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Everything posted by Reddimus

  1. I don't like middleware. Shouldn't have to load something extra. I have nothing against Steam for what purposes it serves, but it really doesn't fit for a boxed copy of the game. If I didn't know there were ways around it I'd be a bit more annoyed. At least it is the lesser evil.. Assassin's Creed *cough*.
  2. It's not really about one-shotting. It's just trying to get similar damage output to my one-hander. I guess it might just be that my one-hand tree is a bit more developed while I'm still on Adept spells in Destruction.. I don't know. That makes it all the tougher to level up if it's not as viable a method to kill something y'know? Meh. Also mana wasn't really the issue. Even if I chugged a ton of mana pots, it'd still take way more shots than it should.
  3. Someone RPeed all over this thread :P I ran around a lot. Followed that rogue lady around a bit. Was pretty scenic. Kind of miss that after fast traveling everywhere.
  4. Yea, I haven't figured that out yet. I just got lucky in remembering where I happened to ditch them. A big ol' Thane horn would be cool :dance: By the way, if you have started it, that's probably why your companion is gone. He/she had been dismissed once you said you'd meet the other guy. It would also prevent you from hiring another one as I don't believe it's possible to 'drop' missions.
  5. What's the alternative here? :whistling:
  6. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/459952-need-to-know-how-to-get-my-fighting-buddy-back/ Try my suggestion in that thread if you're able. If you've already started that quest, I'm not sure what else to try.
  7. Surefire way to get rid of it. Make Fire spell Favorite by press F when it's selected. Press Q to open Favorites and with Fire highlighted, press the 1 key. Pressing 1 twice fast should equip that spell in both hands. If that didn't work, then equip a one-handed weapon and then press the 1 key twice fast. I really hate the clunky equip/hotkey system.
  8. Normal. I'm level 31. I don't have any issue with enemies in like.. repeatable bandit missions, but normal story/side missions I get thrown some guys with metal grills.
  9. Trying to figure out something I can do to increase damage. I've got 1/2 on the Fire perk, but I have the feeling the second point won't do much. I'm 50-some Destruction and I have the Adept tier skills. It's similar to what was said in another thread. My spells can one-shot some enemies, but then others in the same vicinity will need 20-some shots to kill. I'm better off meleein' em to death. Is there any other way to close the gap? Thanks
  10. Finishing moves are fun, but they're clunky and ugly looking almost 100% of the time.
  11. I'd like that too. There's a point when you're sneaking around, wondering if you're close enough to gain skill or if you're just being an idiot wasting a lot of time.
  12. I only really had her die early on. After getting used to the new mechanic, you have to make sure to avoid traps and whatnot when there's a cluster of enemies around. I haven't had too much trouble. She can even get thrown up in the air by giants and come back to me a minute later ready for more.
  13. Windhelm is small? What? :unsure: I like Windhelm and Riften so far. I also like Markarth because it makes me wanna say Marklar.
  14. Go to your magic tab and look for Active. Should be listed there. Go into any church/temple and look for some kind of orb thing on a table and activate it.
  15. Whiterun, Riverwood, Winterhold, Windhelm. What I usually go to. Any building called Trader or odds and ends and whatnot. Also Thieves guild has a good vendor with a bit more money than those other guys.
  16. If you haven't joined The Companions yet, (big building near the Whiterun castle) one of the first missions temporarily replaces your sidekick for that mission. Afterwards your original companion should be where you first met her, or if you have the house purchased in Whiterun, inside of that.
  17. i'm not sure summonings will fill in soul gems,i've tried capture the soul of ghost wolf i summoned and it seems to resist the effect. I think he means the Conjuration school. It has a soul trap spell.
  18. Have fun with doorways. :ohdear:
  19. I have one problem with it. How the heck do I find the damage numbers for the weapons?
  20. Agreed. "Waiting" takes too long. It sounds ridiculous, but there it is. 50% faster or more please!
  21. It's a sad thing. And it feels like a slap in the face to the fanbase considering how many series get popular on the PC first before ever even being considered having a console release. Meh. All I really want is a better hotkey setup and weapon loadouts.
  22. That slide on the ground is a dive attack I believe, not how they die. Clever editing. I've only seen it happen once or twice.
  23. 1-handed with Respite in Resto is pretty powerful. Fills up Stamina and Health easily so I can keep power-swinging in enemies' faces. My weapon isn't even that great, but it seems to outclass what damage I can do with Destruction. I initially wanted 2-h, Dual Wield, or 1-h and Shield, but those feel really defenseless. Also switching back and forth from Dual Wield is a nightmare.
  24. It's fine if you can get some of that plate enchanted with 40% mana regen. Though, the benefits of an average armor rating are pretty weak it seems.
  25. There're two or three major cities that are quite disappointing. All the other ones are pretty varied and big. For comparison's sake, that's prettymuch the same as in Obliv, except without the central hub that was the Imperial City.
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