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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Must admit I agree. I too play might and magic mix and I'm very disappointed as I love bow working but agree, bows do suck terribly in this game. Have had to adapt my game style as a result :) The game is huge and I'm just in Adessa now and still playing with side quests and popping in and out of the main ones (when I realise that I'm in an area where I can do something). I'm mainly mucking around looking at everything and finding all kinds of stuff. Great game and I do hope that it continues in a series or the like. I would prefer more storage and the like but that isn't a game buster for me to be honest.
  2. I've been playing this game for a week solidly and am totally enamoured with it (in other words I love it). It's vibrant, full of detail, full of characters and wonderful stories and so much to see and do, its totally breathtaking. I've got it on the highest settings and I have a FPS of between 45 and 70 whilst running around and in the cities, which are so detailed its amazing. To me this game puts Skyrim to shame in the amount of detail and the way in which you can do what you want when you want and how you want. I've had no CTDs and all quests completed so far (approximately 130) have completed with no problems. If there are any faults they are the character creation which is basic but the characters are beautiful and wonderful to play and the lack of storage or rather the limited storage (155 items max in a stash chest) and 120 items max on one's person. Now the storage is peculiar as although I've said 155 and 120 this means individual items however the amount of reagants is 99 then a new "item" is created the same with potions, blacksmithing and sagecraft. Its difficult to gain full sets of armor which looks cool and to decide between due to the limit of storage, however I tend to sell to the same people whilst buying widely therefore can "sell" sets for storage with these individuals. Although expensive to buy back, its usually the only thing to spend your money on as you accumulate it very quickly as you progress. This game is bright, different areas and detailing, the scenery beautiful and lush (even in the desert areas) the characters wonderfully detailed and the back stories the same. A wonderful experience and I advise you to at least give the demo a go. If a creation kit is created I can't wait to see what could be done as to me it would be limitless.
  3. There is definitely a mod conflict. I found it was one of the modular game changing mods. You'll have to put the mods on one-by-one- to ascertain which one is conflicting for you. For me it was the Advanced Tactics and Quickbar mods together with Improved Atmospheres. They hated each other lol. Let me know how you get on.
  4. What you also need to remember about BOSS is that it is updated regularly however new mods come out every day, every hour of every day at the moment and as a result quite a few mods will not be on the listing for BOSS at present. You also need to realise that Nexus is not the only site that mods are hosted upon, there are many others and if you download mods from those sites they may not be recognised by BOSS either. Either way, using mods is a game of chance, some will work together others wont. Those that make changes to textures or game play normally should be loaded last as anything else that does the same will overwrite them. It takes time and normally you may have to test the mods individually to see if they work together or not. Armor, Clothing and Weapon mods rarely cause problems as they are either texture replacement or they ADD new content. All I can say in closing is Enjoy, play around with different mods and enjoy the experience you gain. As better and bigger mods come out change and play some more. Roleplaying is about experiencing new and exciting things each time you play through. Even now I find new things upon playing Dragon Age or Oblivion. Enjoy and experience a wonderful environment created solely by you.
  5. Oh heck that's the problem then I put them at the end of the one saying ArchiveList2 blooming heck what a nut lol. Thanks hun you are brill, I'll just change the ini in my games too right?? Your help is appreciated
  6. Thanks for your replies. The new texture packs from Bethesda do have esp's and there is a workaround to get rid of them and use the BSA's without them. By textures I also mean mods that change the look of something like Whiterun Greenized, to me that is a texture mod with an esp lol. I do use BOSS but as the majority of mods are new they show up as not known etc. Like I said for Oblivion there was a load order which is posted on the forums here and I tended to use that. Something however went terribly wrong. I did look at my sound but that was ok too so I'm at a total loss as to what caused it.
  7. What's on my mind:
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. naomis8329


      The Kingdoms of Amalur sorry, dyslexic fingers lol ;)


