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Posts posted by TheNexusLurker

  1. 16. Because it would be kind of boring to spend that much time in a town? Alot of mod request never take into consideration the actual size of skyrim. Some things in the game just have to be implied. If you spent as much time in a city as the guards supposedly do, you would get bored very quickly. You would soon notice the npcs don't have much to say and the town is alot smaller than you think.


    There was some guy on here before proposing this huge dynamic and elaborate mod based on the observation that backsmith's don't get iron deliveries. He was talking about carriages with 50 man guard escorts and incredibly complicated routes that were linked to in game accounting. All because smith's don't get shipments.


    Skyrim can support some pretty elaborate ideas but, they need to be to scale. A good solution for his mod would be adding a mine outside the town...and go from there. There are already several other merchant mods to solve the rest of the issues. With the exception of well protected trade routes.


    The guard idea sounds good as an alternate start but, how long could you play as just a guard before it didn't make sense anymore? It would have to be made more simply so redundant events made sense and we're replayable. Elaborate detective quest might be out of the question due to the small population.


    Being a guard as a job sounds kind of cool but, how could you fit it into the game considering the population and the actual size of the holds?

  2. I was wondering if someone could make the backpack for the thieves guild armor like the one shown in the pic below, or at least as close as possible.

    Out of curiosity. What is that in the picture and where did it come from.

  3. I'm confused as to what your complaint is. Are you annoyed that the CK wiki does not mention thay COC to a location doesn't trigger the Location Chnage story event? Did it really take you more than a minute to figure that out on your own? Or are you annoyed that Break of Dawn wasn't similar enough to the quest you wanted to make that you could just copy it exactly? Both of these seem like horrendously trivial complaints.


    I frikkin' love the story manager myself.

    Not mentioning that about COC doesn't seem trivial at all. Seems like a valid complaint lol.

  4. Is it just around the area this mod affects? I've never noticed missing navmesh on roads, or any flat areas before. What cell is it in?


    Also, it might just be hidden right beneath the terrain. Hit W to change the view mode and see navmesh below the terrain, that might be the problem. Otherwise, I'd assume the mod probably changed the navmesh and then didn't remake all of it perhaps. Check that area without the mod enabled and see if it's still missing.





    it might just be hidden right beneath the terrain

    It is. A good way to know is to hide the items in the render window to show only the nav, It a button in the nav toolbar.



    Yes it was hidden under the terrain. Apparently that happens everywhere. I must have missed that in the tutorial somehow.


    On another note, do either of you know if it matters how many triangles you have in the navmesh? Will the layout (direction of the triangles and number) effect NPC behavior?

  5. I don't know if anyone else is thinking this but, I'm thinking most of the practical and possible mods have been made. Most new ideas that are achievable are probably not going to be that impactful because, we've already seen so many amazing mods. New and interesting ideas are probably going to be hard to produce and will be time consuming. I've only been here since Skyrim came out and I'm just now getting interested in modding. However modding is difficult to learn even after years of dealing with managing plugins. I only started thinking about modding because, i've been upset about the lack of world space compatibility with the concept of Frostfall.


    I think the bottom line is that there are a limited number of talented and dedicated modders. I'm guessing for the most part, they are busy maintaining their already well known projects. Just look at chesko, orgerboss or T3ndo.

  6. http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/9109/2011/08/Khajiit_Daggerfall.jpg


    Nothing against this post or this mod. I just wanted to post this to help everyone feel a little better about Bethesdas decision to make beasts more humanoid. For the reccord though Oblivion was my favorite TES for graphics and game play.

    Everything from the combat to the characters had a much more magical feel and mystical glow.

  7. Sorry if this has already been asked or is easily explained but, I'm not sure where to start looking for an answer. I want to know why the roads in skyrim are not totally covered by navmesh. When I was trying to fix a problem (no experience) with someones mod in that area, I noticed the navmesh barely covers most of the road. What is the reason for that?

  8. As far as i know, you cant have a map bigger than skyrim without bugs, crashes or problems. This wont happen.

    I really don't know much about modding but, I'm curious how beyond skyrim plans on dealing with that issue. Are they using a work around or do I not fully understand the project?

