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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. That'll hopefully be in DA 3 according to another post on here, so that'll be an 18/24 month wait :tongue: After looking at the concept art, pictures and reading a couple of articles that I bought I must admit I'm looking forward to DA 2. I'm going to look at it being another story in a chain of books that will all (hopefully) marry up to form a full picture of before, during and after. If handled correctly this franchise could go very well (again looking at it from the Elderscrolls series). However, as I've already said the WH DLC was very disappointing for me, too quick, too expensive and more of a teaser for DA 2 than a follow on for DA 1. Hey ho, we can all moan as much as we like, we'll just have to see what the future holds. The bits I did like were the banter and references to other DLCs. Had quite a few smiles there. I also enjoyed the fight sequences. The loot could have been better but on that note, why, can't take it anywhere with you can you so what the heck. A jolly to build fighting skills but that's all really. I liked Finn and the elf they were fun, but so was Sketch. Humorous and visually lovely but still not worth what I paid for it.
  2. "Let the Speculation Continue, and the Rumors Multiply! " I agree completely Thandal. Its part of the fun isn't it. Same thing with the Elderscrolls series really. Just hope I don't have to buy or upgrade the blasted computer to play it :teehee:
  3. It still doesn't have cohesion does it. The fact that Flemeth may have been killed off in DAO 1 if you took that route means that she shouldn't be around in her "true" form in 2 unless she is for say the first few years (before the blight) and changes later on into the game. This DLC was named "witch hunt". Not much of a hunt and not much of an ending for Morrigan. Nothing resolved and like I said more of a prologue for DAO 2. If a conclusion is going to be done then let it be done right not ham fisted and not thought through. Although fun to listen to and challenging in the fights this was something thrown together using objects already created. Nothing new, no story and put out as a teaser. Bioware should get their act together and put out a proper DLC or at least let the end user know if there will be a follow-up of some description to the Morrigan story. Its been left hanging. If the games are following the books then let them be true to the books not a hobbled miss mash of nothing. I have thoroughly enjoyed Dragon Age so far and have treated the latest DLCs as nothing more than side-trips whilst waiting for the new game to be released. I would still play the DLCs even if they weren't related to characters out of the original, just for the pleasure of it. So instead of hyping the DLC to be something its not lets hope the powers that be start advertising them properly so informed choices can be made and people are not disappointed.
  4. Ok where's the ending????? Totally confused now. Thought I would at least get to follow her to see where she went. Very short, ending too abrupt, nothing resolved for me. Had a great deal of promise but once again fell short of expectations. Not enough loot. Cann't import stuff from other modules. After taking three days to download it was expecting something more. All in all very disapointing although the fights were a great deal of fun. The banter between party members was also amusing and in the tower of magi (reference to mages having owls). Amusing but seen better mods produced by the community (the Bloodworks being one). Maybe we should have a community contest for the best follow-up to Morrigan. However, the references to Dragon Age 2 weren't hard to miss so one could class this as a prologue to that. Meaning however that: a. Morrigan could return to assit Hawke (or not depending on the powers that be) b. Flemeth is in the second installment c. Anything goes, continuity does not seem to be high on the hit list of EA or Bioware. I suppose the way to take this is "Wait and See" and these teasers will continue to be released periodically to keep us (the end-user) sweet. However the cost of these teasers needs to be rethought as I think that it was definately too expensive for what it was. Overall I suppose an amusing side trip which had nothing to do with the main event. Just telling her you were sent to find her (if not the original PC from Origins) meant nothing, as she didn't even ask why. So no cohesion for me. I may be wrong but I think it was disappointing, costly and needed more thinking to make it fit with Origins. No ending here just more questions and a new beginning.
  5. Sorry not been back to you. Still mucking around with the mods. With children on Summer break not had much chance to do much as we've been uniform shopping (oh joy) which I'm still doing (2 in high school, 1 in primary going up next year). Anyway will get back to you as soon as I have had a good luck. Will also follow your advice above and check the load orders and see if re-installing works. Thanks for your time hun..
