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Everything posted by keylek3

  1. emmm.... i know you have had the avatar for aehile, but what is it about with all these silly hopping avatars?
  2. hi jess, hope you are alright... :)
  3. thats not funny, i know friends with aids, if you are going to post on my profile again, please, think about what you are going to post, you dont know who you may offend
  4. i still find it funny when i think about it, i only live 40 miles south of you in bolton... XD... i sometimes think one of your aliens will drag me away in my sleep... lol, which i dont mind at all so long as they dont try and get a face humper on me... :)
  5. hey mavrosh! you have been quiet, you should go on yahoo every so offten, i am normally there so i am sure we could have a chat, i know i say this everything but your artwork is just getting better and better, and i trully mean that, like i have a look on your DA quite offten,

    anyways, i hope i see you on yahoo soon... :)

  6. i remember this happened to me due to i did not install the updates, have you installed the updates which came wih the dlc's? or have you instlled the most latest fallout 3 patch yet? they should make it work, if not, it is something else effecting it, like here is a link ot the lastest patch... http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/updates.html i hope this helps... :D
  7. hi to you too xan... :-D
  8. good news, i have managed to sort out the hard disk error, it was being caused by the ini file in my save file, it was basiclly a very old ini file which has been passd from computer to computer may times through system reinstalls and so on, but yet that is only one problem solved so far, the game is still freezing alot, like lasting a few mins before crashing competly, if anyone can help with that, please post your suggestions ------- edit: wait, he freezing has been fixed, i have been going through the ini file alot and i toggled it quite abit, it now works perfectly, but yet every so offten, but no where nea as offten the hard disk error pops up, whic makes no sence since i sorted that ou earlyer, so if anyone knows how to fix the hard disk error, you are welcome to say your suggestions, because it is about every 15 mins (exsactly nearly) so this is still something i want to get fixed
  9. hello. recently i have been anting to replay fallout 3, and their is nothing wrong with that, but for some reasion my compuer seemes to think it is a very big problem, so far i have been working for over 12 hours, through the night to try and get it fixed, but yet no success, every ime i load a savefile or fallout loads a new area it starts moaning about a hard disk error, this error is coming from the fallout 3 exe, but yet the cd is inserted in the drive, i hav even made a iso of y disk and played it through damon tools to check if it ment tha disk drive by chance, bu yet, no success. i do have an offical copy of the game of the year eddition, not piratied, so i dont reall know why it is doing this, also with all the instalations i have been doing tonight it seemes to work for a few times, and then for some reasion the game seemes to start to disingergrate, like i can not click the load any more on the main menu, due to i just crashes/freezes, i have to press continue for it to work, also it can not be the saves due to i tured of auo saves to areas but yet it is still doing the same thing, like here is an image of the hard disk error which i get... http://i713.photobucket.com/albums/ww134/keylek/harddiskerror.jpg sorry for the large image, but thats my screen resolution. ... as you can also see from the left side, you can see my ram and processor, but as you can see, they are working fine, no over working or anything, i also have 3.2GHZ processor and 6MB of ram with a 2MB smart cache, i also have a 1GB graphics card, so it is not due to that either, it can no b due to mods, due to it did act up when i installed a few mods, but yet if i tried removing the mods and then loading an earlyer save file, it still does the same thing, here is my load order... http://i713.photobucket.com/albums/ww134/keylek/modlist.jpg ... as you can see, not that many mods, i also have fose and i normally run fallout through that, but yet if i either run it through fose or falout exe it stil does the same hard disk error, my fallout has the most up to date patch, so it is not due to i am missing a patch either, i do have windows 7 64 bit, but yet before all of this happened it used to ork alright with windows 7 64 bit. also my fallout when it is woking, keeps on freezing alot for no reasion at all, like it will last about ten seconds and hen freeze for no reasion, and as i said, it can not be my pc due to it should run fallout perfectly, which what it does when it wants to, i play fallout with adminerstraiter activated, so it is not due to i do not have access, i think it is something to do with the fallout.exe file, but yet i do not know what. please if anyone has an answer to this, please help, i have been up all nigh and i am very tired, i just want to play my game, thats all, if n one knows any patches to fix this or fixes, please post, i really want this fixed p.s remember i have windows 64 bit, and yes i do know that it does have problems with fallout 3, but yet it was working fine before all of this started, i did download a game boster recenly, but i have not turned it on since this mess... with love, keylek
  10. since hes with me... :D
  11. hello nexus! http://i713.photobucket.com/albums/ww134/keylek/NewRealm01.jpg now, recently i have been getting the idea of making a realm, i did do a realm idea quite awhile back, but yet, it did not really work due to poor story planning, but anyways, here is an image of a realm i would like to try and make, but i hate working in the cs world editor, epically seeing my computer does not like it much as well and will crash every so often (that’s windows 7 for ya... :( ) but anyways, i was wondering if anyone knew how to turn an image like this into a raw file which can be imported into the construction set. like i know moo he cow did release a tutorial awhile back showing how to do this, but it is a very confusing tutorial with very few pictures so it is not even certain if you are doing it correctly. so i was wondering if anyone knew how to make this so i can import it into the cs and knows how to make it so it does all the mountains and everything else (like i know if i imported it now the islands would not work) so please can someone point me to a good tutorial how to do this or maybe will someone be willing to give this a go for me please, like i am not a noob at the cs, but i am when it comes to creating worlds, with thanks, keylek
  12. hello to you too... :)
  13. aww, dont call yourself a crazy cat lady alienslof, believe me, you are not, this is a crazy cat lady...


