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Posts posted by HadToRegister

  1. On 5/6/2024 at 1:08 PM, ZoldFrog said:

    When a mod is installed, Vortex adds it to the Staging folder. When you remove a mod from Vortex, deployed or not, it is removing it not only from Vortex but also the Staging folder. If the mod(s) has also been deployed, the remove function is removing it from Vortex, the Staging folder and the game. The cycling indicator displays while it is completing this process, regardless of whether it is being removed from the Staging folder or both the game & Staging folder. 

    THe way I use VOrtex, I break the Links between the staging folder and game folder, when I edit an ESP, so I'm assuming that the edited ESP, because of the broken link, will let the edited ESP stay in the DATA folder rather than being purged, because it would be a real pain in the ass to have to re-edit the esp every single time Vortex does something.

  2. The "View all 2,850 games" button does NOTHING.
    I had to manually type in \games\ in the url myself, to get the the screen where all the game on the Nexus are listed, the button seems dead.
    My browser usually displays the address bar in blue when it's changing URLs, but the "View All" button elicits no response or action in my browser (Vivaldi Browser, Chrome based) 

  3. 1 hour ago, zixi said:

    That is certainly what it was doing to me. It would cycle several times through the 'challenge' and then I'd then be 'allowed' on for a bit and then it would repeat. Finally, it wouldn't allow me to look at the forum here or post - I'd get a refusal of service because I'd used up my 'allowance' but I could add images etc on the other end of the site. And I downloaded OK. 

    Yea, if I went to another tab and maybe watched a YouTube video or something, then came back to the Nexus Tab, and clicked on something like a Mod, or tried to select a game from my custom list of games, or sometimes just switching back to the Nexus tab from another tab, it would dump me to the "Checking for Secure Connection" with the captcha. Thankfully I didn't have to go through several captchas though, it would just be that one checkbox captcha thing.
    I get enough of Captchas just trying to log into the Epic Game store or "Purchasing" a free game on Epic.

  4. 8 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

    The announcement automatically turned off a few hours ago - we hadn't expected it to be a problem this long. 

    I never saw any announcement, and I reported this yesterday.
    Was this about getting kicked out and having to go through the "Checking if connection is secure" problem that I mentioned in my first post?


  5. 3 hours ago, Eolhin said:

    In the new list of games whose forums will be under the Club forum format and are migrating, Skyrim is only listed once...  Skyrim, and Skyrim Special Edition are separate on the mods side.  I am not sure how separate they were before on the forums side, but the comments under a given mod that existed for both versions, but with changes, were definitely separate before.  Are the two 'games' going to be separate sub-categories under the Club, or will there actually be separate clubs for them?

    Oh god, I hope so, we went through that waaaaaaay back in the day when Morrowind and Oblivion Mods got tossed into one section.
    Whenever I run across a rogue Morrowind or Oblivion mod in the wrong section, I make sure to report it so it can be moved to the correct section

  6. 10 minutes ago, AugustaCalidia said:

    The  Oblivion comments are being migrated into the new forums (communities? clubs?).  I visited the old Oblivion forums a bit ago, and there are several thousand pages of comments in the process of migration.  There's no problem in reading the individual comments.  However, there is no search capability.

    Here's the Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/180-oblivion-mod-troubleshooting/

    OK that's good news, and a couple of pages back I believe one of the Moderators said that they are working on adding the search capability, so it looks like things will eventually even out.

  7. On 11/29/2023 at 5:36 PM, Zanderat said:

    Re: clubs.  Subforums keep things, organized.  Not sure why the existing sub forums weren't retained.


    So hang on, so decade old posts that tell somebody how to properly use a decade old mod for a decade old game like Oblivion are going away?
    Some of those posts were invaluable, and were the only posts in existence that could help someone use particular mods etc.

    Same thing happened a few years ago with Oblivion Reloaded when the mod author closed down the comment section of his "Reloaded" mods, ALL the established troubleshooting posts, and how to properly use the mod and find the INI files to edit etc, all disappeared with the press of a button.

