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Everything posted by PatrickTheDM

  1. Great interview! :thumbsup: The modding community has become a dream come true for me. Having the ability to create and share is amazing. :) Reading discussions between the top modders is extremely cool and It gives a real feeling of inclusivity.
  2. Awesome on the title DrakeTheDragon and on the tips from steve40! :thumbsup: I do try to find issues in my logs and I just saw a mod that allows for easier viewing of the log. I still have a ton to learn about modding and really appreciate the help.
  3. Fixed! Thank you DrakeTheDragon. :) I wish I could add "in Skyrim" to the title now.
  4. I recently created a player home in Skyrim LE that has two staffs with "on equip" scripts on them that enable/disable assigned Xmarkers in the house. I just found that if the staffs are placed into a weapon display rack it seems to effect the scripts somehow and they no longer work after they are removed from the rack. I used the console to get new staffs and both worked fine. My guess is the rack clears the assigned properties in the script. I don't think there is a way to check script properties in the game. I wanted to post this up because I searched quite a bit and didn't find this bug anywhere. Hopefully this will help others who may have the same issue. :smile:
  5. I like the discussion because it may help if someone that can implement something reads this. :D The number of mod pages that have multiple mods on them are in the lowest percentile and were most likely done by the author for ease of maintenance. I myself have 9 mods on LE and 3 converted to SE so I can see why. Something I just thought about. Although the stats on the main page don't show which file has the most downloads, the files page does list total number of downloads and unique for each file so one could easily see if one file has substantially more downloads. I can't understand how total downloads can be so much higher then unique anyway. Many times it's more then double even if the file has never been updated.
  6. I think "in a graph the curve of interest will be the same" is a huge assumption that would not pan out. The ratio of unique downloads to endorsements truly represents the number of downloaders that feel the mod deserves an endorsement. The system may be flawed, but I believe this is a better use of the available data to show a mod's potential quality. Many people choose not to participate in the endorsement system because they think it's flawed, pointless or they simply don't realize how much it's used as a metric to keep good mods from disappearing into a sea of mediocrity. The point your making with Eleanora still works with what I am saying because the ratio normalizes interest across the board and sorts the mods according to that interest.
  7. It's my understanding that when you sort by downloads it uses the total downloads and not the unique. A low number of unique downloads with a decent amount of endorsments (say 10% or more) shows that the downloaders do like the mod, whereas that same number of endorsements compared to total downloads could be a significantly lower percentage if the mod has several optional download options or has been updated a few times. The ratio I'm suggesting would maintain more consistency as the mod ages. Thanks for the input as well Jimmy. :smile: EDIT: I reworded the original post a bit so that it better reflects my suggestion.
  8. Seeing as how unique downloads with an endorsment represent more accurately the community interest in a mod, could an option be added to sort mods by the ratio of endorsements to unique downloads? Just using endorsements or total downloads does not properly represent the quality of a mod in my opinion. Thoughts?
  9. I had a player (jessegtgt) recently have this bug with one of my mods and he discovered there are 2 forms of lightning,fire and frost runes in the CK. If a mod has the wrong one, it can cause this to occur. They look the same in the CK except one has "Trap" at the front and is the wrong one to use. I had used the wrong one and after switching them, the bug was gone! :dance: See the post here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6454676-invisible-lightning-runes-bug/
  10. In response to post #56103896. As a fellow mod author, I just want to say I love and appreciate all your awesome work. :thumbsup: I would love if mods could be sorted with an endorsement to unique download ratio.
  11. This is a really nice idea and very generous of you to even consider doing. I think keeping it "in house" is perfect so you have total control and also, using the unique downloads is the best way to count in my opinion. Kudos! :D
  12. I'm thinking it may be the race set as Large or Extra Large. I am off to test something and will post if it works! :smile: It was! I just duplicated the race and set it as medium then used the height to downsize where I had created the actor.
  13. I am working on a follower that has custom summons spells and all of them work perfect in exterior environments. I am using scripts on items to add or remove the spells from the follower. One spell summons a giant and it will not work in interiors. Any conditions I've tried to put on the spell still allow it to be cast with a failure inside and since it is the most powerful spell, the follower always tries to cast it. Is there a condition to stop the follower from trying to cast it if not outside? I have tried to shrink the height of the summoned giant and even removed the keyword "Giant race" from it. I am still getting failures inside. I have Googled everything I can think of to no avail. I could make an extra item without the giant spell on it, but then the player would need to swap the gear from the follower each time they go inside/outside. Thanks! Asaforg
  14. I have been trying to do this as well for several days now with no luck. It seems most guides are for older version of Nifskope. I have a great glow, but I just cannot get it to fade in and out. If someone that knows how to do this could post it up, that would be great! :dance:
  15. Thank you very much FrankFamily! :smile: I'm a fan of your work. Now that I see your script it makes a lot more sense. The akActionRef is what was confusing. I thought I would need to also define the player, but you just helped me see a part of this that didn't click before. Edit: I just tested it and it worked perfectly. Quest items are kept on the player nice and safe too. :D
  16. Normally I can find an example to work off of, but this one has me stumped. I want to create a triggerbox that when the player walks into, it removes all items and places them in a chest. I know how to make the trigger part and define the chest, but how to use the function is what I can't figure out. Obviously this does not compile. I can't figure out how to set up the function. The Function line is copied right out of the CK tutorial page.
  17. Your link got me to the solution Fantafaust! :D Thank you very much. I had the first version of Rustic Soulgems with the newest version of Requiem Patch Central and simply updating to the newest version of Rustic Soulgems and reinstalling both mods fixed the problem. Kudos to you! :dance:
  18. Thank you Fantafaust. Anything that might give insight is appreciated.
  19. Has anyone seen this bug? I created Hope's Abandon and have played through it many times with no issues. I just started a new game and the all of the magic pillars are not populating with soul gems, but they still fire the magic and there is no way to disable the pillar. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing seems to fix this issue. I have searched and not found this issue in any posts. I am using Requiem, but I had it active before with no issues. The only thing I can guess is maybe the USLEEP patch? I have one room where this will ruin the concept of defeating the puzzle without fighting. Any ideas?
  20. Just a thought, should the sorting for most downloaded now use this corrected stat as opposed to total downloads? IE. A mod that has many issues and is updated many times will jump queue over a mod that has no updates and appear to be more popular in the list until clicked on. I understand a mod that people are willing to come back and keep updating equals popularity. Maybe a sort option for total unique downloads or by ratio of endorsements to unique downloads would be good as that is a better gauge of a quality mod (in theory).
  21. I just posted my video up! How deep is your funk?
  22. I'm in! :D I hope to get one done this weekend and posted up.
  23. Do I need to create a custom race to get exact matches for my character as a follower? I use Race Menu and Citrus head and I cannot get the npc to look right in game. I have read and watched many tutorials, but none seem to cover any customization except hair.
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