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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I'm fine. Youngest daughter 16 in May, her first prom in June and I'm being driven round the twist lol. Don't remember it being this hard with her older sisters :) Anyway, between that and Skyrim playing up I'm bouncing along having fun :)
  2. Hi hun, thought I saw you peeking so decided to come and run round your profile for a while. Hope you're ok, take care :)
  3. Hey a blank wall!!!! Not allowed!!!

    Consider yourself Graffiti'd lol :)

  4. Hello, saw you peeking so came to say hi and graffiti your wall. Take care :)
  5. Hi, hope you are well, saw you peeking so decided to peek back :)
  6. Saw you peeking so decided to repay the visit. Hope you are well, take care xxx
  7. Saw you peeking so decided to repay the visit. Hate blank walls so here goes. Take care xx
  8. Hello honey. long time no speaky. Been distracted, birthdays (to come and gone, proms and 16ths) gosh been driving me crazy lol. Prom's not till June but hey got to plan now. Take care, love ya xxx
  9. hi hun, hope you are well. Decided to pop in and fall out again. Take care xxx
  10. Popped in and jumped out xx
  11. Hi hun, hope you are ok. Speak soon xxx
  12. Hey, good talking to you the other day. Glad you're well. Thinking of you every day. Love ya hun xxx
  13. Howdy doody hun, hope you're well xxx
  14. Saw you peeking so thought "hey, go say hi" so here I am.

    "Hi!" :) xxx

  15. Hi. You ok??? About to read your story, will let you know what I think later. Take care xxx
  16. Hi hun, thanks for popping in. As to my avatar, no idea, a friend sent it to me. Take care xxx
  17. The game is not doing saves for me so thought I'd transfer the saves out for my old character.... there's a problem, where are the saves saved too. Checked my documents/my games and the files under there, nothing regarding saves, just profiles. Anyone got any ideas?? Thanks for your help in the meantime
  18. Cool glad you got it sorted. Happy playing xxx
  19. You don't actually have to touch the stones do you, just be near them. Have you received the instruction to use the windchime whilst near them?? Other than that I'd go to the tech help on the game site and email them or check out the wiki. Let us know if you get sorted as it may help someone else
  20. Howdy, hope you are well. Saw you in chat a while ago but I was popping in and out whilst I had some free time.

    Miss speaking to you and so thought I'd drop a line to see how you were.

    Love ya xxx

  21. @ Pavvy, I concur. I've not played Skyrim in over a week as I got so fed up with the continual CTDs and quests that kept failing to fire properly. This game has none of those issues and the quests are pretty amazing. The detail is superb and like I said you can see the difference in the games whilst playing. Time will tell I guess and we will have to wait and see.
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