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Everything posted by Skree000

  1. scriptname BF2142WeaponSheathFixer short doonce short doonce2 short doonce3 short doonce4 short doonce5 short doonce6 short drawn begin onequip ;do this only when it is first equipped set doonce to 0 set doonce4 to 0 showmessage 2142TestMsg1;say 'J2 Equipped' if player.GetItemCount 2142WeapDummy >= 1 player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 100 1 ;remove old dummies endif end begin gamemode ; do this constantly while the weapon is in inventory if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife";if j2 is equipped as wpn if doonce == 0 showmessage 2142TestMsg4 ;say 'J2 Equipped in Slot 5' set doonce to 1 endif if menumode 1 == 0 ; if pipboy is closed if doonce2 == 0 showmessage 2142TestMsg5 ;say 'Pipboy is Closed' set doonce2 to 1 endif if player.isWeaponout == 0 ;if weapon is holstered if drawn == 0 ;and it has never been drawn before if doonce4 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last equipping it showmessage 2142TestMsg2 ;say 'J2 is still in your holster from the first time you equipped it' set doonce4 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said endif endif if drawn == 1 ;if weapon has been drawn before if doonce3 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last holstering it showmessage 2142TestMsg3 ;say 'J2 Holstered again' set doonce3 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said set doonce5 to 0 ;reset the Weapon is Drawn msg validation since it has been holstrd set doonce6 to 1 endif endif endif if player.isWeaponout == 1 ;if weapon is drawn set drawn to 1 ;indicate that weapon has been drawn set doonce3 to 0 ;reset the 'j2 holstered again' message so that it can be said again if doonce5 == 0 ;and i have not received this msg yet since last drawing it showmessage 2142TestMsg6 ;say 'J2 Drawn' set doonce5 to 1 ;indicate that this message has already been said endif endif endif endif endif end this code basically gives textual updates as to everything that happens, as it happens, perfectly. Im very surprised When you equip something in your pipboy, it says that it is equipped. When you close your pipboy, it says the pipboy is closed, then tells you what slot the weapon is in (5) when you close your pipboy and the weapon is still holstered (from it just being equipped), it says so When you draw the weapon anytime, it says that it has been drawn When you holster the weapon anytime, it says that it has been holstered now all i need to do is swap out those message-notifications with actions. actions like additem Dummy, equip dummy, etc etc edit: wait i think im missing a step... it doesnt say 'weapon is still sheathed from the first time it has been equipped' more than one time.. After that it jus tsays 'j2 is holstered' when you equip it while its holstered. think i gotta ensure teh Doonce conditions are refreshed upon equipping
  2. ok i made significant progress using feedback ShowMessage updates, as you draw and holster, first draw, first holster, and while holstered during equip etc ive managed to cause it to give messages telling me it acknowledges these events.... standby ill keep you posted... think im on the verge of this...
  3. oooh ooh JUST FOUND THIS: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/MenuMode it might allow me to add a check for whether or not the Pipboy menu is open.... i wonder if MenuMode can be preceded by Get or Set okay some progress in this area when the Pipboy is open and i type 'menumode 1' into the console, it replies : Menumode 1 == 1.00 when the pipboy is closed, i type 'menumode 1' into the console, it replies : Menumode 1 == 0.00
  4. yup read that a few mins ago and added a delay between the add and equip on the j2... to help diagnose i put a ShowMessage of 'J2 holstered' in there, whenever the conditions were met to holster it and add/equip the other... but the message never popped up when i used the timer... i just noticed that weapons auto-holster when you open the pipboy to manage your inventory, so, for example, when you equip the J2, it starts out holstered, but the pipboy is also up.... i think this can be checked with a command called GetControlsDisabled (which Returns true if any of the player's controls are currently disabled. ) maybe i can adapt that as an additional conditional, to ensure the dummy is never swapped while players controls are disabled? edit: no luck with the GetControlsDisabled... it always seems to give 0.00, that all functions are enabled, even when the pipboy is open... i dont get that at all
  5. yeppers, my geck shortcut uses "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fose_loader.exe" -editor and my FOMM loads the game thru FOSE also ill try those changes, standby ;)
  6. ok changed the scripts to (J2 script) begin onequip player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 100 1 if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" if player.isWeaponout == 0 player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 endif endif end (dummyscript) scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin onequip if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" if player.isWeaponout == 1 player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 else return endif endif end however now whenever i equip the J2 combat knife, it auto equips the dummy, nomatter what... (i added the remove command at the beginning of the J2 code to remove accumulated dummies that were piling up) also it wont let me unequip the J2 combat knife, when i try from pipboy, i hear 2 equip noises back to back and its equipped again. (that might be because i had the weapon out while i was trying?)
