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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by TokkiMoon

  1. Female Modders Unite! We should start a club and make rocking badges. :P But only 9% Females, that seems too low. I'm willing to bet that there are more of us out there than that.
  2. Click on the window for the world view to make it active and just use the F5 key to refresh it and your objects will reappear. :)
  3. Because some things can't be unseen. :tongue: Edit: But in all honesty, I find that the best stuff almost always makes it to Nexus for me to download and only very rarely do I look elsewhere for mods. I'm always worried something is going to mess up my Skyrim install (it is so shaky right now) that I tend to really be careful where I pick them up and what I put into my game.
  4. (I realized that I should have posted this in the Mod Author forums instead of the Mod Troubleshooting Forum, sorry) I have encountered the strangest bug this morning. I open up my mod in Creation Kit and set my mod to the active plugin. I click on Actors and select the NPC's that I want to Export their FaceGeom and use CTRL+F4. It goes through the usual dialog about "Export Face Gen Data for All Selected NPCs?" click "YES" and it instantly says "DONE" with no delay (it is never that fast) so I click "OK" to end the dialog. However, the cake is a lie and when I go under the FaceGeom folder for the .esp, NOTHING has exported for that .esp, it didn't even create a new folder, the .nifs, or textures....nothing! I have rebooted my machine and performed a full shutdown and restarted to clear out any weird bugs in memory. However, it is still doing it... Anyone see this problem before? I'm considering overwriting my download of creation kit with a new fresh install but that seems extreme at this point, as the problem just started today. Edit: I am using Creation Kit Version Thanks for the tip Dragonfire! UPDATE: I uninstalled and reinstalled Creation Kit and was still experiencing the bug. So I tried a different .esp and it worked fine. So the question is how I managed to mess up my mod's .esp so bad that the face geom won't export. :ermm:
  5. I've found that the neck gap is almost always caused by a mismatch in weight setting. For instance, you may have created the character in ECE with the weight set at 0 and then made the character body at weight 100 in creation kit or vice versa. Best to check which body .nif (body_1 or body_0) that you are using, then double check the weight of the character actor under traits tab (weight 0 or weight 100) and then make sure your ECE character was exported with the correct corresponding weight. It is a real pain tracking these down to find which one is set wrong but that might give you a good place to start.
  6. I'd like to use this thread similar to the one in the mod author's forum to brainstorm positive, constructive, alternative solutions for paid modding that keeps the community spirit that we have built intact. I don't know if this solution has been mentioned yet, but one alternative solution to paid modding could be to tie a 30 second commercial ad to the endorsement button. Click *Endorse* and watch the commercial and 100% of the ad revenue generated from the endorse button on the mod author's page goes directly to the mod author's PayPal. It could even include a drop-down choice of commercial type and duration, with a longer commercial view giving more revenue to the mod author. Doesn't hit the pocketbook of the little guy, gives us a free way to send money to promote the artist, and gives companies an avenue to target their commercials to the gamer community. If it works for services like Pandora and Hulu, I can see it working here as a small price to pay to make everyone a little bit happier. What are your thoughts? Could this work? What other solutions can you think of that can keep this wonderful community together and still help support the mod artist?
  7. Some of us only set our mods to hidden because we are afraid of theft for profit, as these are very troubling times. When the news first broke, I wasnt sure what else to do. I've felt a little better with the check box addition on permissions, but I've been getting to new heights in paranoia the last few days. I can't imagine the stress that bigger modders are going through right now. What a mess!
  8. Hidden Rabbit, Timid Tiger
  9. I'm lucky if I get more than 6 minutes out of the CK, it can now crash even while I'm not actually doing anything. I have to save every single time I close an editor window or it will plan to crash at the most inconvenient time, usually after a long list of batch edits or when I finally figured out some critical fix that will take me 10 minutes to reproduce after the crash. If I even go to look at another cell, it marks it as modified, so I have to sweep through with TESVEdit all the time to look for little "presents" left by the CK.
  10. Watch out, fellow traveller! For there be trolls under every bridge, no matter how great, no matter how small, and they will eat you if they can drag you down.
  11. Made a custom armor in 3DS Max...but all the textures are black. *tears*
  12. Working on 3DS Max now. Just found a way to import tri files!
  13. Nifskope hates me...
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