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Everything posted by Skree000

  1. when you load geck, go to Data Files, Check off Fallout3.esm, and your mod.esp Click your mod and hit Set As Active. then hit okay. Once your mod opens, make a change, and hit save, it will save the change to your mod files. still having trouble with that? id be surprised if you do. Maybe reinstall GECK
  2. whenever a texture exists that you want to replace, just rename the original something (like texture_ORIGINAL.dds) and rename your replacer AS the originals old name.
  3. they gotta look like something i would want to wear
  4. whenever i need to find out what mods are popular, i look here: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/Arctura000/howtofindgoodmods.jpg
  5. threadjacker!!! lol i expect it to be done around summer 2010. Fall if things go slower than i anticipated.
  6. i would do some sherlock holmes detective work and think it through. im not familiar with 'rape victims' in this game, so im guessing those come from a mod. First i would find out what mod they come from. If you dont know, maybe you shouldnt have so many mods :) Once you find out what it comes from, open up that mod in the geck (without any other mods open) as well as read the mods description. Find out if 'rape victims' are considered Corpses? real live npcs? from that point once you determine that, think back about the mods you downloaded and use, and figure out if any cause any effects on the dead, or npcs in a way such as for dialogue or restricting them. If nothing of the sort is the case, you still have a few options. The option that would take longer and be very annoying, via trial and error, save your game at a rape victim, then exit, reload the game with 1 less mod loaded. See if the dialogue works. Repeat this by removing mods from your load order until finally they work. (Elimination is the easiest, but takes the longest) Finally i guess you could use more detective work. Where are these rape victims located? Paradise falls only? If they are not considered corpses or some alternate form of npc, (just regular npcs), then its likely a mod that affects Paradise falls that is at fault. I would look through mod descriptions until you find one that changes PF and then try disabling that.
  7. ill be honest, Tony i havent really had time before, busy rl work, then my own mod....but i finally read through this mod thread here, and with the screenshots and plans and everything you showed, im really impressed man. Good work so far, keep it up and cant wait to see this evolve! Nice!
  8. uh what do you mean by 'activate the rape victims'
  9. if it were max you could do it in a second. Just sample the material, sort polygons by material type and detach them max ftw additionally in the uv window you can display uv's by material
  10. sorry to hear that i reccomend getting a passport immediately
  11. Fallout3 & Oblivion use bethesdas modified Gamebryo/Netimmerse engine, with Havok modules added on. period. fact. @Ghazstar theres some stickied links at the top of the mod talk forums you should read, should have full coverage of alot of questions you might have To get your own weapons into fallout 3 you need (at minimum) Nifskope a 3d program like Blender, Max or Maya Niftools plugin for that program GECK You should probably get: Photoshop with Nvidias DDS extension, and Nvidia texture tools Or GIMP with dds extension Fallout 3's meshes are in .NIF format. Its textures are in .DDS format. Niftools plugin exports your models from your 3d program in NIF format. Photoshop/Gimp with DDS plugin exports your DDS textures Nifskope is the middleware program that is REQUIRED to get it all working. With that program you open two copies, open a vanilla fallout3 weapon, and in the other, your own. Then its a long and painful process of copy and pasting over the vanilla gun. Then in GECK you create a new entry using an existing weapon as a template, rename it and save it as a new form. then save your Plugin(mod) This and more is all detailed in the stickied articles at the top about the Source Engine: Its written in C++.... gamebryo was written in C++ also, however Source engine is an evolved grandchild of Carmacks original Quake engine, whereas Gamebryo i am fairly certain is original code
  12. well when you say, 'still be a slave' what do you mean by that. Just wearing a slave collar? To make npcs into companions i havent tried it yet, but the first thing i would do is grab some of the companion mods, take a look at them, then Copy the Scripts and content from those mods, but substitute in your own stuff. When you are done that it should basically function just like their mods. Just gotta make sure you copy each and every script or file from the target mod to make sure its completely functional. For example, i adapted J3X's driveable tank mod into my own. When i first started, my mod required his tank mod just to run since i integrated it. I decided to make my mod standalone, so it wouldnt require it anymore, so basically i had to duplicate all his scripts and existing stuff, rename it to something of my own, then delete his originals, and bam you just absorbed a mod into your own. i imagine you can do basically the same thing if you take one of the existing companion mods and adapt it to your liking, swapping out their character for one of your own choosing.
