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Everything posted by TheNexusLurker

  1. Probably just make them stolen/ illegal to take.
  2. I might be the only one who has this problem but, i'm looking for a mod where NPCs clean up corpses or its illegal to loot dead bodies in cities. Its kind of odd that if like five guards die that you can loot them down to their underwear and no one cares. The after you looked them to their underwear you can sell all their stuff to a shop two feet from the bodies. Is there some sort of mod that solves my issue?
  3. Thanks those are pretty close to what I was looking for. I'm thinking I might be able to do this for my self, using the CK. I had'n really though it through but, those mods are very close.
  4. Can anyone tell me if a clothing mod that effects NPC behavior exists? I'm looking for a mod where clothing might make you more charismatic or give you higher speech skills. For instance if you were wearing all find clothing you might get skill bonuses or discount prices. Maybe they give you an intimidation/ persuasion boost? Maybe wealthy NPCs like you better. I'm just wondering if any sort of mod like this exists.
  5. Nice to see you finally uploaded it! I downloaded it and checked it out. I didn't even know some of the kit pieces you used existed lol. Only thing I couldn't figure out was how to COC into the interior cell. I was able to COC to the exterior though and find the entrance from there. On that note where is the guy who requested this? lol.
  6. I'm starting my project over entirely lol. I stretched the intended use of the kit pieces beyond their means in some places. I turns out using cliffs as balconies can cause some problems with clipping from the underside. Reshaping it all would have been a pain so I just decided to start over. Is there a limit on how often you can change, upload or update a file? I'm sure you can go back an change it cant you? I only looked over the processes of posting a file once the other day and I didn't get all the way through it.
  7. Here is a tutorial on how to create a dungeon. He explains which pieces fit together. https://youtu.be/7IW9067yfZw?list=PLB4t0GI9oBEa5zVnDmGp_IOfOMR1058uZ Could the piece that you're looking for be: NorRmSmWallFrontExSm01 Skip to 13:50 on the video. That's the piece that I'm talking about. I'm not really sure I understand how the pieces are labeled still. In this case I found CaveIFWallDoorLB01 fit CaveIFHalEntrance01. Which kind of makes sense because they are both 01 but, there are a number of other doors with similar names in the same category. Things like CaveIFWallDoorL01 or CaveIFwallDoorL02 ect. I'm still a liittle confused about the logic used to name the kit pieces. Yes. I'm finding that thinking outside the box can have some interesting results. Like useing wall for a ceiling lol.
  8. Yea. The concept is sort of a mess. I didn't load the screen shot but, there is drop shaft under that middle section. I was trying to do an ice cave with a sink hole in it. It's nuts though lol. I tried to use ice walls for the ceiling. I'm not sure how it's going to hold up. I want it to look like it's all solid ice, except the floor and drop shaft. Might have to change the entrance though. It looks too convenient. How did you come up with your design? I can't even figure out what pieces you used lol. It's so much cleaner than mine is.
  9. This is why I need to look at your mod its released lol. https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMCOeEe_BWH2q_5z5SoanNTplBAucQ2RcZFk4Db https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMLo8ypaePkAnUyt0surxbjRKSey3WMywAM8zoX
  10. If you guys and gals could wish for anything in the Skyrim engine to be fixed in TES 6, what would it be and why? 1. I would want shadow draw distance to actually increase shadow distance and just stretch the mask. 2. I would want sheltered weather effects like in the real shelter the skyrim mod and better more natural weather transitions. Keep in mind this is assuming there will be a The Elder Scrolls Six and that Beth would care what we think. Hypothetically. Let's start the wish list.
  11. Wow those look amazing. Do you have another screen name or something? How come you haven't done any other mods? I'm not sure what passes as small cave but, other than that you killed it. Lol.
  12. Got any screen shots yet? I've remade my car like 9 times now. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the large room ice walls blend or look better.
  13. Oh well lol. It's gonna happen anyway. I was thinking of doing a spin off mod that adds more shelters like this or caves to skyrim. That is if I can even make one good looking cave lol. Caves are more difficult than I had imagined though. There are far fewer guidelines and structural ques than there appear be for housing. I was surprised how commonly cave pieces clip through each other in vanilla cave designs. Not sure I'm artistic enough for caves lol.
  14. I have snap to angle and snap to grid on. The problem is there are no tutorials on how fit certain kits together. I can't provide specific examples right now because, I'm away from my pc.
  15. Speaking of the OP where is he? I don't think I've ever seen such a small request get hit with this many replies. Yet no OP in sight.
  16. I hate when people do what im about to do but, here we go lol. As an alternative there are mods that let players add most of these items. With exception of (E). These are just suggestions though. Frost Fall - for the tanning rack and camping gear and fire making Placeable Statistics - Makes almost every item in the game an item you can pick up, move and store More interactive Items - Also recommended by Placeable Statistics author More Dynamic Things - Makes wood piles lootable, containers safe for storage and a few other things Jaxsons positioner - Fully position any object in the game
  17. Has anyone seen this video? I've never seen this in any of the tutorials I've watch about building a home. This is not at all intuitive and should be covered and included in any CK reviewers topics. Creation Kit matching pieces in room kits This should practically be a sticky in any tutorial list.
  18. I wasn't sure what the logic was but, its Cave1roomdoorb03ice that matches Cavehall1way02ice.
  19. What piece connects a small room door to a small hallway? They fit but, leave a small and noticeable gap, I cant find the connection piece.
  20. This is true. The only part i've been having trouble with is the auto load door lol. Its not easy to inspect and the object in the preview window looks nothing like the world object for some reason.
  21. I've been trying to do this as well, since its a good starter project. I'm having a heck of a time figuring it out though lol. I'm probably not going to post it if you do one but, I'm still going to try for practice.
  22. Well that narrows things down a bit. For some reason I haven't been able to find a good example of one of these things used. I find cave entrances but, when I click around i only end up selecting large blocks. Is there a good example of one of these somewhere? Are they hidden from view for some reason?
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