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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. lol, you evil, never xxxx
  2. There is a difference between chastising a child and abusing a child and if one does not realise the difference then one should not be looking after the child in the first place. Chastising doesn't necessarily have to be physical, neither does abuse. Chastisement should teach a child the positives with regard to behaviour and life, abuse doesn't. Chastising should not harm, mentally or physically, abuse does. Logic also plays a role here if what you are about to do to a child will result in hurt or an escalation of violence then you are doing it wrong. I personally hate physically chastising my children (or any child left in my care). I'm usually the one left feeling "wrong" if I have to and that is not good for either me or the child involved. In extreme circumstances I exercise time out and most children hate this as it involves being isolated from the rest of the family or group of people and being forced to rethink a given situation. With younger children a "naughty step" or chair is utilised and again the result is the child having to think about why they are there and apologising for their behaviour. With extremely young children it is the removal of them from the situation or showing them what it is you want them to do, without force or aggressive behaviour. In most situations the trick is to remain calm and try to stay detached as if you allow emotions to come into play then they get in the way and rational thought easily flies through the window into the ether lol. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should try to educate our young people in how to chastise without violence (this should always be a last resort), without raised voices and without an action leading to an adverse reaction. We have, by many laws, hamstrung ourselves in how we can chastise and punish our children. Here in the UK we can't lock a child up ie put them in their room and lock the door, this is false imprisonment and a parent can be arrested for it. In the case of extreme punishment if a child is physically struck and then tells a teacher, the child can be removed from the household, police and social workers called and a six month program enforced to re-integrate the child back into the family environment. Go figure.... and I'm not talking about a regular beating or slapping, this is a one off, the result of consistent bad behaviour by the child involving Police coming to the home and anti-social behaviour orders being threatened against said child. So I guess I'm also saying, restraint, logic and a measured response in all forms of punishment.
  3. Here in the UK a child can't take up paid work until the age of 14 and even then they are only allowed to work so many hours a week either as a paperboy(girl) or as an actor(ess). This is closely monitored and any exceptions to this have to be approved and can only happen a maximum of twice (if I remember rightly). However there are then the children who work and whose hours are NOT monitored in any way shape or form. I would (looking through rose coloured glasses) like to think that the majority of these children do so because they want to and are either on farms or working in the companies of their parents in preparation of one day running that company or business. Again I would hope that parents of said children would pay the child some form of wage/pocket money in exchange for services rendered lol. Then we have those children who are forced to work and these are the children we should be most concerned about. Be they child prostitutes, machinists or servants it should be stopped, but I am in no way blinkered to realise that it wont. Child Labour exists in most countries to some extent and education for some is a luxury. I agree with Granny that education is the most important thing for a child and this should be tempered with the ability to work should they want to from a given age ie 14, be it in school as form monitors/assistants, paper boys or undergoing some form of work experience for their chosen careers for example candy strippers in hospitals for those that wish to go into the medical professions etc.... Maybe this is idealistic and would most probably not work in the slightest, but I would like to think it could, not only would a child gain valuable experience in the work place but also gain confidence and learn the value of themselves and money.
  4. Some of the armors in the vanilla games that I've played recently have had me wondering how on earth women are supposed to move in them to begin with as the plates (leather or metal) seem to reach knee level and beyond in some cases. Not only would crouching be nigh on impossible (getting back up would involve some form or hoist), sneaking and stealth would not be possible either and so full frontal assaults would be necessary at all times. Therefore when I look at armors (for both sexes) I look for practicality and looks. When my hero is out and about doing his or her good deeds I want them protected and safe, when at home or in a city then they can look like cool dudes in sexy clothes and weapons that look good but aren't necessarily for use lol. My companions are usually likewise dressed and protected and if we are launched into an unexpected battle then hopefully my magical abilities will be enough to assist with added protection. At the end of the day for me its about immersion, living a totally different life, being someone completely different (maybe the person I wish I was, be it male or female), and that should not matter in the slightest. If I like a mod I will download it, use it and (if I remember) endorse it. I have young children so I have to be careful what I download and use, although I have downloaded some totally risque stuff but have not been able to use it because of the risk of the children seeing it. It is a matter of choice and I loved Slofs Goth Shop for men and Apachii's Goddess Store for women depending upon my character at the time and what companions I had with me. The same goes for Dragon Age and hopefully for Skyrim. Let's all remember one thing what we use, wear or create can't denigrate women or men as it is not real, any of it. It is not based on fact and I'm sure Red Sonja and Conan would love half the creations created if not more.
  5. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  6. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  7. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  8. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  9. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  10. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  11. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  12. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  13. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  14. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  15. Happy new year, hope you achieve everything you wish for. Take care and stay safe xxx
  16. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  17. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  18. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  19. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  20. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  21. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  22. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  23. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  24. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
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