  6. Will do as I've tried the Legion Quest and same thing happens instant CDT upon entering any sort of battle/confrontation. Will disable mods and see what happens. If no joy will re-install DA:A. Hopefully its something small and silly and a minor conflict that can be resolved with little or no fuss. (As it's me however, computer's bound to blow up and the world come to an end :laugh: ) Let you know what happens N
  7. Hi, back again. Worked well thro Origins, went with same character straight into Awakening (am running the same character a few times to test different mod compatibilities and to see how they affect the game in general). Did the Taking of Vigils Keep, Amaranthine, Wending Woods, and two side quests with no problem, got to Blackmarsh in search of Kristoff and upon finding his body experienced the same problem as before. However I can now not get to the next stage (as the fade files are loading I CDT). File size is 23,014kb have no mods that "change" Awakening (except for some mor's and a couple of files that import equipment into the expansion including Innodils Pocket Plane, that was done via the ini file). My system is a mid range machine less than a year old with 4Gb of ram with a Nvidia 9600 graphics card with an extra 1Gb of dedicated ram. I've also got 50.8Gb free on the c: partition that the game documentation resides on so am at a loss as to the cause. As far as I can tell there is not an Awakening exe it runs straight off the Origins one, so unless my file size is the problem I'm at a loss as to the cause of this crash. Was going to try the Last of the Legion quest to see if this was the case coz if it isn't then there's definately a problem with the Blackmarsh quest which could mean a repair of the Awakening files. Any ideas??? Thanks for your time hun Naomi
  8. Followed your instructions and installed. Seems to be working okay so far. Some lagging and slowing which I'm surprised at but that's nothing compared to what was happening. Once again thank you for your help and time and also for adding me as your friend on the site. It is appreciated. If I have any further problems with CDT will get back to you. Naomi
  9. Thanks Thandal, will give it ago. Your advice has been invaluable so far with other problems I've had. Your time is appreciated. Will let you know how I get on. Naomi
  10. After three weeks of testing mods for compatibility and character generation issues I've recently started playing again. Re-installed the game, DLCs, Toolset and Character Creator as instructed and then patched upto v1.04 (also installed in the override patch folder the v1.03 script which is supposed to resolve issues created by v1.04). Since doing this and loading the mods one by one and testing I've begun to have the most annoying problem of CDTs whenever I'm about to go into combat (Doing the Sacred Urn Quest). This is now driving me mad as I'm F5-ing constantly taking approximately 10 steps and low and behold CDT. Has anyone got any ideas as I'm now being driven hairless. All I want to do is play..... Some further information--- happens predominantly when I "run". Now walking everywhere but its a pest when character starts running unexpectedly and bang down I go.....
  11. Okay after reading through the posts here I have a question. I've been working on getting the game working properly with the 1.04 patch after making sure all was well with 1.03 patch. Since then I've had major problems in the character creation, primarily with the Human Noble origin. Can create in character generator and in-game get to first save then low and behold any save made after this seems to be corrupted. The game says it cann't load module. Elves and human mages appear to be great, awakening characters human etc ok. ITs just the human noble origin. I've had problems both with and without mods so cann't understand what's happening. Anyone got any ideas????
  12. Thanks for coming back. I'm in the process of upgrading my Pocket Plane to V2 as the 1st version interferes with Awakening and Leliana's Song. Taking me for ever but getting there. Thanks again
  13. When I try to load one of the Noble Human characters I created I get the message "Can't load module" the elven characters and human mages are fine its just the noble human ones. Any ideas????
  14. Created some characters in the Character Generator (having only the cosmetics mods enabled and loaded) imported them into the game and started loading other mods one by one. On trying to load the human noble characters I get told the module can't load and the game goes back to main menu. Human mages and elven characters play normally so cann't understand what's happening with my noble characters. Will attempt to create one and run to Ostagar then save and reload to see what happens, but I don't hold out much hope.
