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  1. Everyone says that "institutional racism" in America is a lie. But if anyone bothers to look closely, America's FHA, as a prerequisite to making Federally guaranteed loans, once required neighborhoods to have bylaws which precluded people from buying houses unless they were members of the Caucasian race. These blatantly racist covenants still exist in every American State, but are particularly prevalent in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri, Virginia, West Virginia, and North and South Carolina. And house ownership is just ONE example. Entire communities were labeled "red zones" if there was a single resident who wasn't "of the Caucasian race". Red zones got fewer federal monies for schools, roads, electricity, water, sewage and waste disposal, as the money was all relegated to communities which had enforced covenants. And people like Mitch McConnell have the audacity to say there is no systemic racism in America. Hell, red zones still exist. Only now, they are call "distressed neighborhoods" or "ghettos" or "slums" or "poor neighborhoods", as if the inhabitants created the problem because the FHA wouldn't loan them or their parents the money to finance a decent home in Levettown.
  2. In the past, Robin Scott has proclaimed loudly and often that authors would always have complete control over their mods. That is no longer true; so, either Robin deliberately lied, or he sacrificed his promise on the the alter of profit. In either case, Robin is unapologetic for this policy change. So, I and others have chosen to exercise the last bit of control we have left to us and have taken Robin up on his offer to delete all our mods. It isn't "nerd rage". It isn't petulance. It isn't spite. It isn't mod packs or collections. It is simply that some of us feel Robin has betrayed us and we no longer want to be associated with our betrayer, or to allow our betrayer to profit from our work.
  3. Around the world, there are many women who cannot lactate and children who have lost their mothers. Wet nurses will bottle their milk or nurse children other than their own to sustain children who are victims of these circumstances. These women are revered in some cultures. The fetish involving lactating women who nurse adults for "fun and profit" is an aberration, as are most fetishes. The industry created so rich women can raise "breast fed" children without ever actually suckling the child by hiring a wet nurse is just asinine. Edit: the movie I think you are referring too is Shoot 'em Up with Clive Owen. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465602/
  4. First, it would help to remember that in the southern states, voter fraud is defined as "voting for a democrat". And remember, all the Republican Senators from those self same Southern States who believe the Big Lie (the election was stolen from Lying Little Donnie) voted against a federal level voting rights law. Why do you suppose that is? Oh, yeah! I remember! They gotta keep all those folks who just ain't quite white enough from voting. Why do I believe this. In 1977, I was home in my native village and a black man walked into the tavern. He wasn't the first black man I had ever seen, but he was the biggest. We got to talking and I learned he worked at one of the local logging camps. Every week thereafter, we met and talked. I told him about my youth in a Regional Residential Indian School and he told me about his youth in the Jim Crow South. At the age of seven, his uncle was castrated and hung from a tree for participating in a parade honoring WWII Veterans, which he was. At age nine his cousin was beaten to death and then hung and castrated for "looking at a white woman". At age fourteen, his younger sister was raped and her eviscerated body left in a "blacks only" park. At sixteen, his father was hung from his own front porch with a burning cross on his front lawn for the crime of attempting to register to vote. That same year, 37 black people were killed in Mississippi for attempting to register to vote. The school and church he attended were firebombed, as were four of his neighbors homes. Three women were dragged into the local community square and beaten and burned to death for teaching people how to fill out a ballot. So the next time someone spouts "it's all about voter fraud prevention", you know the truth. It is part of the centuries old racist attempt to disenfranchise black voters. Black voters commit voting fraud. Remember, voter fraud is defined as "voting for a democrat".
  5. Don't care. All you prove is you didn't read a word I said. Meaning, I am glad you blocked me because it means the conversation would have never gone anywhere with you. Also, pointing it out shows how mature you are .. aka not at all. Edit: Honestly, it seems people here overuse the ignore function over disagreements, reminds me of twitter. I really don't understand what is so hard about having a conversation. I can understand ignoring people over petty insults or just plain trolling (actual trolling) ... but some users on this site ... no wonder nexus didn't bother telling you all to begin with. They probably were well aware of how some of you don't want to listen to anything but what is in agreement with you. Also, I am going to make this clear for the rest of you. Ignoring those who disagree with you isn't going to lead to anything good. Why would anyone listen to what you have to say when you are unwilling to listen yourself? You might as well leave now. And I am not saying listen ... as in agree with me. But ignoring people you disagree with is not the way to do things, that just shows how insignificant you think your own arguments are that you don't even want to see someone point out what they disagree with. I have no issue with those who disagree with me, I do have an issue with those who imply that I am mentally deficient for disagreeing with them. I do have an issue with people who lie to support their point. I do have an issue with people who take things out of context and twist them into something I never said. I do have an issue with people who step into the middle of a conversation, derail that conversation, and will not allow the conversation to get back on track. This thread is titled "Trying to Understand". But you are not here to understand, or help others understand. You are here to defend Robin and convince those of us who disagree with Robin and his actions of the righteousness of your cause. You do not give two hoots about understanding. You are here under a false flag. In short, you are a troll.