    ... anyways, your cats look nice, the ginger and the brown one look exsactly like my cats (same breads)yet mine are called hamish and flow... LOL

  14. it works!!! i forgot i deleted shivering isles awhile back due to it not working, that included its bsa files, so i just reinstalled it and now it works fine, so it looks like it was my own stupidity here which caused this problem, thank you anyways, i would have been here for hours trying to get it fixed... :biggrin:
  15. yes, i did download and install all of the mod correctly, but i do know my shivering isles acts up alot though, like one second it works, the next it does not. i will re-install shivering isles again (for the 100th time) and see if that will make a diffenence... i will tell you the result in a few mins...
  16. hi everyone, i am looking for some help about this mod "adash", here is the link... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31692 ... like before you all think i am another noob who does not know how to install mods, let me please say i have been playing oblivion since it first came out and i have even made alot of private mods for it, so i most certainly know what i am doing. like i have installed the mod correctly, in the correct locations and so on, but when i try and load up the game, the game crashes, when i turn off the mod, the game works fine, so it is the mod which is causing it, usually a change in load order would fix this for me with most other mods, but no matter where i put this mod, oblivion still crashes, my oblivion mod manager says it is fine where it is and also does wrye bash, but yet it keeps on freezing, i would really like to get this mod working, because i do really want to give it ago, i have been waiting for a big mod like this for along time now, so i really want to play it. please if anyone has any suggestions how to fix this, like programs to help sort out load orders or any other things like scraps or programs which stop oblivion crashing, they would be fine, but yet, i did try and open the mod in the CS (just to have a look) and it even made that crash, i have tried different esps (the German and the English) but each one crashes. also it can not be my pc, because my computer has been playing oblivion perfectly now for about 4 years (and i am getting a new one this week, yay!!!) now, so it cant really be the pc. any suggestions about this would be welcome, i do really want to get this mod working.
  17. also what job do you now have, imagening you in a job is really hard for me, seeing that most the time you where that gothic clothing of yours.
  18. hey mavy, your art work is making my head spin, it is getting better and better each day, and it is all very beautiful... :)
  19. ban Trandoshan because i have not done this in ages... :laugh:
  20. it does not matter, the problem has been fixed, i downloaded tes4gecko and instead of merging them into a esm, i have merged them into 3 separate esp's, this has now fixed the problem and has also made my computer load oblivion alot faster seeing that i have done the same thing with loads more of my mods [dont worry, i have made backups] but anyways thank you, and thank you jahmir for the download link, my oblivion would still be broken without it...
  21. hey wasder long time no see, i seen that you where on my profile [dont pay attention to the pics on the profile, yes i know they look gay] anyways i hope things are going on alright over there with you, they have been going very fine up here....
  22. i seem to be having a problem with 19 of my slofs mods recently, they are all in the correct load order, i am sure of that seeing that i have had oblivion for a few years now, if i try and run oblivion with any one of these mods installed it completely messes up oblivion like with lod and areas which they are not meant to do, so i have decided to turn the mods into a esm, this will help with loading better and may stop this from happening, the only problem is that i am not sure how to make them all into one esm. like i have wrye bash and also the construction set if that helps, but i really need someone to tell me how to do this please, if i dont get this sorted out i will be unable to play loads of slofs mods which is already getting me depressed. please, if anyone knows how to do this please tell me, i really do want to get my oblivion fixed...
  23. Thanks everyone, i will try out as many as i can, i cant really approve of the "friends and lovers" mod though, one of my friends got in to some trouble awhile back due to that, she was accused of all kinds of things because of it like hacking into computers of a rival forum to get it even though she did not do anything, but i will try as many of these out as i can though, like ruined tails tale looks alright, and i am sure my new character could do with a friend, but anyways these look all fantastic, thanks everyone for all your help and your time... :)
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