  15. Right toolset and character generation now working (except for human nobles, wont load the modules after creating and saving them in Castle Cousland. Will run one to Ostagar and see what happens). Putting on mods one by one to see which one is the breaker.
  16. Can I ask how one goes about getting the following Amulet of War Mage Dalish Promise Ring Embri Many Pockets Feral Charm Guildmasters Belt Helm of Deep Lions Paw I have the Deluxe Edition and have the Ring of Fire, Memory Band, Lucky Ring and other associated DLC "gifts" such as Blightblood and the Provocateur Armor. I just don't get where you get the other stuff from Naomi
  17. Have taken off all mods and its back. Will start to add them as before. If I can verify which mod I'll let you know. Will also run a search for the file you have mentioned as my set up files are kept on a different directory to the c:\. Makes it easier for me to find and correct issues. Thank yoy for your help so far. Naomi Did a search and there is only one file and that is in the setup files (haven't touched it)
  18. After a week of unending struggle to get the toolset working I succeeded this morning in the wee small hours. After some rest I got back into it and loaded my character mods, presets, mors etc and tested. Worked beautifully with v1.03 installed and toolset. loaded rest of my mods and low and behold after another couple of hours rest got up and decided to make a couple of new characters, no ingame character creator (attach a couple of screenshots for you to look at). Any ideas.....
  19. Downloading character creator to see if this makes a difference. Not holding my breathe tho Naomi
  20. Well I'm like a pig in mud the toolset works and beautifully I might add. I now cannot create characters ingame in either DA:O or DA:A (I've attached screenshots of both). Worked fine then suddenly stopped. Can't fathom it at all any ideas??? Thank you for your invaluable assistance, had a lot of fun messing about with MSSQL as I needed to do a recovery on the database using some coding that needed fiddling with. Felt so good when things worked though. Thank you Naomi
  21. Hi Kaerar, Had problems with internet and have downloaded everything I need to follow your instructions to the letter. One question. When Installing the DA:O, DA:A, toolset and character generator do I allow it to install the included sql and visual c++. I know with the toolset I can untick the 2005 sql load, haven't seen anything on the others as to how I can stop those. Or for safety's sake should I just let them run in their entirety? After spending the last 48 hours reading, fiddling and installing and uninstalling, I feel I should be able to do this with eyes shut and at least one arm behind back (if I didn't need two to operate a keyboard :teehee: ). I'm about to start following your instructions so will let you know how I get on. I know everything's ok with patch 1.02, the thought of 1.03 or 1.04 makes be break out into a cold sweat. Can't believe the trouble I've had. (Mind you it's taken me three months to get a registration key from the makers of the Witcher so maybe servers see my name and think "hey, its her again, what can we do to frustrate her this week?" :laugh: ) Thanks for all your help, I'll let you know how I get on. You've helped me a great deal and made me smile in the process so thank you. Naomi :happy:
  22. Thanks for your help however its still not working I've attached two docs showing pictures of what I've got and show below the error log for the toolset. Can you let me know what you think. Thank you Fri Jul 23 20:59:07 2010, INFO, ".\PluginAPI.cpp", 106, "Initializing toolset." Fri Jul 23 20:59:10 2010, ERROR, ".\ConnectionData.cpp", 214, "CConnectionData::ConnectIO caught an exception: Bad HRESULT: 80004005" Naomi
  23. Sad to see that there will be no more expansions for DA:O as I think it would have been good for a Morrigan one to be done. As we know the Warden's story is not finished (according to the epilogues in both DA:O and DA:A) so does that mean that DA 3 or 4 will continue the stories. Really concerned about the patches as the 1.03 screwed up my toolset and character generation just completing a reinstall with help from a community member which will hopefully fix things for me. However, upgrading to 1.04 is bringing me out in a cold sweat in case that does even more damage.
  24. Oh, What's UAC? Take it I also need the MSQL also?
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