  13. bit of a discovery, i have found that when a script 'forces' an item to be equipped, or forces A DIFFERENT item to be swapped, this ignores that items 'Begin OnUnequip' blocktype, im thinking because it was not naturally unequipped from the Pipboy. In Oblivion terms i would assume this is the equivalent of the Inventory window so Begin OnUnequip only seems to work if you manually unclick an item from your ivnentory =(
  14. placeatme can seriously **** up your savegames. I really really dont reccomend saving your game after using it alot. You can use it here and there np, but if you are going to use it more than 20 times, watch out Even after items or creatures are destroyed or deleted from Placeatme, some parts of the reference remain and keep bloating the savegame file, adding up over time til eventually your savegame causes random Crashes, or may even lead to your savegame becoming un-openable
  15. yup as baduk said, you can, but for people to use it they will need the DLC's or it wont work right so if you do that, make sure you make it 100% perfectly clear to everyone that some DLC's are REQUIRED, that should be listed in your Description when you release the mod, which DLC's in particular, or other mods
  16. a ton of games use the Gamebryo/Netimmerse engine. check it aot theres a full list here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo to make one of those nif files work in fallout3 all you need to do is import it into a program like 3dstudio max or blender, then re-export with 'Fallout3' checked off in the nif export window. (technically)
  17. are you still having texture problems on your models Fubbzie? if so you might want to ensure your not having an Archive Invalidation problem, or ALSO make sure your ini file (located in your MyDocs/MyGames/Fallout3/ folder is setup to allow custom content!
  18. wow necropost. EGMs are data files associated with headgear that help deform the headgear to accomodate the Head-Deformation associated with the Character Creation menu. Without an EGM file, your character skull would stick through the hat, hair or helmet model if you made the skull really wide, tall or deep. EGMs are created through a program called the Conformulator. I just used it actually tonight to fix some helmets for the 2142 mod. The conformulator takes .TRI files which are basically models that have Morph Targets. Morph Targets are what you manipulate when you change sliders in your character creation screen. These are basically just moveable bones that are skinned to parts of the face. A TRI file is an archive of one model and its morph targets. The Conformulator also requires an OBJ or NIF format mesh to 'conform' to the .TRI file. Basically it skins the mesh to the .TRI file's Morph Target parameters, so that whenever you 'squash the forehead', the 'forehead region' of the headgear also gets squashed. Confomulator doesnt always do a perfect job, so it has a few options allowing modders to control how sensetive or accurate the conformulation is to the .Tri file. EGM's are REQUIRED for any headgear/hair. Without them, it will look awful if you have extremely deformed/altered character faces/heads. To make your own EGM, Grab Conformulator, Export an OBJ of your headgear/hair, and then open Conformulator. Input the .TRI file, which is located in the Fallout3.BSA. (unpack that with FOMM). The Tri files you need are in /meshes/character/_male/ and the one you want should be called Humanhead.tri or something like that. There are also femalehead.tri for female versions, if your mesh has problems with one gender over the other. I find for the most part, Humanhead.tri works just fine, since the only real major differences between male and female heads are slightly different facial morph targets, which arent really that important for hairdos or hats to fit on the skull. (since skull deforms are all basically akin to eachother) Once your TRI file is plugged in, plug in your OBJ of your mesh. Hit Conformulate Done. Your EGM is ready! GECK will auto-detect any EGMs that are present in the folder where the headgear is located, HOWEVER!!! The EGM name must MATCH the .nif file name of the headgear. Before you can test it out ingame however you need to open the GECK, and go to 'Character', then pick 'Update Facegen Model availability'. Then Save your plugin THEN test it out :) Example PacHelmet01.NIF (the helmet) and PacHelmet01.EGM Hope that helps :)
  19. when you type in numbers after additem and equipitem it does it silently, equipitem 0 1 does silent equip, additem 1 1 adds one item silently also.