  8. 17 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

    Oh, I think we're talking about slightly different things. I was looking at a Community page, for example Oblivion - the page you get if you come from mods and click Community -> Forums from the top menu. On such a Community page you have topics on the left and feed on the right. That feed includes posts by users that you're ignoring, complete with exerpts. I did not expect that. That feed is also badly clogged by bot messages about deleted user accounts. So I initially tried to ignore the bot hoping that these messages would disappear, but no luck. I then ignored a normal user, and the same thing - their messages still appear in the feed. I didn't check the actual thread though.

    Oh ok, I'm getting confused with all the different things now LOL

  9. 1 hour ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

    Ignoring users doesn't seem to work. I tried to ignore Nexus Site Bot (sorry, Nexus) so as to get rid of all the posts about accounts being deleted. But the posts are still shown, even though I ticked "ignore posts" in the settings. They completely clog the feed.

    Ignore users works, but it just shows "You've chosen to ignore content by NAME" then OPTIONS.

    I can confirm it's working, in this particular thread.

  10. What I miss the most, which was an invaluable tool, was being able to search the Comments for MODS in the mod section.
    Instead of having to trudge through hundreds of pages of comments on a mod page, I was able to use the "(Now missing) "Search Forum" button and use the Search Box to quickly find any Mod comment that pertained to my search term.

    This is especially missed for older games such as Oblivion etc, where I need to search for old comments for a refresher on any quirks with a mod etc.

  11. Are there settings to reduce the default fonts for the forum, they are very very large, even "TheVampireDante's" name gets messed up when they post and now it shows in the Author column as:



  12. One thing (just a tiny detail) that I'd like to see reverted/changed is (I forget the name of this), the Icon that shows up in the browser Tab used to be unique to the Forums, and different from the Game Mods Sections, which made it really easy to know which tab was the Forum, and which tab(s) were the Game Mods Tabs, now the Browser tab icon for the forum is the same as the game mods section, which, if you have a few Nexus tabs open, it's impossible to tell which one is the Forum tab now.

    Also, is there any way to change the size of the Forum? Some of it seems really IN YOUR FACE now, like I'm majorly zoomed in. I know I can use the CTRL+Mouse wheel to set the size in my browser, but I'm wondering if there are any user settings that can be made?

    Also, I've lost over 7K posts in my post count. Where did they go?

  13. So, for the people "having the same issue", have any of you clicked on the OP's SPOILER button and compared your Load order with OP'S?
    One of the things that OP's 450 esp/esl load order is missing is a BASH PATCH. Yea, there's a specific bash patch, but not one that covers the entire load order (*WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp)
    (OP didn't mention it was a collection or not)

    Also, for the people using "Collections", are you just using the Collection AS-IS (as you should be), and not adding anything else, or are you haphazardly thinking you can install several collections together, and/or installing a collection and believing you now have a 'stable base" that you can pile other mods that you want?

    Have all the mods in the collection been updated for the version of the game you're playing? Because this can be an issue as well, and there's not much to do about it.

  14. Yes, I'm necroing, but I didn't want to keep making thread after thread addressing this.

    This message ("Disk access failed repeatedly." Related to "Found an application state backup"), does not show up when managing the Witcher 3, just Skyrim AE so far.

    More importantly, the PC this that Vortex is installed, is the same PC I regularly do Video and Audio editing in a DAW and Video Editing Software, using Reaper, Sound Forge, Acid Pro, Vegas Pro, et al, and My Audio and Video, renders, records, and plays back just fine, so this leads me to the conclusion that there is something in the Base Package of whatever Vortex is built on, that is having a problem, because Vortex is the only program that complains about this. Even chkdsk and other disk tools don't complain.

    Because if the error message was right, I would be experiencing Lost Frames, Audio Dropouts, Rendering Errors and a myriad of other things in my Audio and Video Projects which sometimes rely on multiple Virtual Instruments STREAMING From and Back to the Hard Drives, which would make any Audio and Video work impossible.

  15. SO I like to follow the Morrowind May Mod-a-thon, but I haven't seen any article posting the results or the winners, I don't see any links in the article announcing the Mod-a-thon results either.

    Are the results still being compiled?
    The Mod-a-thon is where I find most of my Morrowind Mods

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