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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by gulogulo

  1. Hi guys, It seems something is wrong with the recent version of the Creation Kit. I am the author of the Nature of the beast mod. The mod is a WIP. As you know a new patch of Skyrim has been released (ver. 1.6). Today I realised I CANT SEE HANDS OR GLOVES OF MY AVATAR while in 1st person. I have investigated the matter and have found out that it is my mod (its latest unreleased version that I have created using the Creation Kir ver. 1.6). If I turn off the mod everything works fine. So I took the latest released version which is fine (created in the previous version of the Creation Kit) and I simply saved it using the current version of Creation Kit. I didnt change a thing and I still couldnt see my hands! Now, when I take the same released version and save it again while using the old version of CreationKit.exe everything works fine and the file has the same size as the released version and I can see my hands. On the other hand when I save the same file in the newest version of Creation Kit and then again in the previous version of Creation Kit the file has the same size as the realsed version BUT I CANT SEE MY HANDS! IT SEEMS I HAVE LOST FEW DAYS (A COUPLE OF HOURS) OF MY WORK!!! SO BE CAREFULL! I SUGGEST TO MAKE BACKUPS OF THE PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF TESV.EXE AND CREATIONKIT.EXE FILES. IF ANYONE HAS THE SLIGHTEST IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME, ENLIGHTEN AS ALL!
  2. The question/problem is simple. How to detect an event when the player gains a new follower/hirling/dog/horse? I want to detect the event and then aquire reference of the actor. I will appreciate any tip.
  3. Well I appied the followplayer package via quest alias and it seems it works.
  4. @gasti89 What you propose is similar to the mechanism in Skeletal Horde mod. Problem is I want something slightly different. I dont want to create new kinds of actors. I want to control existing actors, theoretically every possible actor. For example a wolf pack is nearby. I want to cast a spell that will dominate the pack and transfer control over the wolves to the player. The pack will follow player and obey players simple commands like attack specific target or return to the player.
  5. @gasti89 I think that is how I will do it in the end, but I wonder if there is any sensible way. I mean to do it via package means I will have to create multiple quest aliases for mutliple minions. So, is there any other way?
  6. @Steve40 Im aware about the command, but I wonder if there is some way to make choosen actors follow you like followers do that is without constantly issuing the command via script? Anyway thanks for the tip. I appreciate your help.
  7. How to make existing actors follow player (any actor NPC or animal/creature)? I want to do it via script. How to make them stop/guard current location? Thanks in advance
  8. The idea is definatelly great. I always like mods that add new lands. Ideally the new land should enable the player to reach it fluantlly and not via some kind of fast travel but taking into account the distance between skyrim and elsweyr could be difficult. But doing the mod you should try to make it potentially compatible with any mod that would add Cyrodill to enable this kind of fluent travel. As for ideas you should definatelly try a similar mod for Oblivion. It was very good. The land was very excotic and I loved it. And it was compatible with mod that added Valenwood - another province of Tamriel. The fly with my Hybrid along the coastal line of those two province was for me the most memorable experience in Oblivion.
  9. Well, I created the some quest aliases and then in one script of the quest in its properties I inserted the same aliases but in this case the name - alias is for example "Alias_****" when in Quest aliasas tab the same alias is named as "****". Then in the message I inserted several refernces to these aliases. The aliases are actor aliases and I inserted several invisible actors to some tiny cell (they do nothing and you cant see them). These actors have different names that serve as mini strings. In seperate script I manipulate the aliases by connecting them with different actors to receive different results. Here is an example of the messag: <Alias=UniqueActor><Alias=SpaceString><Alias.Race=CurrentActor><Alias=SexString><Alias=StatusString>. I fill the alias UniqueActor to receive the name of the real actor that I am interested in. The same is with SpaceString (to versions here "" or ", "), SexString (3 versions: ", male", ", female" or "") and StatusString (3 versions: ", alive", ", dead" or "") but all these are just invisible actors I mentioned above. <Alias.Race=CurrentActor> gives you the name of race of the real actor you are interested in. The example of a result: "Faendal, WoodElf, male, alive" If you want a working example try my Nature of the beast mod. Just wait for the 3.70 version I will update within few days. Hope it helps.
  10. Hi, I think I understand what you need. Here is what I propose: Sublimal traps Immersive hud Dynavision SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators at Skyrim Nexus and my mod - Nature of the Beast - very unique but try it only if you want to play as hunter/predator and wait a couple of days for major update
  11. Alright, bou please explain to me if I follow your advice the alisa will be upadated every frame. I mean Im moving, other actors are moving. How can I be sure that the script is applied to an actor that is the closest to the player supposing I tagged the alias as closest and in loaded area?
  12. Thanks, but problem is I would like to use this event in quest script. Question is can I do that somehow or is it that it must be in the script applied to a specffic actor? In other words how to do it technically so it triggers when any actor is being activated or at least any unique actor because in fact only those actors interest me (I want the Player to learn the scent of any unique actor). The problem whether the Player has already activated the actor is a simple one (well perhaps not as simple but it can be conquered). You must create a list of actors in quest script to write every actor activated by the player and simply check the list during every onactivate event.
  13. How to discover if an actor has been activated by the player. I mean conversation, pickpocketing, looting of a corpse. By actors I mean NPCs and creatures as well. Thanks in advance
  14. @HosokawaTakuya Where can I find this GetCrosshairRef. There was something like that in Oblivion, but I cant find anything like that in Creation Wiki pages or i documentation of SKSE @steve40 Thanks for the tips but it wont due. You see its for smell abilities. I want to learn the scent of an actor even if it is a bloody cold corpse.
  15. Hi, Is there any way to obtain a reference of the actor that the player is looking at? Im talking about the actor that is within reach of the player (player can "activate" the actor). Thanks in advance
  16. There is a perk in the heavy armour tree I think that reduces fall damage. I have used this mechanism to reduce fall damage in my custom ability adrenaline surge in Nature of the beast mod.You can check it out. In the same way you should be able to increase fall damage. I havent tested it on other actors. Just on player.
  17. I have a problem. I can launch message boxes. I can even pass float variables to message boxes but is there any way to pass strings? Also is there a way to put into the string the name of the actor and the name of its race? Purpose? I want to scan the surrounding for actors, display them (already done in message box with only OK button) and then enable the player to choose an actor from the list for futher processing. Perhaps you have some ideas how to do it?
  18. I would also like to see this. In fact I could provide such a beast with some cool abilities from my mod. Ideally for me the beast should have wings and additional flying/gliding and falling animation. I would provide appropriate scripts for the flight system just as I did in Dragorian and Dranaught Races Reworked mod for Oblivion. Spit and tail animations would also be nice. Its too bad that the Real transformation mod hasnt been finished.
  19. I am the author of the Nature of the beast mod. I need additional spit and tail attack animations for argonian. Contributor will be credited on the mod page or mentioned as co-author (depending on his/her choice).
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