  9. It would be nice to see one these for enemies as well that worked with other ai plug-ins. I though about this exact same thing today while luring a mammoth into a bandit camp. It killed all of them as they came pouring out of the fort to attack it....


    Not smart or immersive but, very entertaining.

  10. I would just switch to Requiem or use a more select set of mods to achieve the same overhaul feeling. Also you could try Immersive Detection of NPCs. Most people would recommend SkyRe over Requiem but, the timed block was a deal breaker for me. Without timed block SkyRe combat would just be all about the higher damage at lower levels. Of course if you have a long life save game disregard that suggestion lol.

  11. One of the easier ways to compensate for dumb enemies is raising the stakes. If you install the Requiem of SkyRe, you will take and do more deadly damage. The hits you land and the hits that land on you will mater more. I use Requiem and Combat Evolved. If you're on foot and by your self you can die in a fight with two bandits pretty easily. You wont want to miss a step or a block. Also requiem makes enemies of each category a generic level range. So all bandits will the same difficulty wherever they are and mammoths will destroy you and 10 other people without dyeing.


    If you're killing them with stealth though, I have no suggestions because, I generally don't play a stealth class. I would look into sneak mods if stealth is stealth is the problem.

  12. I'm looking for a mod that lets you do what extensible follower frame work does to NPC follower skills. EFF allows you to level up your npc followers and view their skills in a menu.

    I'm aware of the getav command but, would like a mod to handle this. A mod that can uncap NPC levels, force level them to your level and view their skills. I would just use EFF but I also use Mixed Unit Tactics. Mixed unit tactics doesn't seem to have a way of keeping track of all your NPCs or viewing their skills.


    I'm guessing this mod doesn't exist but, I figured I would ask in case there is and its named something unexpected.

  13. Looks good but, I was hoping for something to eliminate them right away because, I have Sleeping Sands of Time Standalone. With SOT you get ambushed in houses. After a while the corpses tend to pile up. I wasn't sure if disabling them all the time was a good idea or not.

  14. I'm looking for a mod or method that deals with removing corpses and or clutter from the game. I'd prefer something immersive though and not the "Clean up your corpses" mod. That's a good mod but for whatever unknown reason it makes bodies weigh so much that you cant lift their arms.


    Also I know some of you will wonder if I have xmps skeleton and recitalist ragdolls of force installed. The answer is yes to both.

  15. this thread is a train wreck. After seeing the way you treat people giving you legitimate advice, there is absolutely 0% anyone's going to want to help you until you clean up your act and actually have some sort of beginning product to entice people with. I'm not even a modder myself and I can see how ass-backwards everything you've said so far is.


    Look, I get it. You're a young kid, maybe 13-16 years old, you have a lot of schoolwork and no time or patience to learn how to mod. Completely reasonable. But the least you can do is treat people who actually do know what they're doing and/or talking about with a level of respect.


    This is ridiculous. He's obviously just reacting to the negativity in this post. You guys were just lambasting this dude to diffuse you own personal frustrations. I would say the same thing to you guys too, if i was him lol. Not that anyone who behaves like you guys do would understand how transparent you are lol.

  16. Just for the record you should use spoiler tags on scrolling lists.


    I'm not familiar with all of those mods but, LOOT isn't always correct. One thing that may cause you to crash is realshelter. The RSPatch.esp should be at the bottom of your load order and you should move realshelter.esp as far up the list as possible. Realshelter changes image spaces and should be placed before other mods that do the same. Unless for some reason you want RS to overwrite them.

  17. It's all fair and good to request something absurd but, it also sends more practical ideas into the pit.


    If you're a writer you should try developing the lore and then publishing it to the forums. If people actually like it and it picks up some momentum, try proposing a small demo mod. If all goes well ramp up to a full blown TCM.


    The chances that you will find an entire team of individuals willing to spend a year of their lives on your unfinished idea, are basically non existent.


    So basically if you don't take into account the incredibly improbable, this (your request) is just spam....

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