmas was such a stressful time with the strokes, but with any luck he's gotten through those too with the surgery. The kids have been brilliant and gone through so much... I'm proud of them all. My love to y
    1. naomis8329


      ou guys as always lol. Stupid fingers. xxxxx
    2. SilverDNA


      1st try to calm down

      2nd untie your fingers-knot.

      3rd Smile.

      4th You have said it all above and we love you too. :-)

    3. vvk78


      Kudos to you and your kids for your patience, love and caring, that have enabled your partner to recover his health. Our best wishes for a great time ahead.
  22. Had some amazing news today. Bill's been given the all clear from cancer. He still has a tumor but it is non-cancerous at present. All we have to do now is concentrate on his recovery from the strokes. We are so happy that he's survived the throat cancer he had a less than 30% chance of surviving and given 6 weeks to live. 4 and a half years on he's still fighting :D Well done guys I'm proud of all of you xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AliasTheory


      That's great! I know what it's like to hear that someone you love has cancer...I'm sure plenty of us do. Wishing you more of the best.
    3. SilverDNA


      Good News. Happy face! :-) , and my best wishes for you and Bill I hope if goes on like this for you two.
    4. Flintlockecole


      Bloody Brilliant is all I can say.
  23. Hi hun, good to hear from you. Things been weird since the end of last year and we're taking things one step at a time (again). Good to speak to you as I've missed you all very much. Love and hugs as always, Naomi xxx
  24. Okie Dokie, rebuilt 2 PCs over the weekend whilst in the throws of withdrawal (ran out of much needed medication on Thursday, didn't know I could feel so rotten lol). Back on the meds today and I'm totally amazed that I have them running at all as I don't remember very much of the weekend, it seemed to pass in a haze of nausea and dizziness that has lifted (thank goodness). Anyway, all is well PC wise and I'm redownloading all games and hopefully I'll be able to play thr...
  25. My PCs have gone down, yes both of them. Have run off with my eldest's laptop which she will be collecting daily at 8pm. Trying to catch up with everything and hope to have the machines up and running again in the next couple of weeks. Hope you are all well. Love as always xxxxx
    1. K00L


      Oh that's fun! :P

      Hope you get it all sorted out soon without too much trouble. :D Hope you are well too!

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