  7. Thanks very much :) i tried it out and it says first that there was some syntax errors with the if statement, so i ended them with endifs... then i found that it would run the scripts whenever ANY weapon was out, so i added a conditional to make it only happen when those specific weapons are drawn... now the problem is, when i equip the J2 knife, it freezes up... here are my two codes as they stand now with your modifications. scriptname J2CombatKnife begin gameMode if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapJ2CombatKnife" if player.isWeaponout == 0 player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 0 1 endif endif end scriptname BF2142DummyWeaponSheathFixer begin gameMode if player.GetEquippedObject 5 == "2142WeapDummy" if player.isWeaponout == 1 player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 endif endif end i tried it with the returns and it still froze up... so i omitted them, no change. does 'return' simply do nothing and move to the next line in the script?
  8. Hiya y'all. This pertains to a mod im working on that isnt exactly for oblivion (its for Fo3) but it uses the same script language, basically... I have a really simple concept im trying to get working but i cant seem to figure it out cos im a scripting nub. The idea is i have 2 knives, the J2 Combat Knife, and a dummy placeholder. I want the J2Combat Knife to behave normally until it is sheathed, at which point a dummy placeholder appears in the place of the sheathed weapon. When that dummy is drawn, the J2Combat Knife comes back into your hand instead. (all this is to alleviate the problem i created when i made a dagger with reverse grip, since when you hold it reversed, it sheathes reversed too, and sticks up in the air and outwards. (i just flipped it in nifskope) So my plan was to have an original (unflipped) version, that it swaps to whenever you sheath it. And if that weapon is ever drawn, the reverse one, comes back so, i implemented 2 codes, one attached to either weapon, and now Fallout3 freezes up when i try to equip the J2 knife from my bags. here are the two code blocks J2CombatKnife script: Begin Gamemode player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;remove any pre-existing dummies If player.IsWeaponOut == 0 ;if weapon is Sheathed/Holstered... player.additem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;add and equip the dummy knife player.equipitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 endif End Dummyknife Script: begin onequip if player.IsWeaponOut == 1 ;if weapon IS drawn player.equipitem 2142WeapJ2CombatKnife 0 1 ;replace it with the J2 knife endif end begin onunequip player.removeitem 2142WeapDummy 1 1 ;if dummy is ever unequipped, destroy it so it doesnt show up in bags, etc. end (PS. Also, if there is a way to hide things from the inventory window, that would be ideal, since Dummy object is not meant to be seen in there ... =( Thankyou SO much if any of you Oblivion modding veterans can help little ol me out with this problem. You will get big hugs and credits when the mod is done :) Thankyou again if you can help at all!
  9. sounds really cool Holty! I like the sounds of this alot
  10. i have 'given back' to the CSS community hehe You can use this anywhere youd like ;) lol http://www.fpsbanana.com/sprays/51482
  11. yea, they stole my ideas lol, those pics i made back in fall of 2007! =/
  12. those are mockups i made in photoshop created as proof of concept, i didnt really plan on making it, but if someone wants to they can use them :)
  13. Havok is not a game engine, its a module. its like a muffler on a car, but just because two cars share the same muffler doesnt mean you can swap out engine parts and they will guaranteed fit. CSS uses Valve's proprietary source engine, Fallout3 uses Bethesda's a modified Gamebryo/Netimmerse engine.
  14. i think it should be possible to make it so you can steal clothes right off someone while they wear them would require a script that forces target to unequip their apparel items. The problem would be making it so you can see what the apparel items are in the pickpocket window, so you can choose whether or not to steal them off the person. Perhaps the script would (upon going into pickpocket mode), activate, and, duplicate targets apparel item, put it in their inventory proper, when you close the pickpocket window w/o stealing it, it is deleted. If you successfully steal the item, it forces the wearer to strip off their apparel, then deletes one of the two copies, and you get one. Reason being, you cant see something in a persons inventory while its equipped. So that would be a way around that.