  20. hey thats great!!! Say, now i tried to modify my scripts to destroy/remove the original weapon while the dummy is present, and when the dummy is swapped back, the dummy is destroyed.... I gave the dummy the ingame alias of the regular weapon, so if players were looking at their inventory window they would never see a dummy objects name, and never more than what they had before. Sadly, now it freezes up when i try to draw the sheathed dummy weapon.... any clues as to that one? Perhaps i am (like you said just now) trying to do too much in each code?
  21. that would typically be the easiest solution, however to do that i would have to make a completely new animation set for reverse grips, since if i changed vanilla, each and every weapon would now be backwards. This way, i just flipped the one i want to be reversed.... i suppose someone could make a reverse grip button that flips it on their own... but oh well lol Here are the codes as im leaving them. Now the only problem is the Fake Dummy knife shows up in the players inventory. Is there any way to hide items from the player seeing them in the inventory? Id really like to find out! lol J2 Blade scriptname BF2142WeaponSheathFixer short doonce begin gamemode ; do this constantly while the weapon is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" ;if j2 is equipped as wpn if menumode 1 == 0 ;if pipboy is closed if player.isWeaponout == 0 ;if weapon is holstered if doonce == 0 ;and i have not done the 'dummy swap' event yet since last drawing it player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;adds dummy set doonce to 1 ;indicate that this 'dummy-swap' event has already happened endif endif if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;if weapon is drawn set doonce to 0 ;reset the 'dummy-swap' event so that it can happen again endif endif endif end Dummy scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin OnAdd player ;when the item is added player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 ;it is equipped end Begin Gamemode ;do this constantly while dummy is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" ;if Dummy is equipped as wpn if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;and weapon is drawn player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 ;Unequipping Dummy, switching to J2 removeMe else ;otherwise return ;do nothing endif endif end begin onunequip ;if unequipped, remove me removeme end
  22. Okay did more truncating and added more of your revisions. Here are the two codes so far. This works, except for the bug when you equip the item while weapons are sheathed, in that case, the J2 appears upsidedown on the hip (the placeholder does not appear at this point yet. The j2 must first be drawn and then sheathed for that to happen) scriptname BF2142WeaponSheathFixer short doonce begin gamemode ; do this constantly while the weapon is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" ;if j2 is equipped as wpn if menumode 1 == 0 ;if pipboy is closed if player.isWeaponout == 0 ;if weapon is holstered if doonce == 0 ;and i have not done the 'dummy swap' event yet since last drawing it player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;adds dummy set doonce to 1 ;indicate that this 'dummy-swap' event has already happened endif endif endif if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;if weapon is drawn set doonce to 0 ;reset the 'dummy-swap' event so that it can happen again endif endif endif end dummy: scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin OnAdd player ;when the item is added player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 ;it is equipped end Begin Gamemode ;do this constantly while dummy is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" ;if Dummy is equipped as wpn if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;and weapon is drawn player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 ;Unequipping Dummy, switching to J2 removeMe else ;otherwise return ;do nothing endif endif end begin onunequip ;if unequipped, remove me removeme end
  23. ohhh you are right, another good efficient method.... ill add that method to my scripts in a sec... heres my truncated versions that seem to work ok. The only bug so far is if the Dummy is equipped and sheathed, and you look at your pipboy, then equip the J2, it will appear on the hip (the upsidedown version) This corrects automatically when you draw the weapon out and sheath it again however j2 scriptname BF2142WeaponSheathFixer short doonce3 short drawn begin onequip ;do this only when it is first equipped set drawn to 0 ;reset drawn state, since weapon is not drawn if player.GetItemCount 2142WeapDummy >= 1 ;if there are dummies, player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;remove old dummies endif end begin gamemode ; do this constantly while the weapon is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" ;if j2 is equipped as wpn if