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Status Updates posted by keylek3

  1. emmm.... i know you have had the avatar for aehile, but what is it about with all these silly hopping avatars?
  2. hi jess, hope you are alright... :)
  3. thats not funny, i know friends with aids, if you are going to post on my profile again, please, think about what you are going to post, you dont know who you may offend
  4. i still find it funny when i think about it, i only live 40 miles south of you in bolton... XD... i sometimes think one of your aliens will drag me away in my sleep... lol, which i dont mind at all so long as they dont try and get a face humper on me... :)
  5. hey mavrosh! you have been quiet, you should go on yahoo every so offten, i am normally there so i am sure we could have a chat, i know i say this everything but your artwork is just getting better and better, and i trully mean that, like i have a look on your DA quite offten,

    anyways, i hope i see you on yahoo soon... :)

  6. hi to you too xan... :-D
  7. since hes with me... :D
  8. hello to you too... :)
  9. aww, dont call yourself a crazy cat lady alienslof, believe me, you are not, this is a crazy cat lady...


    ... anyways, your cats look nice, the ginger and the brown one look exsactly like my cats (same breads)yet mine are called hamish and flow... LOL

  10. also what job do you now have, imagening you in a job is really hard for me, seeing that most the time you where that gothic clothing of yours.
  11. hey mavy, your art work is making my head spin, it is getting better and better each day, and it is all very beautiful... :)
  12. hey wasder long time no see, i seen that you where on my profile [dont pay attention to the pics on the profile, yes i know they look gay] anyways i hope things are going on alright over there with you, they have been going very fine up here....
  13. thats not good, come on mavy, tell me some good news every so offten, every time you talk to be it is that you are ill, like tell me about your husband [i know i dont care about that but at least it maybe abit of good news... LOL] but anyways get well soon mavy... :)
  14. hey mavy, you have been quiet again, is something up or are you still sorting out your computer?
  15. hey lisa, you have gone quiet again, why dont you come and talk to me on the chat, there is so much we need to catch up on, i will be on yahoo from 8pm to maybe 3am brittish time, that is from 3pm your time to 11pm, so come and see me if you have the time, it would be nice to have a chat with you...
  16. sorry, i forgot about yahoo, i have been extreamly busy recently, i will try and get on as soon as i can
  17. also good news jerome, i should be getting proper internet soon, i am getting it installed on friday [thats when the man comes along to sort it out for me] and best thing about it, is that it is only going to cost me 6 pounds a week, which is much better then 15 pounds a week like what i pay now, and that includes my phone line as well... :D. but anyways, good news then...
  18. yeah, mass effect 2 is extreamly good, alot better then the first game, like more missions, better grathics, more characters, more relationships,,, ;). and not to forget, a fantastic opening for the game [i think it is one of the best, and moving openings for a game ever...] so yeah it is good
  19. sorry i have not been on recently rebel, i have been extreamly busy in my real life, and also not to forget i got the limited eddition of mass effect 2 on saturday, costed me 50 pounds but it is worth every penny, i will be on yahoo whenever i have a free moment, at the normal time...
  20. yes i do have lisas info, i will send you my yahoo address in a PM, so then you can get me added so i will then be able to send it to you...
  21. it has beeen far too long since we have spoke mavrosh, come and see me on yahoo next time you have abit of free time, i am normally on from 8pm to 10pm brittish time on week days and 8pm to possably 2am on week ends, come and see me when ever you have a spare moment, it would be nice to talk to you again...
  22. Hey! where ya been mavy? you have been quiet for awhile...
  23. oh look, it is nearly your 100th birthday... LOL... well happy birthday to you then, and also Happy new Year, even though we still have another 4 hours, i mite as well say it now... :D
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