  6. This isn't based on reality. I don't think you realize how difficult it is to run a site as large as Nexus Mods. There is a lot of work that gets put into it, way more work than most mods on this site. And it's not even just the site that they have put work into, but mod managers as well. They even created a community that is probably more willing to throw some money at mod developers than most communities out there. They even created a point system to try and give back. It's not something they ever had to do, but they did. You are not going to find that pretty much anywhere else. And if you think it's strictly the mod authors that built this site. Then go ahead, build a competing site. No one is stopping you from doing so. Now as for whether or not you can scorch it all. Sorry, but that would require way more mod authors being on your side. It isn't about "fortitude" it's about a difference of opinion. This isn't based on reality. I don't think you realize how difficult it is to run a site as large as Nexus Mods. There is a lot of work that gets put into it, way more work than most mods on this site. And it's not even just the site that they have put work into, but mod managers as well. They even created a community that is probably more willing to throw some money at mod developers than most communities out there. They even created a point system to try and give back. It's not something they ever had to do, but they did. You are not going to find that pretty much anywhere else. And if you think it's strictly the mod authors that built this site. Then go ahead, build a competing site. No one is stopping you from doing so. Now as for whether or not you can scorch it all. Sorry, but that would require way more mod authors being on your side. It isn't about "fortitude" it's about a difference of opinion. No one is discounting the effort required to keep this site going, however, without mod authors, it wouldn't be here. At all. There would be no reason for it. Ya, but the same can be true if you remove any factor. Without users, mod authors wouldn't upload it as there would be no point and they certainly wouldn't get any recognition, donations, or anything really. Without some site like this, the mod authors wouldn't have a place to upload it too, or they may not get the traffic that comes from a site like this. Functionally none of it can really work as well as it does missing any piece. Nexus mods started in 2001/2 with one teeny who thought a fan site and later a mod sharing site would be cool. And with that, Nexus mods was born. It wasn't Nexus mods then, it was Morrowind Chronicles and TESSoucre. But it grew as more authors got together to share their mods with each other and to share what they knew. It was authors who created the foundation for nexus, and it is mod authors which keep it alive. Users are secondary and probably tertiary to the work of most mod authors. Personally, I make mods for me. Not users, and certainly not for nexus. And when pressed, most authors will tell you the same. There are other sites where mod authors congregate to share our work with each other. Sites without users to tell us who and what we are. Sites where we can share what we learn and talk about mods and modding. Sites without the constant pestering of entitled users who think they are our sole reason for existence. The ONLY thing that nexus has going for it, is that it is the largest site of it's kind. But, it is certainly not the only site of it's kind. And no, I will not name them here, lest they be discovered and inundated by users like yourself. Finally, this current debacle isn't about much more than an aversion to Robin's duplicity. Robin has told authors since the days of Morrowind Chronicles and TESSoucre that Authors owned their work and would always have complete control over their content. Turns out, Robin lied. He has changed his mind and now feels perfectly entitled to take ownership or the content created by authors and to keep that appropriated content to improve his corporate profitability. Robin has gone from mod author, in it for fun, to entitled mod user, in it for himself and some money. So prattle on in your ignorance. Your posts demonstrate quite clearly you have no understanding or comprehension of the issues involved, the history behind the issues, or the people involved. They also demonstrate that you have no wish to actually understand the issues, but are here simply to troll.
  7. I understand that, which is why those who disagree have the option to just use a different platform to distribute their mods, or if they feel the need to ... just keep them for themselves. The issue here is people who disagree with Nexus don't seem to want to make a decision. No one here is telling you are not allowed to disagree. What is being said is that you have to make a choice at some point. If you are only staying here because you think maybe if you hold out long enough or complain long enough ... maybe they will retract their decision ... then you are the ones who need to convince them they should do that. What you all are doing isn't in the least bit convincing though. It's just a back and forth between those who agree with one another without any offering any solutions. It's more or less just "I don't like it, don't do it". And anytime an admin goes into an explanation, no one seems to actually respond to it in a way that they can do anything with. And rather than coming up with solutions to the problems they bring up, many of you just ignore it ... some throw insults, threaten them, say they are lying. It's just a bunch of people pointing fingers without any conversation actually happening even when the other side tries. There are two things you fail to comprehend. First, it is us authors that built Nexus Mods. Not Robin Scott. Without mod authors, Robin is just a snotty nosed teenager with a dream. But we trusted him and his word that we would always have complete control over our mods. It is only lately that we found out he lied. Second, it is authors that have the gold. We have the power to turn Nexus Mods into a wasteland, leaving Robin with just the mods he has appropriated from deceased authors. The only question is whether we authors have enough fortitude to actually implement a scorched earth policy.
  8. Many authors, myself included, already use mirror sites to avoid complete loss in the event one sites goes toes heavenward. It's an eggs/basket kind of thing. Ask your favorite authors about their mirror sites. As for those that say "No Mirror sites", find other authors, ones that understand the benefit of redundancy.