player.isWeaponout == 0 ;if weapon is holstered if drawn == 1 ;if weapon has been drawn before if doonce3 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last holstering it player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;adds dummy player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 ;equips dummy set doonce3 to 1 ;indicate that this 'dummy-swap' event has already happened endif set drawn to 0 endif endif if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;if weapon is drawn set drawn to 1 ;indicate that weapon has been drawn set doonce3 to 0 ;reset the 'dummy-swap' event so that it can happen again player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;delete any dummies endif endif endif end dummy scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin gamemode ;do this constantly while dummy is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" ;if Dummy is equipped as wpn if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;and weapon is drawn player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 ;Unequipping Dummy, switching to J2 else ;otherwise return ;do nothing endif endif end
  24. oooh that onAdd looks very efficient, i think ill use that instead of what i have..... awesome. Your way will likely be faster than mine.. GOOD NEWS here though! figured it out this way, but im sure this code can be truncated somehow to make it simpler. right now its pretty bloated, but it works. all the text feedback messages can be removed too since i was only using those to Diagnose and troubleshoot J2 scriptname BF2142WeaponSheathFixer short doonce short doonce2 short doonce3 short doonce4 short doonce5 short doonce6 short drawn begin onequip ;do this only when it is first equipped set doonce to 0 ;reset the 'j2 equipped in slot5' notification so that it can be shown again later set doonce2 to 0 ;reset the Pipboy is closed notification so that it can again be shown later set doonce4 to 0 ;reset the 'j2 is still in your holster from the first time you equipped it' msg so it can be shown later set drawn to 0 showmessage 2142TestMsg1 ;say 'J2 Equipped' if player.GetItemCount 2142WeapDummy >= 1 player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;remove old dummies endif end begin gamemode ; do this constantly while the weapon is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" ;if j2 is equipped as wpn if doonce == 0 ; if the 'j2 equipped in slot 5' msg has not been seen since last unequipped showmessage 2142TestMsg4 ;say 'J2 Equipped in Slot 5' set doonce to 1 ;indicate that the J2 Equipped in Slot 5 msg has been seen already endif if menumode 1 == 0 ;if pipboy is closed if doonce2 == 0 ;if the Pipboy is Closed message has not been displayed yet showmessage 2142TestMsg5 ;say 'Pipboy is Closed' set doonce2 to 1 ;indicate the Pipboy is Closed message has been seen already endif if player.isWeaponout == 0 ;if weapon is holstered if drawn == 0 ;and it has never been drawn before if doonce4 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last equipping it showmessage 2142TestMsg2 ;say 'J2 is still in your holster from the first time you equipped it' set doonce4 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said set doonce5 to 0 ;reset the Weapon is Drawn msg validation since it has been holstrd endif endif if drawn == 1 ;if weapon has been drawn before if doonce3 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last holstering it showmessage 2142TestMsg3 ;say 'J2 Holstered again' player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 set doonce3 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said set doonce5 to 0 ;reset the Weapon is Drawn msg validation since it has been holstrd endif endif endif if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;if weapon is drawn set drawn to 1 ;indicate that weapon has been drawn set doonce3 to 0 ;reset the 'j2 holstered again' message so that it can be said again if doonce5 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last drawing it showmessage 2142TestMsg6 ;say 'J2 Drawn' player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;delete any dummies set doonce5 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said endif endif endif if menumode 1 == 1 ;if pipboy is open set doonce2 to 0 ;reset the 'pipboy is closed' msg so that it can be displayed again endif endif end dummy scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin onequip ;when equipped, do this once showmessage 2142TestMsg7 ;say 'Dummy Equipped' end begin gamemode ;do this constantly while dummy is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" ;if Dummy is equipped as wpn if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;and weapon is drawn showmessage 2142TestMsg8 ;say 'Unequipping Dummy, switching to J2' player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 ;switch to J2 else ;otherwise return ;do nothing endif endif end
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