  15. anything is possible but for that it would require an astronomical amount of coding i would imagine, that would work dynamically to detect this variable and that.... in the end it might be better to make a script that forces the companion to stay behind you if they see an enemy, they never stand in front of you
  16. i think so, but unless they drastically coded it differently, it doesnt handle or behave like any motorcycle in any other game, no momentum or special physics, stop on a dime and go super fast on a dime etc. I could be wrong though.. try it and lemme know id be keen to find out if they did make some developments
  17. alternate starts are so exciting! i commend you for your efforts :)
  18. welcome to the fold, brother *tents fingers sagely* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pS7sKjlzwFg/R5yGh1lpuRI/AAAAAAAABN0/v3Vcsg0en7I/s320/MrBurns.gif
  19. i think so, but im not 100% sure. If you ask at this thread here, they will definitely know. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/515/erywyewyew.jpg
  20. ok first and foremost, do you have experience working in 3d, and/or have you made the hairstyle yet? while you answer that question, grab the Conformulator: http://www.psychodogstudios.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4943 also grab Niftools plugin for Max, Blender or Maya (whichever yo uuse) also grab Nifskope Also grab the latest updated version of GECK if you havent updated since its initial release.
  21. In max, you can apply a Skin Wrap to an existing skinned mesh to make additions to its skin mod. Additionally you can alter the geometry by applying editable poly modifiers, making your changes, then dropping the editable poly modifier down below the skin modifier, and hit 'Collapse TO' on that, which will Upwards-collapse the geometry into it, without wiping out your Skin modifier. Max is a PITA for skinning if you arent 100% sure what you are doing, there is a 99% chance you will screw something up, so make sure you back up the file often in iterations so you can go back at any point and resume what you were doingl. Before you do ANY skin mods to a skinned mesh in max, take the bones and move them around and set keyframes in different stretch positions in your slider bar, and scrub through the animation often so you can see in realtime if your skin-changes are making things better, or worse. Ideally your 'neutral pose' is saved at Frame -1. then track your timeline across so the -1 frame goes off the bar, so it cannot be touched. Be VERY careful. Skin modifiers are like a house of cards. Without special care it all falls apart. There is no 'easy button' in max, just hard, painful work, looking at each and every vertex. You can paint weights liberally and/or use envelopes to get general shapes skinned okay, but in the end you will always have to get down and dirty with the vertices. -------- Okay assuming you seriously want to do this, import your fallout3 skeleton.nif into max and save that as a seperate file. Import your armor into that file on top of your skeleton, it will automatically reference the skelly to the skin of the mesh. As stated above, to see how the skin reacts to different bone rotations, use the rotate tool along with various points on the time slider, and Set Keys for the bones in various rotations (just dont change the neutral pose, youll need to go back to that for exporting). You will see right before your eyes if things get clippy or distorted at this point. To modify the weighting, in the Skin Modifier, click Edit Envelopes, then check off 'Vertices [ ]' Then click the little Wrench icon, this is your vertex weighting toolbox. It will allow you to see what vertices are influenced by what bones, and to fix any problems. Also handy near the end is to open your Vertex tree and 'remove all zero weights' since those are useless.
  22. show some pics of your mesh in geck preview window, in nifskope, as well as the nifskope data block tree fully expanded with all nodes showing. additionally tell us what you want it to look like, if there are any parts that you want to be a specific material type, or others you want to look different from the rest, etc. I am going to hazard a guess the answer lies in your BSNoLighting nodes, if you have any.
  23. show some pics of what it looks like to help clarify did you mess with nif files? or just textures and Geck?
  24. imho, speaking frankly here, whoever says they will only distro a certain mod to brothers in arms on the net is a moron. Honestly. Not sure who or what mod exactly you are referring to but anyone obliging others to produce RL infoz for a ficticious game mod... well... that makes me want to smack my head against the wall, really. btw this might be a thread better suited for the Off Topic forum section since it does not pertain specifically to Fallout3 and if you are seeking opinions of a greater number of masses, then that would be the way to go (just report the thread yourself and ask it be moved or somethin :/
  25. I think so, but im not sure 100%... you should ask here: (they will know for sure) http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/515/erywyewyew.jpg
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