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Everything posted by Syco21

  1. Not enough Tiberium in Morrowind for her tastes. http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/167057-tiberium.jpg
  2. Give me a few examples of some threads that you feel have been thoroughly derailed as to require being locked/split.
  3. I definitely agree with you for the most part. My main issue is with the rigid demand for staying on topic. In a mod comment thread, this is usually very understandable. In a debate this can be counterproductive. Not to mention that if you have to create a new thread for every minor tangent, the debate section will become crowded and chaotic very quickly. Again, counterproductive.
  4. I don't think this section should be moderated the same as other sections. A different form of discussion takes place here than in other sections, and that should be considered.
  5. I don't see an issue with the debate section. It's pretty tame here, aside from the few times people get outta hand.
  6. I thought pneumonia was supposed to be bad? I feel like a walk in the park!
  7. The Empire is not from whatever this Sheeptonia thing is.
  8. You look a bit silly trying to put cuffs on a hologram. :whistling:
  9. *orders his destroyers to lock onto Thor's marines and fire* Fire the plasma weapons! Leave not a single blade of grass standing, everything shall perish!
  10. I know there are harsh feelings for Ginnyfizz because she wasn't elected Queen but there won't be a queen of anything if we are annihilated! Besides most monarchies have two rulers! A king and a queen, but maybe we need a queen and a queen. A wise queen who has ruled for a long time and a young energetic queen who thinks they can take on the universe! Why can't we at least get along so the Lounge isn't destroyed? :( Please?? I wouldn't call your queen wise or benevolent. She is, afterall, fully willing and ready to sacrifice the lives of her subjects in a vain attempt to protect her authority. She cares only for the throne and herself. She does not even know how to fight. Facing certain annihilation, all she has offered up for your defense is a couple subs, a few stealth bombers and a solitary mech. All of which is totally useless against the fleet of dreadnaughts orbiting your planet as we speak. Yet once again, all she is concerned with is remaining in her throne. Join the Empire, we can and will protect our citizens.
  11. Really? That is depressing. I used PES pretty much exclusively for Morrowind and Oblivion mods. :(
  12. Pretty sure Obamacare does most of that.
  13. Still lots of talk and no action. Aurieless had lost relevancy, he's scared to go head to head in a fight. Rather he just throws around words and puffs up his chest like the big bad. We all know the truth, he's just full of hot, stinky air.
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/Streakfury/not-sure-if-serious.jpg
  15. <br>No, I want your world to surrender. But even so, the Empire is not looking to subjugate slaves. Either you join the Empire, stand aside or you will perish. We care not which path you take. <br><br> <br>Yawn. All bark and no bite.<br><br>*orders the Fifth Fleet to seek out and destroy Aurielius' location"<br><br> <br>Feel the need to hide? What a coward!<br><br>[quote name=K00L' timestamp='1340747901' post='5659867]I'd really prefer to avoid having my homeland glassed, and I'm sure all of you would too. <br>Don't be so quick to assume, "Thor" just moments ago was <i>begging</i> me to bomb your lands!<br><br><br><br><br> <br>And in the meanwhile we are laying waste to your cities and villages. You constantly attempt to hold back any active resistance, all the while encouraging passive resistance knowing full well that it's going to get people killed faster. You are a traitor, a self serving individual with no allegiance to anyone but yourself. You have proven this time and again, first abandoning your queen, GinnyFizz, then imploring me to bomb Brokenergy. <br><br>Why anyone would trust you is beyond me. <br><br> <br><img src="http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r2/SycoGod/59.gif"> <br>
  16. They don't need to, they can talk to the grass and the grass can explain it!
  17. Glassing, in the civilized part of the universe, is the act of carrying out a scorched earth policy.
  18. Don't worry, you wont have to. It's only a matter of time now before the grass passes on the recipe to every other plant on the planet, allowing them to spread the poison through the air.
  19. What kind of Queen just sits back and laughs as her homeland is being glassed? *gives a disapproving nod*
  20. Clearly this is revenge for the fires that, while mostly accidental, were all caused by people(transformers, power lines, stupid welders). It's a conspiracy I tell you!
  21. The grass has spontaneously started producing cyanide in my county.
  22. Brokenergy will fold to our cause as soon as I reveal our secret weapon.
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