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Everything posted by cloudedtruth

  1. Ok, I get the same message for a few other .exe files that I run through MO. If there is any kind of user access control (permissions) for the application, MO is going to prompt you with that message. It's basically telling you that the application you're trying to run has user access control (UAC) restrictions. (when you open an application and get the message box, "are you sure you want to run/allow access" and the screen is locked until you say yes, no, or close it) <---The little shield symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the application icon signifies UAC. If you trust the application, click yes to let it launch. If you haven't tried yet, close MO and open it as admin and then try to launch SKSE to see if the message box still comes up. Edit: If you're not comfortable doing that, find the application, skse_loader.exe, and give adequate permissions for users so that way you can run skse without needed to be prompted for admin rights.
  2. The first thing I notice is you're running Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul with known incompatible mods, JK's Skyrim and ETaC. I don't know if the conflict between IC and the two city overhaul mods are critical enough to cause a CTD as I don't use either of the two city overhauls. Run LOOT to sort your load order if you don't already, in case the CTD is from a conflict that can be fixed by moving one mod above or below another.
  3. Well, uninstalling any mod mid-playthrough and loading a save where that mod was installed is of course, never ever a good idea. You say removing any mod causes CTD on start up, and usually that's because of missing master files but it can because of other reasons, but have you tried running LOOT or TES5Edit to see if they come back with any errors after un-installing one mod but before launching the game? As far as script merging, I've only merged the easy thing in TES5Edit: leveled item, packages, actor containers, etc. I have no experience with merging scripts so I can't help you at all with that, sorry. I want to say I saw a post from Sharlikran at some point in the past talking about script merging, but I can't remember for sure. I know you're tired of people telling you you've got too many mods, but I'm afraid that you truly have reached the very max amount that skyrim can handle. Skyrim seems to have a mind of its own sometimes, and it's as if you're tightrope walking and even the slightest shift in weight to either side will cause you to fall. But, as long as nothing changes, you can keep going and not fall. I still recommend creating 1-2 new profiles in MO, you could copy your current 257 .esp profile into a new one and remove 1 or even 5-10 mods and then start a new game a see what happens. I don't need to tell you this as I'm sure you already know from experience, getting lots of mods to work together is usually a trial and error experience and the only way to make things work, is to keep trying.
  4. If LOOT is not correctly sorting mods, manually move them to where they need to be. You should be able to manually click and drag the unofficial skyrim patch to just below update.esm in the MO right-side panel. Also, do make sure that left-panel is order the same as the right panel for the main game, DLC, and their corresponding unofficial patches. The order you have listed is correct for both sides of MO as long as you move the unofficial skyrim patch.esp in-between update.esm and dawnguard.esm
  5. So the main Mod Organizer folder is in My Documents? You definitely need to move it. Your folder path should look like this: C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/Mod Organizer If you have installed ModOrganizer.exe in another location, you may have to re-install MO into the Skyrim folder to get to properly work. I don't know if you will have to or not, you could simply try moving the Mod Organizer folder inside the Skyrim folder and see if that works. If you don't see at least 2 files that begin with "skse" inside the Skyrim folder, then you may need to re-install skse, but you could also just moving the 2 skse files needed into the Skyrim folder. Both start with "skse" and one ends with ".dll" and the other ".exe".
  6. Hmm, well to be honest I'm not sure why that's happening if you truly don't have any bounty nor killed anyone in front of a guard but escaped without getting caught. Occasionally, I've a related issue when I accidentally hit one of the companions while fighting the giant just outside whiterun. Sheathing my weapon didn't work and they kept pursuing me, and the only way I was able to calm them down way be using the console. You could try the commands listed below to see if this helps at all, it may not though so keep that in mind. Open the console(~ key) when the guards are hostile and type: tfc 1 <--make sure you type: tfc 1 :and not: tfc :leaving off the "1" will allow the game and all characters to continue like normal instead of being temporarily frozen. That will freeze the game and give you a free moving camera (after you close the console). Now move the camera right up to a hostile guard, open the console and left click on the guards body. Then type: resetai Now do the same for each hostile guard, and once you're finished.... In the console type: tfc 1 This will return the game back to the normal state and sometimes by resetting the AI of hostile members of a particular faction, it will calm that faction down permanently until you attack and make the hostile again. This may not work though! The guards might just simply sheath then re-draw their weapons and start attacking you again. If that happens, I not sure what else to tell you that might help fix this other than start a new game, sorry.
  7. Well, I'm not very experienced with MO either, I've only been using it for a little less than 1 month. For tutorials, you can watch the more well-known and in-depth explanations from Gophers' videos: www.youtube.com/user/GopherVids Or, you can watch the more simple and straight to the point videos from GamerPoets: www.youtube.com/user/gamerpoets I'm wondering, you say that no mods are loading when launching through SKSE, are the folder for the mods existent in the "mods" folder under the "Mod Organizer" folder? And you do have Mod Organizer installed in Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim folder and not somewhere else, right?
  8. 257.esp plugins? Does that include your .esm master files too? Regardless if it does or does not, that's a lot of plugins. The "estimated" plugin limit for skyrim is around 255 but that's not a hard number where going over will cause horrific problems. Still, by having that many plugins there's a good chance that the game is just trying to load more than it can handle. Especially if you have script heavy mods, those will strain your game much more than many other mods, particularly those script heavy mods of the debaucherous manner, they usually put serious strain on the game. It's possible that you've reached a strange stable point with your mods where it works (for the most part) as long as you don't touch anything. If you haven't yet, I'd create 1-2 new profiles in MO and begin testing mods out one at a time and see if it's simply the sheer number of mods that's causing the problem, or a possible critical conflict resulting in CTD. I'd also recommend have 2 separate profiles for different types of play-throughs but if you really want the serious straining script heavy mods with the straining ones, I'd only include the ones you can't live without.
  9. One question I have is, where did you install Steam/Skyrim and Mod Organizer? If it's under Program Files(x86) then locate the Mod Organizer.exe and run as administrator if you haven't done so already. Doing this can bypass the windows security feature in (x86) and allow the .exe files to have the permissions needed to run correctly. Have you already tried this?
  10. Straight from the skse_readme.txt file in "Troubleshooting/FAQ" section on how to uninstall: If you want to make sure for yourself, the readme.txt file will be in your Skyrim folder if you copied everything from the skse archive over. If you've deleted the readme file you can re-download it from the skse website, just look on the v1.7.2 line for "readme".
  11. CTD upon start up (just after Bethesda logo) is usually due to missing master file (.esm). If you do not already, use LOOT to sort your load order. You can find it at loot.github.io, to be safe I won't link it but either copy and paste that into the address bar or simply do a web search for "Skyrim LOOT" and it should be one of the first, if not the first result you get. LOOT will tell you when it sorts your load order if you are missing any master files that will cause CTD on start up. I can't recommend LOOT enough, some of your mods look pretty out of order. For example: Alternate Start should almost always be placed at the very bottom of your load order with the exception of bashed patches or other LAL compatible patches.
  12. Unless it was added by Hearthfire, no such voice file exists in the other Bethesda .esm files. Just checked in the reference tool and couldn't find it anywhere, so it could be a left over unvoiced file. More likely, as already mentioned, it's coming from a mod that you have installed.
  13. Are you running Civil War Overhaul (CWO) or something similar? If you're running something like CWO and have joined one side of the civil war, guards from holds that are on the opposite side will attack you on sight (even if your bounty is 0) unless you're wearing armor from their side. Either stormcloak or imperial armor, depending on which hold you're in. If you're not using an mod that changes the civil war, then I'm not really sure what else it would be as I've never come across this before.
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