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Everything posted by apocalypse1138

  1. Message boxes are a whole nother story there. I don't have any experience with those so I really can't help you there.
  2. Allright, I'll post an example here and explain exactly what I mean... scn SwiftSwimItem short worn float origValue float origval2 ref tempref Begin OnEquip Player If worn == 0 set origValue to player.GetActorValue speed set origval2 to origValue + 100 Message "You can now swim faster!", 5 set worn to 1 endif end begin gamemode If worn == 1 If Player.IsSwimming == 1 Player.SetActorValue speed origValue2 Else Player.SetActorValue speed origValue EndIf EndIF End Begin OnUnEquip Player If worn == 1 Player.SetActorValue speed origValue Message "You can no longer swim as fast...", 5 set worn to 0 EndIf end Begin OnDrop Player if worn == 1 Player.SetActorValue speed origValue set worn to 0 endif end Alright now somewhere in there is the line... Message "You can now swim faster!", 5 The message command starts the message block. The part in quotes is the message that pops up. The number after the comma is how long it stays up. There are other options with it, but personally I really haven't gone into that.
  3. You are going to need CS for this, so it's good that you have it. What you pretty much have to do is find the modded part of the script that adds a line called "message" followed by a message in quotes, plus various stuff at the end. If you can't figure it out on your own, I can post an example.
  4. I really like this idea, and second it. If you ask him to fight, then you wouldn't "murder" him in the arena and the DB wouldn't approach you about killing him, which doesn't even make sence, as it is an entertainment fight. P.S. I am very interested in your "Colored Rooms" mod, sounds very creative and free-form. I'll post my "resume" as you might call it on your forums as soon as I register, so be to check my post there!
  5. Ever play Actraiser? In that game you raised a village(of sorts), and in-between, you would fight through levels to conquer new lands, so you could build more villages. I think that concept could be applied here. Certian "zones" of the island would be unavailable for settlement until you took out that area's resident "boss". After that, settlements would be allowed to flourish there. I know you wanted to keep fighting down to a mininum, but I would like to see this idea implemented. Just another option out there on the proverbial "table" for you to consider. Thanks for reading and good day to you. -apocalypse
  6. Yes the Battle for Bruma was extremely difficult and gave you a good sence of accomplishment and pride(as much as you can get from a video game... not a lot in my opinion.). It was the game's defining moment, especially when you saw the seige engine start rolling, and the impressive fireball display when inside the gate. When you finally closed the gate, it definately would merit a sigh of relief. 15 minutes to close down the gate (if i remember correctly)? Those where the shortest 15 minutes of your life when you were playing a video game. Kudos to Bethesda on the Battle for Bruma, it was difficult and well worth the effort.
  7. I need a mod that adds a good bomb mesh (excluding Midas Magic) Preferably a modders resource as I plan on using the mesh in one of my own mods. Also helps if it is easy to get in contact with the author. Thanks for reading and for your time and effort in advance.
  8. I agree with a "Spells and Enchantments" section, that section would be very large and help accomplish the original idea behind this thread, making it easier to find mods.
  9. Cheers on the guide! I wish I knew about this when I started downloading mods, it would have saved me hours of running in circles!
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