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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. I nearly cry every time I finish the book :P


    There are so many ways they could have seen each other, i.e. leave one window open and every other day Will goes into Lyra's world, then the other day Lyra goes into Will's world, each for like, 2 hours. That way they would get to see each other but wouldn't suffer any health effects. Well, I'm getting off-topic, so I'll stop XD

    But that would cause the Dust to escape, which is why they can't do that.

    I think katshy got it right. Authors were looking to do something different, and ended up being the same.

    P.S. Another example would be 'The Time Travelers Wife' (not the movie, the book).

  2. The Order Of The Dragon


    Opus Number One:



    I found the strangest thing

    In my garden just this morning:

    A peculiar pinkish egg

    I discovered without warning.


    It was nestled by a mushroom,

    Feeling oddly warm,

    So I quickly snatched it up

    For on the wind there came a storm.


    I hid it in my woodland den

    Where I keep my precious things,

    My fine clothes and keepsakes

    And necklaces and rings.


    Will the egg hatch? I do not know,

    Nor know what it will be.

    What kind of magic creature?

    In time I'm sure I'll see.


    But how to mother such an egg?

    I only vaguely know.

    My friends must touch the little thing

    For their love to help it grow.


    And so it is I ask for aid

    From all who read this prose,

    Please help me love my little egg

    And watch it as it grows.

    Very nice Herculine. If I could do that then I would have done better in English last year. Welcome to the Order.

    All clicked.

  3. Azir see you got another Black Alt I have my two the only thing I donlt have is Alt Vine so I am trying for that..its the only thing left for my collection...

    Yes, I seem to have struck lucky with my breeding.

    All clicked.

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