  9. I'm Canadian, but hold dual citizenship. When I was living and working in the US, I had a Washington state drivers license and was constantly solicited to register to vote. So, on a whim, I did. It went through without a hitch. I got my voter registration card with my precinct data and was a registered to vote in Washington. I never did vote, but just the same, I had valid ID and could have voted no problem. Valid IDs do not stop anyone from voting unless you control the access to ID's. And THAT is what is happening. Several jurisdictions have made getting an ID almost impossible. First, they cut the number of locations available for obtaining an ID back to urban and suburban areas, increasing travel for rural folks to obtain Identification. These offices are then scheduled to only open be 0900 to 1600 M-F, requiring folks to take time from work to get an ID. Busy offices are made appointment only and calls from certain area codes are always told "no appointments available". Then they add requirements, like certified birth certificates, official post (bills, bank statements, etc) with both your name and address, proof of employment, fingerprints which are supposed to be used to ensure you ain't a felon, but which frequently get lost and must be retaken, and the list goes on. The whole effort is designed to deny valid ID to certain sectors of the population which are poor, rural and not quite white enough, thus keeping them from the polls. And THAT is why IDs are onerous.
  10. You need to educate yourself. Start here with Nexus' own words : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/771842-copyright-and-you/ He actually did make an effort to do so. He posted that back on page 24, although I expect most of the folks he aimed that at, have already blocked seeing his posts. Yes Sister Druuler. Sorry Sister Druuler. Please don't hit me again, Sister Druuler. I was just trying to help Sister Druuler. I promise to never provide a link to a learning resource again, Sister Druuler. Please, Sister Druuler, don't hit me again. I have no idea why you replied the way you did, as I was being neither accusatory, aggressive or scolding with my post. I was pointing out information that seemed to me that you had missed. My mistake. I shall refrain from interacting with you again, to avoid similar responses. You suffer from SUME disease. You ASSUMED I had not read the subsequent post and, being CONSUMED with your own authoritarian rightness, PRESUMED to "mother superior 'splain me" I was wrong.
  11. You need to educate yourself. Start here with Nexus' own words : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/771842-copyright-and-you/ He actually did make an effort to do so. He posted that back on page 24, although I expect most of the folks he aimed that at, have already blocked seeing his posts. Yes Sister Druuler. Sorry Sister Druuler. Please don't hit me again, Sister Druuler. I was just trying to help Sister Druuler. I promise to never provide a link to a learning resource again, Sister Druuler. Please, Sister Druuler, don't hit me again.
  12. You need to educate yourself. Start here with Nexus' own words : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/771842-copyright-and-you/
  13. Somewhere there is a benevolent deity. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10256993-texmex477-banned/
  14. 74 isn't old enough to be a WW2 Vet BTW, a 74 years old person would've been born in 1947, 2 years after WW2 ended. That's probably why people don't want to talk to you on voice in Discord, because nothing you say is Fact-Based. Born in '46, I'll be 75 in a couple months. Vietnam was the war of my generation. Thanks for the nice words, but the point remains. Mod Authors are being victimized by Nexus Mods. Those that stand up to Robin are being abused by ill informed users.
  15. I am a mod user. I am a mod author. As a mod author, hating mod users would be evidence of me having a mental condition. Since I am reasonably sane at age 74, you can safely assume I do not hate myself or any other mod user. And I am not alone. Being both a mod user and mod author is true for virtually every mod author on Nexus Mods. Consequently, an author does not remove his mods because he hates users. Like me, there are a few users an author may hate, but that list is very short when compared to the thousands of users who download our mods. I have removed my mods. I find the behavior or Robin Scott and Nexus Mods reprehensible. Robin has taken my Intellectual Property, and he is retaining it against my wishes. A friend of mine summed it up in an editorial comment in PCMagazine: "The characterization of the anger of authors being simply about their inability to delete their mods is misleading. A good number of authors are angry because the changes to the ToS and Software which allowed Nexus Mods to archive their Intellectual Property were done in secret. Authors were not informed of the changes until they were a fait accompli. "Robin Scott, the owner of Nexus Mods, claims that he has a contract with mod authors via his ToS, and his business can no longer tolerate authors deleting their content. What Robin does not tell you is that prior to this change, the way mod authors exited their contract with Nexus was by deleting their content. With this change, Robin has trapped mod authors content on his site and effectively taken ownership of the mod authors Intellectual Property. He has offered no easy route out of the contract\ and no course for remediation other than going, hat in hand, to Robin and pleading for his blessing". I would add that the removal of the ability of authors to delete their Intellectual Property was also implemented in secret. We were not told about this until well after Robin began archiving our Mods. I would also like to add that the phrase "If you don't like the way things are, take your mods and leave" was heard often in the MA forums. Disgruntled Authors were encouraged to delete their mods and go away. This path to the exit has now been barred to Authors. We can leave, but we cannot take our mods with us. So, it is not "Us vs Them". It Mod Authors' Rights Vs Robin Scott and Nexus Mods.
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