    3. SilverDNA


      I have my sanity in my mind right now! :-s
    4. Deleted54170User


      The busyness of, "The Last Poster Wins!"? Boobs, chest hair, and Facepalm causes.
  8. Used the load order as per Oblivion and ended up after adding the new Texture files to my Skyrim.ini (not default) losing my voice files. No voices, not a single sound uttered by anyone other than animals and ambient noises. Reinstalled the game but no joy. Took out the ini files and hoped that they would be reloaded as Oblivion used to do (Oblivion would recreate the files if you deleted them) but no I had to reinstall the game yet again after deleting everything from each place the game loaded to. So after 24hours plus of downloading the game (which is a pain in itself) and still waiting another hour as we speak, I'm no closer to finding out what the hell happened. To save me pain again, I will be backing up all files so there should be no reason to download again however I would still be interested to know if anyone has any ideas on a load order eg, putting on 1. Textures 2. Game Overhauls 3. Cosmetics 4. Weapons, Armor and Clothing 5. Game play 6. Quests The above is an example of how to load mods not an accurate way, but I used something similar in Oblivion and it tended to work either using the Mod Manager or Bash. Any assistance, ideas would be gratefully received.
  9. I agree with Sync, the best thing to do is to contact EA or Bioware and they should validate the key code or issue a new one. I had similar problems with the Witcher and they issued me with a new number via email. Let us know if you get it resolved.
  10. oh happy birdie, sorry I missed it hun. Hope you had a brilliant time xxx
  11. howdie honey xxx


  12. I have a number of mods which I would like to compile for my own use. Is there anyone available to assist with this. I have checked the Wiki and there is nothing there. Also none of the tutorials released so far cover this type of thing so any assistance that can be given would be gratefully received. Thank you xx
  13. Well done and congratz on your achievement. I enjoyed reading some of your remarks and have had a much needed laugh at some I must say. Take care hun xxx
  14. War in Skyrim nexus id 6176 Mother of Tears nexus id 6272 Proudspire Manor nexus id 2059 College of Winterhold nexus id 1512 Hjerim Chests v1.4a nexus id 2394 There may be more but these are the ones so far that will not work with SKSE under any circumstances with or without Strings for two of them. I'm putting mods back on one at a time to see what causes problems and what doesn't. Hope this helps
  15. since the new patch I've noticed my SKSE launcher wont work either on its own or through NMM. I'm using the latest version but as soon as I add mods that need strings or esp's it stops working CTD after the Bethesda logo. Anyone got any ideas??? Thanks guys
  16. Hi, hate blank walls, take care
  17. Sounds to me like you have more than one chargenmorph file loaded. You can only have one at any time in the files and so you need to merge these either manually or using a program like Rens. See if this works by removing all but the original (which should be shown at the end of your data list) The others will most probably be contained in the originating folders for the mods to which they correspond. Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.
  18. Hi honey, thank you for dropping by, it was appreciated and its great to know that people care. Thank you. Love ya hun, take care xxxxx
  19. Thanks hun. I've not had much to smile about lately and your kind words help me realise that all is not as bad as one thinks. Speak soon, take care xxx
  20. Thank you for your help. Have ended up reinstalling a number of files that were either "missing" or "corrupted". Thanks for your time and assistance. I find it amazing that I help out quite often and the guys that normally assist with me ignored me when I asked for help (its amazing what a color change does). You're a star.
  21. Gosh RL really knows how to deal double whammies doesn't it. Not only have I lost someone I thought was a good friend I lost one of my cats yesterday.. she was only 9 months and died suddenly. Talk about the school of hard knocks any more and I'll end up totally confuddled. Hope you are all well. Love you all, take care and stay safe xxxxx
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vvk78


      Hey, here's some oodles of tasty chocolate for you. Hoping you are feeling better!


      *bro hugs*

    3. Wildangel7


      you mean me as 'good friend'...?


    4. RubikNight


      8HUGS8 FUR UZ!
  22. Short answer no. Wont affect nothing just play and have fun :)
  23. In your pictures what are the armors that the characters are wearing??? Love the pics by the way they are really cute
  24. Don't ever hide away, nothing to be ashamed about. We love and miss you. Sunnabe sweetheart, always xxxxx
  25. oh aren't you a ray of sunshine (NOT) and if you believe everything that is said about the end of the world, I'd be living in a bunker permanently xxx
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