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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Had a look at the photo you linked on AlienSlofs profile. Thought it was really good. Hopefully no lasting damage done to child.
  2. Hi, love your picture, hope you don't mind but I've saved it in my pictures. When I actually get a new printer, I'll print it off and frame it as I think its awesome.
  3. IMAGINATION: def - the creative part of mind: the part of the mind where ideas, thoughts, and images are formed. To me its the power of the mind to conjure and express who we really want to be.
    1. DarkGenius


      Agreed, Imagination embraces the whole universe when knowlodge; means shortly answers. Universe is bigger than any could think. So big that it could destroy one's mind jus' for trying to understand, it takes that wiser ones; Understand.
    2. AliasTheory


      "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

      Because regurgitated information from a book is only a foundation.

  4. Well, happy days are here again, I think I'll loose myself in the ether and find a happy place. Children home from school, chaos reigns once more....
  5. Download speed, what the hell. The day I get over 1Mb consistently I'll bloody faint
    1. VesemirTheWitcher


      Man, if mine goes up 20 kb/s i'll have a freaking heart attack.
  6. C++ was many years ago, like I said the ether took a great deal in 2004, Still can't find my "Dummies" book :-( Mind you reading can also be a problem as I forget what I've read and then have to start again. I tend to do flow charts or write things down like a to do list you know 1. Fill Kettle 2. Plug in Kettle 3. Get out cup 4. Put in tea bag etc etc Sad isn't it. Relearning more each day and getting better at remembering stuff. You know what you said about dialogue tweaks may have been the crunch. Things were pretty much okay till I put that back on. Needed it for the Zevran Dialogue Fix Mod. However, not being able to find Zevran at all after 5 hours play and covering all of Fereldan in trying to do so is still a mystery to me especially as I had ZevranASAP installed and the cutscreen worked so I know it was being picked up. Maybe Zev got fed up waiting and went home... DW. Thanks for the link downloaded and will take a look. Mind you this may be more than I'm counting on to try to sort but what the heck, I can't do any harm by looking :-)
  7. Nice to meet you all too. Don't worry about the memory lapses, all the best people have them.
  8. So even if the base.gda is renamed pertaining to the mod it is associated with it will/can conflict? How do you open GDA files? That must be a real noob question but I've only recently "relearnt" how to open xml files to modify (in the last 12 months through playing DA) as I had a breakdown in 2004 and have "forgotten" how to do some of the most simplest things in computing. Its annoying since at times I know I should know how to do things but the knowledge seems to be lost in the filing system I laughingly call my brain. I learnt programming in SQL/Oracle and C++ but even now it can be double dutch even with my books it doesn't make sense. However I digress and must apologise. I ask this question as chargen files can be modified and altered to show what you want, can GDA files be modified in the same way thereby correcting conflicts? I don't know what they contain so this may be a no go, especially if they pertain to objects or specific scripts. Thank you for your help in this.
  9. Thank you will give it a go. Having fun (I think). Will see if I can correct the mess I've made.
  10. I'm beta testing and have had to take some mods off that seemed to be causing a problem. Unfortunately things have gone really crazy and I'm unable to recruit Zevran (cann't even find him) nor can I do side quests in Redcliffe. I'm going to have to uninstall and reinstall the game to hopefully rid my system of any settings that maybe intruding on what I'm doing. My question is quite simply "Is there a load order", ie in Oblivion we had a load order that users followed in order to avoid crashes, conflicts etc. I was wondering whether there was anyway in which to do this for DA. For example I usually install in this order: Game Official DLCs Cosmetics Utilities/Game Changes Dialogue Tweaks Weapons/Armor Quests Does anyone know if this is correct or if there is another way of loading mods so that conflicts can be overridden etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
  11. Hope you're okay. Been playing Dragon Age so not been around much. RL taking over a bit. Good to see you still around. Love your work.
  12. Thank you. Been busy, things have changed and for the better I'd say.
  13. Love your pics. I've just realised how much I miss Oblivion and Morrowind. Dragon Age is fun but its not a patch visually on them. Keep it up hun. Lovin' it.
  14. Glad to see you're still at it Emma. Love your work, missed it in Oblivion. Not played either for 12 months as I've been distracted by Dragon Age. Will be playing again tho as I miss the characters. Stay safe, and enjoy what you do.
  15. Amazing work. Love it, miss it. Keep it up please.
  16. We all have our little habits. I can't smoke it tho as I end up with the floor meeting me at a great rate of knots (and that's just someone standing next to me smoking it, normally my daughter). A little of what you fancy can't harm, its the extreme that kills you.
  17. Love your work. Not been in TesNexus for a while as I'm currently mucking about with DA. Glad to see you're well and hope you're creating even more fabulous gear. Take care.
  18. Love your work. Its the one thing I miss in Dragon Age, the diversity of decent clothing for men and women. Keep it up missing you. Love the Avatar.
  19. Love your work tho I've not played Oblivion for some time due to Dragon Age taking up my time. Will return to it in the future as I miss the characters. Hope you're keeping well and modding still.
  20. Love your work for Oblivion. Please say you're still going strong. Haven't played for a while as I'm currently playing DA. Cool game but with quite a few draw backs. Got to play something whilst waiting to see if Elderscrolls is gonna continue. Take care. Keep modding.
  21. Love your work in Oblivion. Haven't played it for about 12 months as I've been engrossed in DA. Will look forward to re-acquainting myself in the near future.
  22. Playing DA at the moment after playing Oblivion since it came out and Morrowind before that. Love your work and would like to thank you for your contribution to the DA community. Keep it up hun. Wouldn't be the same without you.
  23. If my life ran smoothly something would definately be wrong
    1. naomis8329


      My spirit guide is a Wolf called Scout. Think he's gone hunting and gotten lost.....
  24. Congratulations on your promotion, don't forget us lowly commoners who look to you for inspiration and advice.

    Nice one.

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