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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Thank you have copied your instructions to notepad as my broadband's playing up (ever since the storms on Sunday, drops me like a brick every chance it gets, engineer coming on monday). I've got Windows 7 so will give it a go. Tried all the stuff I downloaded from the Wiki ie the sql command lines etc to no avail, so hopefully this will work. Once again thank you. I'll let you know how I get on when BT lets me :smile: Naomi
  2. Like description states, have spent a large number of hours installing and uninstalling game and toolset (have even bought the digital version to try to get everything to work nicely together, still having the same problems) I cann't get the toolset to work anymore. I put on Leliana's song and upgraded to 1.03 patch to play it, as a result lost the character creator and toolset so played for a few days and then reinstalled using the digital version of the game (the disk game was already playing up so downloaded the digital version). Got everything working (as well as possible anyway) and installed the toolset. It says it cann't find the database and closes. Doesn't matter what I do. I'm now totally frustrated with this as something has definately screwed the game up (both dvd and digital). Can anyone help me please as I would love to be able to just play and tinker as I like. I know there's a new patch due out but there seems to be some confusion as to when this will be released. Thank you for your help Naomi
  3. Whilst there's plenty of "robes" out there, there are no proper dresses for our ladies to look good in. Marjolaine's dress is lovely but can't get it off her when she's killed. The dresses are so generic its dire. In Oblivion we had such a plethora of lovely day wear (enchanted and unenchanted) it was unbelieveable. I can't have a go myself as my toolset wont work (says it can't connect to database, a bummer as it used to work lovely before I put on the 1.03 patch, which I have now taken off, but it still wont work). Anyone interested in having a go????
  4. Have had to an install using the v1.03 patch to play Leliana's song and darkspawn Chronicles. Put on the mods I want to use to play the Origins game and Awakenings (not put on the character creator yet, but have put on the toolset even tho it wont work). Tried to play Awakenings as an Orlesian Commander but I get nothing. Went thro the creation process and ended up with a character but it wont equip armor weapons etc. Am at a total loss as I've spent the last 4 days m ucking about getting different DLCs to work when all I want to do is play. I have a terminally ill husband and when I get time to myself I want to chill and kill something. (Strange I know but what the hell, got to take my frustrations out on something.) Please please please can someone tell me what the hell is going on or should I wait for the new patch and just make do. Thanks Naomi
  5. Put the stolen stuff on the drunk guard captain, cann't get the undies off perrin till he's dead (tried stealing but nothing) Help... The guards are all dead except his really ticked off
  6. OK, don't start screaming at me but I need help. I'm in the market district trying to humiliate Bann Perrin, nothing happens can anyone help please??????
  7. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me help here as I've asked for help from the mod creators but have gotten nowhere. 1. I've been playing the bloodworks mod (excellent by the way and a lot of fun) however, when I get to the excavation site I cann't go any further. There's no sign of the artifact I'm to touch and speaking to the mercenary gives me the same dialogue. Can anyone help? 2. To play certain mods I've had to load the v1.03 patch and as a result have lost the Khalan/Mord Sith, Elven Warden, Master Assassin and a number of other mods. They refuse to sho up no matter what I do. Does anyone have any ideas please as its driving me mad that some of the best articles of clothing and armor are now no longer usable. Thanks in advance Naomi
  8. Unfortunatley RL interfers with all of us at some time or another. Sad but true. I wish you well and hope to see you back when life is slower and more time can be dedicated to your other love (gaming). I love your work and will miss you while your gone. Look forward to your next masterpiece. Naomi
  9. I don't know about the rest of the community out there but I'm guilty of not endorsing files on a regular basis. My excuses are varied being the mother of six children (three in their 20'2, 1 x 14, 1 x 12 and 1 x 10) and the grandmother of three under the age of 5, the wife and carer of a terminally ill husband, 2 dogs and 2 cats and generally having the world on my shoulders at the best of times. When I do ''escape'' its usually to quickly look at updates or new mods, download what's needed and then get playing for a few hours (sometimes even one hour) at a time. Ergo I would like to publicly thank all those modders who make Dragon Age such a richer and diverse game. Thank you for your time, creativity and generosity. You expect and receive nothing in return and do it solely for the love of the game. I for one am grateful for everything you do. When I comment it's usually coz I have a problem although I will congratulate you on work well done. When I have more ''me'' time I will endorse those files I've forgotten until then take this as my heartfelt thanks for work well done, time well spent and a love of a game we all share. Keep the ideas flowing and the work coming. I love it. Naomi
  10. After running a repair on the game and fighting the good fight to redownload bought DLCs I began playing, realised I needed to dump excess stuff and went back to camp. Approached Bodhan (the camp merchant) he talks to me tells me about the discount and then... nothing. Left camp, saved, went back to camp and again nothing. Only have the 1.02 patch installed not 1.03 so don't understand it. Can anyone help
  11. Anyone know what's happened to StarrX?? He was working on a really great Vampire mod that I was following however, got a new computer, started playing DA:O so have only just started looking at Oblivion again. No sign of him or his mods.
