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Status Updates posted by naomis8329

  1. My PCs have gone down, yes both of them. Have run off with my eldest's laptop which she will be collecting daily at 8pm. Trying to catch up with everything and hope to have the machines up and running again in the next couple of weeks. Hope you are all well. Love as always xxxxx
  2. Thanks hun, love pecans :D xxx
  3. No honey not often. I've pretty much given up with it and am concentrating on my own family and my Nexus one. :D
  4. That's it in a nutshell honey. I'm an American citizen and hold dual nationality, living here in the US. My mother asked me to sponsor her, dad and my sisters in a bid for them to emigrate to the US. I did so and now they are all over there they want nothing more to do with me. I knew in my heart what would happen but I still did it to make her happy. I'll get over it xx
  5. My new photo and avatar says everything for me at the moment. Hope you guys are all doing ok. Love to you all as always xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. grannywils


      Yes, Naomi, I double and triple that. Lots of warm hugs and kisses and loves.....
    3. Deleted54170User


      That's a swell looking Photo. Be seeing you. Later. Have a chocolate cupcake with white frosting and chocolate sprinkles on top. *sets one out* I'm going to take the rest over to AurianaValoria1's. We've been having enough pizza we need a nice desert treat. See you later. :- )
    4. naomis8329


      You guys always know how to make me smile... Thank you xxxx
  6. My parents and sisters. They've all cut me off. I was a means to an end and now they have what they want I'm surplus to requirements so to speak. So yes I'm dead to them and its upset me dreadfully. Should have known but hey I'm a dreamer :D
  7. Yeah, but its the way it happened, and who I've lost ;(
  8. Yeah I guess so. I'll look for an orphan picture....
  9. I guess I'm officially an orphan now. No family except my own and possibly a couple of aunties and one or two uncles. To everyone else I don't exist, was a means to an end and now used up, am thrown away. The adage "you can pick your friends but not your family" is so true. Love the ones you create, fervently and with a passion. Always make your child feel welcome and wanted. Always leave a light burning so they can find their way home. And yes, their family home will AL...
    1. Deleted54170User


      I still have a couple of orphaned family members who can't seem to recall how to do things the good old fashioned way anymore. If the people at that church would have actually studied that book they gave me as they shoved me out the door they might have learned something. Oh! Well, I have a little house made of wood, nails, glass, and paint; built with blood, sweat, and tears. I know this isn't where I will be making my last stand. So far it hasn't been too boring at all w...
    2. Deleted54170User


      ...ith the hive "like" people buzzing around. I think I will go get some more mead and watch what happens when I open it and leave it to warm up. I want to watch to see if anything new happens. He he hee!
  10. Love you too honey xxx
  11. Thank you for your lovely gesture. Much appreciated :D xxx
  12. Good fun but I need to find out if the dentist is open as we have appointments this morning and they're not answering their phones.

    Also need to know about the schools. The college is open so Jess is getting ready but gosh its a nightmare

  13. I love the snow. We hardly ever get it here in Chester, but we've had a good 4 to 6 inches over the last 3 days. Unheard of but true :D

    When we lived in Wales it was a common occurrence and you got used to living with it. We've been here 12 years and so its a novelty again. Respect and Common Sense are needed to live with it :D

  14. Beautiful, fresh and clean. It never snows in Cheshire and sticks as we are in a plain surrounded by mountains. This is the third year running where it has and its worse this year than last and so on.... Don't know whether to love it or fear its portent
  15. Helllloooooooooooooooo, I'm snowed in :D
  16. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8368133/1/

    It isn't completed, I've had a tough time with Bill not being well so have put it on a back burner somewhat. Hope to get the next Chapter up by the end of January all being well.

  17. Watch out for Stephen King honey :)
  18. You too and thank you for the links.

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year xxx

  19. Hope it arrives soon. You'll love it, but don't have too many expectations if you played Morrowind and/or Oblivion. Its a wonderful game, wonderful scenery etc and the story is great. Play through without mods at least once to get a feeling of what you want to change :D
  20. To all of you, may this year bring you love, life and happiness. Thank you all for your support and love, I appreciate it greatly. Happy New Year and many more to come. Love to you all xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ithildin


      And to you, Naomi! *hugs* =)
    3. vvk78


      Wish you and your family a happier, healthier and cosy New Year too, Naomi!
    4. Deleted54170User
  21. Happy New Year honey. Hope you have the best life can offer, today, tomorrow and always. Take care and stay safe xxx
  22. Happy New Year honey. Hope you have the best life can offer, today, tomorrow and always. Take care and stay safe xxx
  23. Happy New Year honey. Hope you have the best life can offer, today, tomorrow and always. Take care and stay safe xxx
  24. Happy New Year honey. Hope you have the best life can offer, today, tomorrow and always. Take care and stay safe xxx
  25. Happy New Year honey. Hope you have the best life can offer, today, tomorrow and always. Take care and stay safe xxx
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