  12. Ok, really stupid question, how do you take screenshots???? Tried pressing Printscreen button with F-lock on and off, nothing showing up in the screenshot file. Can someone help please????? Naomi
  13. You could have more than one chargen file in play here. You can only have one running at a time so you need to combine them Rens Hair has a program included that does just that: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=750 Run the program and it searches for all chargen files, backs them up and then combines. Give it a go it may work. Naomi
  14. You could have more than one chargen file in play here. You can only have one running at a time so you need to combine them Rens Hair has a program included that does just that: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=750 Run the program and it searches for all chargen files, backs them up and then combines. Give it a go it may work. Naomi
  15. Some items do respawn as a matter of course, helpful if you want to sell them to make money. Which mods are respawning? Do you have the stockpiling mod installed? As to how to stop it, not quite sure, but like I said some do respawn anyway. Yes it can be a pain, but some mods are pretty useful to have ie talent books, slayer's sword etc. Sorry can't be more helpful Naomi
  16. I'm running it on Windows 7 and have the files in my C:/users/Naomi/my documents/BioWare/Dragon Age folder ie the one that has the Addins, Characters and packages folders in it. Its not in the Program Files folder. I'd suggest trying that and seeing if it gets u anywhere. Hope that helps Naomi
  17. Have been using this mod for quite sometime now with no problem at all. Had to do a reinstall after loading patch 1.03 and this screwed up my toolset and character creation, took it off and reloaded new game and patch 1.02 (which I had been using previously) only upgraded to play darkspawn chronicles, shouldn't have bothered, too many problems with v1.03. Anyhow, Bag now wont work. I lost everything when it was taken off me during the human noble origin, then crossing over to Ostagar and again when I went into the Wilds. Can anyone help. Took off all mods except the DLCs still the same problem. Totally confused as to what could be interfering with this.
  18. After creating a myriad of characters of the male variety, am now rather ticked off by the lack of hair styles for men. Whilst some of the pony tailed hair looks good, on a human character it looks wierd so I end up trashing the character and starting again, even my elven males tick me off after a while. Can anyone come up with some decent hairstyles for human and elven males pleeeeaaase
  19. Hi once again. I'm having a doozy of a problem. When I quick save (or even save normally) my inventory goes haywire. Everything gets renamed for example a warden longsword will suddenly become a lesser health poltice and the lesser health poltice a piece of armor etc. Can't for the life of me figure out what the dickens is going on. Any ideas????
  20. Hi once again. I'm having a doozy of a problem. When I quick save (or even save normally) my inventory goes haywire. Everything gets renamed for example a warden longsword will suddenly become a lesser health poltice and the lesser health poltice a piece of armor etc. Can't for the life of me figure out what the dickens is going on. Any ideas????
  21. Having played DA:O a number of times with many characters of both sexes I have a gripe, small but one that can easily be fixed I think. As we are all aware Alistair is a virgin, why is it assumed that the women are not. Dalish and city elves lead insular lives were promiscuity would not be tolerated, the girls are married off by their elders at an appropriate time so one would assume that they would be pure, as would the noble daughter of a lord. Can a mod be introduced that checks that: 1. For the noble daughter she has not slept with Dairren and is therefore still virgo intacto thus when propositioned by Alistair (or Zevran) this can come up so both men realise what a "gift" they're getting and visa versa with Alistair. 2. That for the elves they too are pure and so this should have some bearing on the approval for both men also. I would imagine it is a simple task of highlighting flags in the coding and rewriting some of the conversations to add this fact, however since it has been some time since I have done any coding (and my head's not quite up to par at present) I would not be able to do this myself. As a result is there any kind soul out there who could look into this for me, possible even the guys who've done the Zev Fix and Gate Kisses mods. Let me know what you guys think....
  22. Thanks again for the reply. However, still cannot import from Character Creator. CDT every time I click on it. Been messing around with the toolset morphing etc so don't understand what's gone wrong???? Been messing around in the toolset again and gues what wont let me generate characters!!!!!
  23. Yes to installing new mod updates. Had a serious cdt yesterday before logging off for the night. Decided to reinstall the game to "repair" any damaged files and this seems to have done the trick for now. Thanks for coming back to me. By the way is there a thread that explains how to change mrh/mor files into mop files???
  24. Please, please, please can someone help. My character generator has stopped working, I get no preset showing whatsoever at all. Was working two days ago so don't understand. It wont even let me import the pre-released characters I created in the character creator, it just crashes to desktop each time I click it. Can anyone help
  25. Since installing v1.03 (can't download v1.02 any longer) my friend and I have noticed the following problem: We both love being rogues and stealing, however since putting on the new patch we can't. If its money then it shows up as a success with the amount pilfered, if its an item it says stealing success, but no items are received. Has anyone else experienced this problem???
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